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Show The- New Federal Building wlll.be built on tho church property on North Main In tho near future, but at the present tho best and largest stock of monuments, markers and headstones ever exhibited In Cache county are to bo seen at tho Cache Valley Marblo jards, 175 liouth Main, the only placo In the valley carrying granlto owl highest quality of marblo at the low est prices ever offered to tho public. I j 1 Great Opportunity. P. O. Hansen cordially Invites the publlo to Inspect his lino stock of marble mar-ble monuments, markers and tablets. Tho most fastidious can bo suited. Having to vacate tho premises for the erection of the new postoftlce building, tho stock will go at a great discount rather than to be at tho expense of moving In connection with the laigo stock on hand an elegant lino Is on tho road, bought especially for Decoration Decora-tion day Parties contemplating purchases pur-chases of this kind cannot afford to neglect the inspection of our stock More Trouble. Some ono seems to bo afraid that his customers are going to call and pry Into our Now Method In one advertisement adver-tisement ho tells you that we me working work-ing oil somo old stock, and in another lie says jou should not buy a Piano or an Organ from a firm which sells fish poles, etc. Now the fact of the matter mat-ter Is this: Wo havo taken all our agents off tho road and cut down expenses ex-penses Our II sh poles, sewing machines, ma-chines, stationery, etc., pay all store expenses and wo can sell you a piano at the wholesale price; and the result Is wo havo no old stock standing around in people's houses Wo tell the truth, even In our advertisements. Some fine sample pianos will arrive in in a few dajs. Plcaso call and sec what thoTCcw Method will do for jou, Hauuib Music Co. |