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Show JUVENILE SHERLOCK HOLMES. I tabby's mother had taken him to church to hear tho esening sermon, ser-mon, and tiiey occupied . sents in the gallery, where there ss-ns more room than on the lunin floor. 15ob-hy 15ob-hy tried not to allow his attention to wander from thu preacher, but it did. Jfo hoenied to bo particularly interested in u family who sat in front of him. and when the sermon ssns about hnlf oscr ho sshispered to his mother: ".Matiinm, I never snts these people peo-ple belore, but I know their linme." "Mush. d,-nr." "Hut 1 do," persisted Hobby. "Their name's Hill." "How do you know?" "Ksory time tho preacher says his text, 'F will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,' those tsvo big girls look at each other and smile." Subsequent inquiry prosed that Hobby wns right in his guess. Youth's Companion. |