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Show H I I HaybalFs Annual Spring Sale Is On I And You Can Not Afford to Win this Chance 1 H- I of buying you your Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, bons, Ladies Collars, also our entire line of Men's, Youths and Children's Clothing, 1 m a Kiubroideries, Laces, Towels, Towling, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Combs, Rib- Shoes, and all Furnishings. All go in this sale at great reductions. Cjk 1 I ; See Our Hand Bills for Prices. Sale Continues Until April 30th. I IVi'dslin I Under- I wear I, Hosiery i m Corsets Bi LONG SILK Gloves 1 I Shirt I ! Waists M And the Finest H Line of I Summer I Under- B wear. S H 1 vaisESSsssssmmsmsiaBBixBsm I I S Anaii I lnitf inn! I Factory H I 145-147 North Main St H L O G A N. U T A H I 1 50 lbs. Fancy Flour for 8; B 0 lbs Wholo Wheat Flour for. ..10 ' Notice of School Tax Election. n:ilco of the Board of Education of ie City of Logan, Logan, Utah, April 15, 1007. Notlco Is hereby given: First That an election will bo held on Saturday, April 27, 1007, to vote upon the following question and proposition, prop-osition, to-wlt: Shall the Hoard of Kducatlon of Logan Lo-gan City levy a special school tax as hereinafter stated and for the purposes defined. t The election will be held on Saturday, Satur-day, the 27th of April, 1007. There will bo live polling places for such election, one In each of the five m inlcipal wards of Logan City, at the following places: First Municipal ward Haws school. Second Municipal ward Vestry of Second ward meeting house. Third Municipal ward-County Court House. Fourth Municipal ward llenson I school. I Fifth Municipal ward Parry school. I Second. The names of the Judges to R conduct such election at each of tho 1 said nolllnc places arc as follows: First Municipal waid Ira Cole, Hose Jones, Ycndla J. Roberts. Second Municipal ward William i Kvans, Alvln Wawks. Hobert Ander-son. Ander-son. Third Municipal ward J. M. Ulair, Samuel McKlnnon, Georgo Torgeson. i Fourth Municipal ward Joseph II. Downs, John Dahle, II. J. Nlulson. Fifth Municipal ward A. Harris, F. F J. Marshall, U. T. Lloyd. I Third. Tho polls for such election I will open at 12:30 p. m. and close at 8 p. in. Fourth. The tax proposed to be levied Is two and one-half (2) mills In 1007 and two (2) mills In 100S. Fifth. The tax Is proposed to be levied for tho purpose of erecting and equipping school buildings. I Tho Hoard of Kducatlon of Logan City. Uy W. W. MoLauoiimn, ' President. - Uy L. C. Fahh Jit., Clerk. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas Electric Oil for such emergencies. It I subdues tho pain and heals the hurls. I Big Crowds!! ft And Pleased Customers ft lf are tho rule, at I he SPUING OPENING SALE. No Wonder TF look at these U.irgaliH. ft t X Men's or Hoys' 75c press Shirts ft 45c J .'(fie Knee Pants 15c Ala Y $2 00 Ladles' Lace Shoes and ft Oxfords 81.2.V SMcn'i or llojs' 50c Sl-lris 25c. Hojs' $3 00 Knee Pants Suits $ 81.05 ft 50c President Suspenders 25c. ft Children's 75c Shoes, sl.es 5 to ft 8, 45c S Men's 81 00 Diess Kid Gloves 05c 1 Men's or Hojs' $1.50 Felt Hats ft I 05c. ft 1 10c Cotton Sox 5c. 0 Men's $3.50 Dress Shoes and Ox- ft 1 fords $2 45. 20c fancy Sox two for 25c. jfe Men's $15 00 all-wool Suits $9.75. ft ft 50o Men's Underwear $25c. Misses' $1.50 Shoes, sizes up to gku 2, $1.00. X Ladles' and Children's 15c Hose 7 10c ft A 0 ; u X Opposite the Tabernacle. ft ft ft ftftftftftftftxftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Notice to Contractors. Scaled bids will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. May 1, by the recorder of Logan City for cast-iron cast-iron sidewalk plates and other foundry work that may be needed by tho corporation cor-poration up to December 31, 1000. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Co.MMlTTEU ON SlDKWALKS. For Sale, 1,020 acres of tillable land, of which 175 acres Is planted In wheal; 50 acres good lucerne; good well; 000 acres under un-der fence; 450 acres broke. The ranch Is located In Pocatcllo valley and is known as the Jcssop Bros, ranch. A c-ply c-ply to Ephralm Jcssop, Millville. Harsh physics react, weaken tho bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Rcgulets operate easily, tono the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask your druggist for them. The Most Import-ant Import-ant Item. of the first meal of tho day Is coffee. Are you getting the best In i he market mar-ket for tht money? If you aie, read no further; If you aro not, gel u sample pound here and then buy as you like, where you like, but our Chase & Sand-born Sand-born coffee at 40 cents the pound Is a great favorite with our patrons. C. V. MERC. CO. Skanchy&Berntson Contractors and Builders. Shop work a specialty. Plans gladly furnished. fur-nished. Iloth 'phones. HERCULES Stone HERCULES STONE ' I The Western Cement Block Co., I For Particulars Imjulro of FltED JOHNSON. President, 230 K. 1 5th North, Logan. Hell phono 125k, Ind, 101 J. i |