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Show ! "?? CITY AND COUNTY ?"" Items of Interest About Otoft t' People and Events. Ji?t3?t R P Uradsiuw, of Paradise, was in Logan Saturday Sorcn Hansen, post-master of I!y. runj, was In town on Monday. We sell the Kartli and L0.U1 money on It II. A. Peders.cn Jfc Co. W. T. Know'es. special agent for the O. S L , came from Butte Monday. Mon-day. Agrlppa Cooper, of McCammon, came to Logan Sunday and went on to Salt Lake Monday morning. Jesse Hailstone started, for Illuc Creek Monday morning to work for "Doc" Harris during the summer. The quarterly confcrcnco of Cache stake will convene next Saturday at 10 a.m. The atter dance of all Is desired. de-sired. Arthur Vance, a student of the A. C U . left for Albuquerque, N. M., last Monday to accept a position as government sheep Inspector. The speakers at the Sunday night meeting In the tabernacle were Elder Oeorgo W. Llndqulst tnd Elder Farr. The choir was conducted by M. .1. Billiard On Monday morning, Miss Violet and Elvlna Petersen and Delia Cooper accompanied the latter's father to Salt Lake City for a few days' sight seeing. Carl Carlson, son of S. J. Carlson of the seventh ward, went to Nevada about six weeks ago to work during the summer. Ho changed his mind and returned horro Sunday night. N. R. Broby, County Fruit Tree Inspector, In-spector, has thoroughly investigated the condition of fruit bearing trees since the recent frcsts In the county and says thai very little, If any, harm has been done to the fruit. B. '. Crltchlow manager for the C. W. & M. company, of Ogden, spent Saturday night In Logan, and went to Ilyrum on Sunday to meet his wife who had been there for ten days. They returned home Monday morning. Every woman appreciates a beautiful beaut-iful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Holllster's llocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets Cy. E. Nap per. C. S. Wlnge, of Ilyrum, was In Logon Lo-gon Saturday. In his younger days Mr. Wlnge prospected In Blacksrrflth Fork canyon and today ho Is as confident confi-dent as ccr that gold will be discovered discov-ered In the mountains there. E. D. McCoombs came down Blacksmith Black-smith Fork last Sunday and found the second bridge up the canyon washed out. He left his vehicle and came down the side of the mountain horseback. horse-back. Men were sent to replaco the bridge Monday morning. Mr and Mrs. L. J. Matlock enroute from Tonapah, Nevada, to Pueblo, Colorado, stopped off In Logan Sunday Sun-day and remained until Wednesday visiting relatives and friends. It will bo remembered that Mr. Matlock was for a couplo of years a Jeweler at the Cardon establishment and that Mrs. Matlock was once a Miss Stark and a resldent'of Logan. Friends hero were glad to see them and to note that married life agrees with both. The Matlocks went to Tonopah last fall, finally got enough of what Is and Isn't thcro and decided to make the change as stated above. Mr. Matlock wll1 bo with the Rushmer Jewelry company, one of the big firms of Pueblo. Arcliltci ' I W. n.irrctt went to Smlthflclu Lom'ay Owing to so much bad weather the lucerne In College ward Is dying and much of it Is being plowed up. Andrew Nielsen, of Ilyrum, is stocking stock-ing up his ranch In Hlauksinlth Fork-canyon Fork-canyon with milch cows, and expects to run a dairy. S. O. Stevens, manager of tho local branch of the Stevens Implement Co. went to Downey on business and returned re-turned Monday. Mrs. It 'II. Williams and son John came over from Gentile valley Monday. Mon-day. The lady will stay for a tlmo with her son, It. II. Williams of the sixth ward. John Glbbs. of ParaUise.who recently recent-ly returned from a southern states mission, went to Salt Lake City Monday Mon-day where he will serve as salesman for tho Consolidated Wagon and Machine Ma-chine company. Tho lawns at the Woodruff have been given over to the children for use as a playground. Many of tho trees that formed a "wilderness of woe" In front of the big building arc to be removed, re-moved, a fact many will be glad to learn. Roy Eccles stopped over In Logan Sunday night on his way to Lewlston. Mr. Eccles, M. S Browning and Adam Pattersen, of Ogden, recently returned re-turned from Cuba, where they went to Inspect land In view of Investing In a sugar plantation. Thousands have pronounced Holllster's Hollls-ter's Rocky Mountain Tea tho greatest great-est healing power on earth. When medical science falls, It succeeds. Makes you well and keeps jou well. .'