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Show Notice. The regular quarterly cDnfcrcnco of Cache Stake will bo held In Logan, Satuiday and Sunday April 2S and 29, 1007. General meetings will be held at 10 a. m. und - u. on each of the above dates. A general Priesthood meeting at 7:30 u. m. on Saturday and Conjoint Mutual Improvement meeting Sunday Sun-day at 7.. '10 p.m. Isaac Smith, Nkwj:ll W, Kijiiiali., Jos. E. (Jaudon. Stake Presidency. Good Judgment Is the essential characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to good business busi-ness men and necessary to housewives. A womanshows good Judgement when she buys White s Cream Vcrmlfugo for her baby. Tho best worm medicine medi-cine ever otlercd to mothers. Many Indeed arc the sensible mothers: who wrote expressing their gratltudo for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use of Whlto's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Rlter Hros. Drug Co. The New Pure Food and Drug Uw. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law aB It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. For sale by all druggists. SBBBBBBBflBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBi NO TROUBLE AT ALL to show you our Pianos and Organs. We have in stock a large number of very fine instruments which we will be glad to show you whether or not you have any desire to buy. A competent com-petent pianist is always at our store to play for you and make you stay pleasant. If you get interested we will quote you prices, and we can and will give you prices and terms that can not be duplicated oy any other Music House in Utah, considering the quality of our instruments Bakjwlns, Thompsons, Etc. Etc. We Buy Right are content with quick sales and small profits, hence sell right. ' SHEET MUSIC, Classical, Popular, Rag-time, both Vocal Vo-cal and Instrumental, arrives daily. The best place for music. Hobbs Music Co., North Main Street. & Logan, Utah Special Bargains At S sTeet's Bargain Stores J No one else sells at our prices. You will find our goods just the same that the other stores fe; j carry. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE PRICE. fe fe Notions. f$; 12 dozen Shirt Ruttons for 5c to 12 dozen Pants Ruttons for 5c 1!! 2 dozen Pearl Ruttons for 5c fc Good Pins per Paper 1c Gold Eyed Needles per Paper lc fc One dozen Hone Hairpins for So fe' Safety Pins per dozen 2c 2 dozen Good Hooks and Eyes, for lo U 3 Spools Coats Darning Cotton. . . .5c Talcum Powder 5p and 10c Sowing Machine Oil Co Vaseline 5c Ucst Alumlum Thimbles each 5c Nice Toilet Soap per box of 3 cakes . . .5c SALE ON fe Men's Hats few AH Men's $1.25, $1.50, and E$ $1.75 Hats so at H 98 cts. fe Useful r Articles FOR EVERYRODY. Three Mouse Traps for 5c Wardrope Hooks per dozen 10c Stovo Lid Lifters 6c Rest Sad Iron Handles 5c Steel Fry Pans 6c Steel Fire Shovels 5c Toasters 5c Wire Egg Whips lo Stove Polish Cc Stove Rrushcs 10c Cloth Rrushcs 10c Tooth Rrushcs 5c and 10c Shaving Rrushcs 6c Whitewash Rrushes 10c and up Everything else in proportion. Crockery and Glassware. Whlto Plates 5c, 7c, and 8c Whlto Tea Cups and Saucers 35c White Howls 5c White Desert Dishes 3c Nice Gold Decorated Desert Dishes 6c Gold Decorated Plates "c, 10c and 12c Gold Decorated Tea Cups and Saucers with nice floral pattern, per cup and saucers 12c i.oud 3inooth Table Tumblers 3c Finest tnin flint blown Tumblers made, worth 10c everywhere, our price, 5c Gotfiino 5 For Men and Roys. )r Rojs1 Knee Pants Suits. .08c, tl 50, $1.08 jj and $2 G JJ Roys' Knee Pants 25c, 3oc and 48c Ite; Men's good Suits $4.60, M 75 and up ? Men's $12 00 nice Wool Suits for $8 05 J Men's Corduroy Pants OScandup Ife Mn's working Pants 75c and up JL Men's Overalls uq nfe 'fe Ladies' Corsets from 20c and up tfe. Ten bars good Laundry Soap for 25c fe See our CAPETS AND RUOS Come and see us for any- thing you want. te The Gheapest fe Store in the jjj West. Ife ! 1 Teet's Bargain Store, j g Thatcher Bros Bank Building - - - Logan, Utah bYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbbbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbY&SY |