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Show i J THATCHER OPERA HOUSE Monday Night, April 29. i j Mpssis Pcltoii and Smutzer present the popular actress MISS LAURA FRANKENFIELD H I In the Comedy-Drama I "A Daughter of Colorado.' ' I Special Scoiiei j and Elrcti leal Effects H I j Prices 75c, 50c, 35c ! 1 migiiiiiunwi-nro?m-iiiMiiiiiwT-rgmiMiiFF';i'iirin i i ,im mnmnii him rriii'mmi , SELF POISONED ' Can it be that I am self poisoned by constipation? I have taken every drug that I ever saw advertised and I am worse instead of better. Get well without drugs. Drink pure water, breathe pure 'air and cat pure food. DR. PRICES I WHEAT FLAKE CELERY 1 , FOOD Is just as represented; made from the whole grain of the wheat with celery; so prepared that it will not cause indigestion; will support the whole body and keep the bowels regular. Palatablo Nutritious Easy of Digostlon and Roady to Eat I Can ba tervod hot. Put In a hot oven for a few minutes; or cook In boiling milk to a mush. I IOg a package. For salt by I 6X$)sJ(& "1 Dr, Price, tho famous food expert, the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, Delicious Flavoring Extracts, Ico Cream Sugar and Jelly Desserts, has never been compelled, notwithstanding strenuous Food laws, to chango any of his products. They have always conformed to their requirements. This Is an absolute guaranteo of their quality and purity The Flower Store I 45 S. Main St., Logan. 1 j I W '''SO have seeds that grow. We I 1 vv mz, liaV(l lW jieen in llle iHlsl;wss 1 I long enough to have any OLD stock. Our I 1 seeds are all Xew, Fresh stock and conse- I I quently MUST GROW. 1 I If this is not ' "Nut Said" call on us I and get any additional information desired. u ''; FLOWER-STORE BcnJ. Carlisle, Mgr. S Summer Excursions. Via Colorado Midland Railway. City of Msxlco, May 1 to 7 June 7 to 14 and 17 to July 11. Round trip $09.. 10. Long Limits. Eastern Excursions. May 27-30 June 3-7-12-14 one faro plus $2 00 Long Limits, stop overs. Other cheap rates during the summer. Write L. H. Harding Salt Lako City for full particulars. The Price of Health. "Tho price of health In a malarious district Is Just 25 cents; tho cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes KllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanso gently and Impart now life and vigor to the system sys-tem 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed at Rlter Hros. Drug Co. -HHHHHHHHHHJ The Cautious Borrower exercises care hh! not only In the manner of his borrowing, but In the selection of the HHH place. The terms and conditions of our loaning arc such as to make HHH them acceptable to all good borrowers HHfl Wc are prepared to make a large number of LOANS, ANY SI'.K, '.HVfl from $100 00 to $0,000 00. HhI 1 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ,H LOGAN, UTAH. fi I Save Your Money fl By Buying From Us. H I Lawn Mowers Good 12 Inch $2. Si, The "Kasy Runner," JHHl . extra good 11 Inch, worth $000 at $1.50. (LiHhI The Famous "Champion Hall Hearing" reduced from $3 00 to $5 75. HHI 1 Guaranteed Garden Hose co feet with couplings, Hwfl $ 00 and up. Thous- HHj ands of feet In stock It will pay you to buy hose here. 'HLb ICC Grcani FreCZCrS Just received at prices that HHJ i will beat all competition. 'H Garden Rakes and Hoes fiom 23c; Shovels from GOo up: A largo iH stock of Hcct Wcedcrs on hand. Kverj thing in Tools and Haidwarc. iHHj R, LaFount & Co., W. Center bdHkHHnHnMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHnfHHHHHHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhl nHHHI In the Matter of Jewelry H It Is generally conceded that wc have the most attractive assortment HLb B to be seen anywhere In town. Just now we have an unusually tine va- dH rlety of rings In the latest designs that will Insure suiting any tasto HH or pleasing any fancy. ll In the matter of watch chains, too, there Isn't any doubt about fHfl our suiting everyone's requirements.. Our large and varied line of jHfl Simmons Watch and Lorgnette Chains represent the finest pioduct of HH tho foremost chain manufacturers in all America. HH CARDON JEWELRY CO., Logan, Utah M nHHH I Dot you want to 9 Double Yow Income (fl THAT GROW... M 'Nuf Said, Smurthwaite's Seed Store, Center Stree 1 H Always Up-to-date and Fresh Stocks. I H Naturopathic Institute. l V tLfNli k"4tJSH JH The best method of curlngany W'feo v3?k iH Acute or Chronic Disease or It . .tiP H Had Habit Is by removing the JSsb 4Hi 11 cause through some Physical, HPWitf jWlv dl Mental or Psychic method which V mvWlfan H Is harmless but sure. '0: V twP 'I H Try Naturopathy and learn fWSfcJnv 1 that you can get cured from any yijATir JMmmS 'B Disease or Had Habit without f&JMljrMWflzWS JH taking Poisonous Drug Medicine C&KnL -Mrwi'fffZfM IH or often undergoing a useless JmfWf'Xm'!fjwyMMW- lH but fatal operations. fttffiW IrMfyw' I J.F. PBTlUTSCH.Ps D N D lliw IfiMlt i I '11 12 South Main Street :LWJttTrjrZLJ &JJ) I 'H Hell Phone 120 J iWti.r'.'V' M WHY NOT GET THE BEST? I I sdZSr . Woirlvo you tliobost at HALP wlmt oilier Uonti'.u dm w, bwauicwu bellow In clotnu I 11 j&?2f ElSRi morowoik. anil wurl.ln for a creator number nt iwoiilo Willi li-st imlMilual cent, without I H jrj8KrZ3ESVV& robbliiB anjone. TIIETH HXTItACTEI) POSITIVELY WITHOUT l'AIN. I'ii-o wlllifl 'OH MMWPlMSs&t Plates. OUIl MOTTOi Itonent work, l.ilr tlcallnjia wake our success B 'HH jKgSzc' KS continuous. a H S&ffifr' ? Our prices within the teach or everyone. HI WsBsWb, fc at of Toeth. (licit Ited Jlubbor) S7 Oold I'llllncs SI upfl HH WimsMttekb,, i i f A Piuod!iul,rof,"-. 5 Sliver ami Amaliraui I' mines -75oB H WMmj!l2tK&f&5Z7 '"'".''V, Work' ",?5 5 Cement I'llllnifa SOoU HB iJnMlfftKWlK- 1 Crowns. J K. . S3 l'oreelaln 1'illliiin . . . H I Hi Wl Wnr p M I l2 Ycnrs Protective Guarantee. ''rcSnbxAd!?cV!"l " lm Utah Denial Co. SpimesJ I WMllllmtW' 47 N. Main Slreet, over "Hub" ;ffljP cC ikuTY H JWjflHL 234 Main, Salt Lake, and frHP9 S'" vt'aB 1 SHI mL JA m. Patk'cit7utaha ' vy3VQW' 1 -fl MSl 6 IBittlil Open until Glp.ni. Sundays 10 to 2 wMMm 1 1 DR. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. Udy Attendant. Both Phones. L!J I |