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Show The Big Horse Fair Success! Notwithstanding the unfavorable unfavor-able prospects which immediately preceded it, the horso fair on Saturday was the biggest kind of n success. There were not as many animals shown, perhaps a3 on some former occasions, but they were generally in much better condition, the- competition wdi keener and closer than ever before, be-fore, and apparently, flip judging gave greater sutUf'Jstiou. The weather, on Friday was so forbidding that nnny thought the show would bo postpone, pg.'In and as a matter o? fact, quite a number of anirnals were kept at home on this account Hut ihi weather man did his best for us, owing to the ceaseless inportuni-ties inportuni-ties of Moses Thatcher Jr., and a really fine day resulted. A big crowd witnessed the parade par-ade which occurred on time a really remarkable thing and although al-though it is a long way down to the driving park, hundreds journeyed jour-neyed thither to sec the judging don's. James Hat? of Salt Lake was the judge and he seemed to be thoroughly onto his job. Anyway he gave general satisfaction. Of course he couldn't please everybody every-body and a very good thing about him ho didn't try lo. Prof CYinc, Dr. Frederick, and Geo. Dunbar helped him nil they could so that the judging didn't drag.As soon as one lot was taken away the next was brought on. Mr. Hue himself was delighted with the show, and had i ht of compliments for Cache horse-owners, horse-owners, lie was greatly imprc ssed by the display of colts. In the yearling class he admitted that he was nearly stumped.all the ysung stcrs being so good that h? disliked dis-liked to put one ahead of the other. The awards follow: Thoroughbred F. Woods, of Trenton. Stallion 1 yr. and under 3 Craig's "Delbril". l'erchcron Stallions 4 and over, Smith's "Ali" lst;Milco of Hyde Park, 2nd; Alma Mathcw's "Adam," 3rd; "Glorio" of Providence Provi-dence 4th. Pcrchcron Stallion 3 and under 4, Smiths' "Sutchett" 1st; Pcrkcs' "Guibert" 2nd; "Co-quettc" "Co-quettc" owned by Newton Horse Co., 3rd. Best Pcrchcron Stallion and two of his get, "Milo""of Hyde Park 1st, "Ali," 2nd. Champion Percherou Stallion nny age. "Ali" 1st; "Sutchett" 2nd. Colts under one year pure bred. Mr. Hillyard's horse ofSmithficld. Shires Horse owned ly Mill-ville Mill-ville Co., named ""Wngrc". Grade mares 4 years and over. "Queen" owned by Ilcnryllrjieey of Hyde Park; "Bess" owned by City Marshal Petersen 2nd; "Win. Morgan's marc 3rd; 'Henry's other marc 4th. Grade mares 2 and under 3. Mnrshal Petersen's mare first; Win, Morgans 2nd, Mr. Anderson's Ander-son's of College 3rd; Mr. Bcesc's of Benson 4th. Grade Colts 1 and under 2. Arthur Eames 1st; Mr.Ballantyuc 2nd; Henry Hancey 3rd; Win. Beii'dncnu, 4th. Standard bred drivers Riley Kents "Gen'l Sherwood" 1st, Mr. Loggott's "Paolus," "Junius of Fairfield," and "Brown Rex" 2nd, 3rd and 4th, respectively. It may bo well to mention here, the fact that Mr. Leggett camo up from Ogden with a car of fine animals, and he certainly exhibited exhibi-ted some beauties. He is a great lover of fine horses and Cache county horsemen greatly' appreciate appre-ciate the interest he showed in the fair. Colt by standard bred horse Julius Jacobscns animal first; Mr. Jensen of Millville 2nd; Mr. Hillynrd of Sniithfield 3rd. Teams by standard bred horses Mr. Loggott's span 1st; George Lnngton's blacks 2nd. Best draft team 3 and under 4, Olif Cronquist. Best draft team over 4, Albert Pcrkcs of Ilydo Park 1st; Olof Cronquist 2nd, Geo. Smith 3rd. Best draft team under 1500 pounds weight, Lyman Smith, Logan. Best single driver, Mr. Leggetts horse. Saddlo horses, Geo. Smith 1st, Mr. Kliason of Hyrum 2nd; Mr. Pendleton 3rd. Shetland ponies, Roy DeWitt, 1st. Master, Earl, 2nd. |