(.") cents, Tea or Tablets. Cy. E. Nap-per. People should remember when cleaning up their premises that the Logan Junk House will buy rags.scrap lion, old rubber and numerous other articles that make the back door yards unsightly. Pile up your scraps and 'phono lG2i, Hell 'phone. They will pay you good prices and haul It awuy. The Logan city band, under the direction di-rection of Prof. Ceo. Thomas, has bcennlajlng for the Logan Amusement Amuse-ment Hall, and many are surprised and pleased at the quality of music the boys have been putting up. The aggregation has been on the streets a number of times recently and have made a very credible showing. Miss Carrie McAllister gave a supper sup-per last week In honor of Miss Radic Ormsby, who Is down from Rcxburg, and Miss Lucy Foster of this city. Tho gentlemen present were James Jardlne, U. F. Rltcr Jr. and George Langton. The menu was prepared by the hostess and Is said to have been only such as a Domestic Science girl can prepare. A trip to California costs money, but you can go to the Logan Auditorium on First West streer FREE in the afternoon, and for lo cents in the evening. You can get a pair of Richardson's Rich-ardson's ball-bearing skates for 25 cents from 2:30 to S:3o, or from 7:30 to 10:30 any day but Sunday. Sun-day. Brass band in attendance. at-tendance. Come over. Potatoes Wauled C V Merc Co. Mr. John Ferguson, of drccnvllle, Is very low with pneumonia James Maughan, who lu been mulcted with tliesimc complaint, is Improving. Improv-ing. Albert Anderson and mother loft for Teton Hasln Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of his brother's wife, Mrs Richard Anderson, who died Sunday morning from a paralytic stroke. Mrs Anna Elisubcth Hyde, of San pete county, Mrs. Sarah Call, of Davis county, and Phllo Kent, of Lewlston, were guests of Mr and Mrs. Riley Kent the past few dajs. They were doing work at the temple. James and C. L. Olsen returned from Rrigham Sunday where they had been visiting their father. They say that a heavy frost calculated to do much damigo to tho fruit visited llrlk'lum Friday and Saturday nights Auditor W W. Woodsld", of tl 0 O. S L., cimi home Siturdiy, expecting expect-ing to remain over until Monday. Sunday morning he received a mes-sago mes-sago to start for IIuttc.Mont., at once. From Hutte ho will go to Opal, Wyo , where the railroad agent died on Sunday. Sun-day. W. L. McKcnle leturned from Omaha Sunday where he recently took a consignment of beef cattle. In going go-ing he was blockaded at Aspen, by a tunnel cavc-ln. The stock was returned to Ogden and shipped north to .McCammon .Mc-Cammon and then east to Granger. The change set the shipment back six days On Saturday thrco boys wcro arraigned ar-raigned before the Juvenile court for petty larceny. An outside merchant was also brought before his honor for selling tobacco to minors. All of the cases being tho first ollcnso on the part of those brought Into court, sentence sen-tence was suspended. We carry a large stock of wall paper; new designs and the most reasonable prices is what we offer. LUNDSTROM Furniture and Carpet Co. The Republican parly locally and nationally Is again safe thanks to Councilman James MuNlcl and the estimable lady who ears ago consented consent-ed to ride life's tossing billows with James as her only companion. This second Roosevelt eamo Sunday morning, morn-ing, a son weighing something less than twenty pounds and with the lungs of n football plajcr. Mrs. Mc- lei survived the ordeal in a splendid way, but James's dlillculty Is yet to come. The next time tho city council meets there's going to bo something doing and it won't all be fun for the councilman from the tenth. Work on tho foundation of the much-talkcd-of, long-hoped-for, New Jersey Academy dormitory was begun yesterday. At the request of the Presbyterian Homo Mission Hoard In New York City, Miss KatherlnoSmlth, preceptress at the academy a number of years, turned the first shovel of dirt, and, as one of those who has labored la-bored long and earnestly for this necessary addition to the school facilities, facili-ties, was so overjoyed at the beginning of actual work on tho proposed structure struc-ture that sho very easily Jammed