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Show NOT LIKE KANSAS. M You can't lose Kansas nt any turn of the road. Her pcoplo nro as H quick with their wits in tho big H marts of civilization as they nro M with their scythes nnd moro danger- M oils blades on their native heath. M Senator Plum of Kansas got M nway with n Gothnmitc some years M ago nt a Valdorf-Astorin dinner M given to a Kansas delegation by pu M tocrats with axes to grind. M Tho libh courso nrcsentcd itself in H tho form of n mammoth salmon H couchant and rampant amid its garniture. M "Vou don't have fish liko that in H Kansas, do you, senator?" asked (ho H New Yorker. H ''No," drawled tlio westerner. H "We don't need 'em. Tho Lord H knows where to send brain food.". H Philadelphia Itecord. H |