her spade through two feet of hard pan and tossed fifty-two pounds of gravel exactly thirty-six feet and fifteen Inches In-ches rearward. The structure to be erected will cost something less than $7,000 -and have such conveniences conveni-ences as It Is possible lo add at this time. It Is hoped that tho beginning of the next school year will tlnd the dormitory ready for occupancy. The structure, while not of Immense size or pretentious appearance, will bo a worthy addition to tho school and the city and Logan, as well as those more directly Interested and benefited, Is to be congratulated on the occasion. H For Salc-Somo hay-dry hay. S. W V'H Rltcr, 353 West 1st North. il For Sale Eighty acres cliolco beet IH land In Trenton, Including good water -,H right. Inquire W. R. Lewis, Lewis- H Mrs. Newell Kimball returned tho ' ','H latter park of last week from Salt H Lako City, where sho had been visit- (l Ing her father, Prcs. John R. Winder, ,H family. jH Lost Between Thatcher Muslo l Store and Lincoln hotel, a brooch with H opals and diamond, Return hero and Dr E J. Merrill, osteopath, will H occupy the rooms over tho Harris Music store Just mado vacant by Dr. H Goodrich's hmiiov.i1. Thoso aro very H satisfactory rooms and will givo tho H new man a splendid lumtlon. H Albert HakiM, nrlgloiiiilly from Men- s don. came up Horn Silt Lake City a H day or two ago to visit his parents and H his sibter Sadie Baker tho nurse. Mr. H Baker has been buLcrlng in Salt Lako , Citv for some time but contemplates H coming to Logan to op.su 11 shoi with tlH manicuring attachment. 'H Wlllard Hansen left yesterday for the Northwest In the Interest of tho local company oiganlzcd to exploit the Norman patent refrigerator. Mr. Hansen goes coulldent of success In H Introducing this refrigerator, as it possesses merit uncqualed by any other H over presented. Ho Is already In pos- H session of Inquiries from fiult growers H in the northwest who because of lack H of cans arc placed at a disadvantage In taking care of their fruit. Tliu Cl Norman lcfrlgciator has tho endorse- 4H merit of the prominent horticulturists '1 and egg people of Utah and tho few FaH In operation In this stitc are said to iH be wonderful successes. Mr. Hansen jH will handle the refrigerator thtough H out the United States and will ap- H point agents and sell the plans and H specifications. A number of this cltj's ll prominent business, men are In the ;H local company and propose to push It 1 to a great success If possible. If everybody don't, - Thev should If they could, iM .Skate at the Auditorium. Wk There 1110 peoplo tin; re to show , You tH Dr. F. J. Alexander, thn Salt Lako (H optician, who Is one of the directors of the Manufacturers' and Merchants' association of Utah, will arrive In Lo- gan on the excursion train Wcdnes- day, April 21, and will remain at the H Lincoln hotel, April 25, Old and new H customers from towns North of Logan H will be cared for Wednesday p. m ; jH Logan customers, Thurcda), all day. . Friday, Pioneer hotel, Ilyrum, 'H L. J. Goodrich, osteopath in Logan H the past four years, returned to this H city Friday from a thrco months stay -H In Corning, California, with Mis. H Goodrich and the boy, Lewis. Dr. H Goodrich returns only to close up bust- ness affairs hero and leave again for H the California town, where ho expects H to locate permanently. Hehascstab- H lishcd himself in his profession thcro H and has also become Interested In a H sanitarium that gives great prumiso H of success. He likes the climate, the H country, the people, and the opportun- H lly that Is I.is there would make his H stay here a losing proposition, henco H his departure, During his four H years hero Doctor Goodrich mado VH many warm friends; and though H osteopathy was an unknown quantity H here beforo he came, he succeeded In H winning his way very rapidly. Ills H success In a professional way was very H marked In many Instances, and to tho H new location he will prove an H addition well wdrth while. Dr. H Goodrich ever proved himself a very agreeable gentleman, enjoys H the respect and esteem of those with iH whom he has coroo In contact and In that circle of which he and Mrs. Good- IH rich formed a part thcro Is slncero 'H regret that they llnd It advisable to 1 pass Logan by. Best wishes go with M them. Dr. Goodrich leaves tho latter M part of this week. H |