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Show w . L About The Agricultural College I Prof. E D. Ball, New Director of Station, 1 Talks of the Future of the A. C. H Prof. E D. Hall, Director-Elect of B the Agricultural Experiment Station, B came to Logan Saturday and remained m until Tuesday. He came from Colum- bus, Ohio, where he he lias beon the past year working at the State Unl-B Unl-B varsity for his Dr.'s degree, and his K visit was for the purpose of detorraln-Ijf detorraln-Ijf tng whether or not he would accept HI the position tendered hlra by the A. m 0. Board of Trustees. He stated to Tiik Republican that after consulta- tlon with people at Salt Lake City and H with members of the faculty of the A. I O. In Logan he had decided to accept I the Directorship and la June would return again from Columbus, this time S prepared to get )n and dig for the- col-Da col-Da lege. Prof. Ball said ho had two or V three positions offered him, that his preference was for the Utah A. C, II under favorable conditions, and his fl ; investigation led him to believe that jg ' future conditions will be entirely sat .Ufactory to him and to the best Interests In-terests of the state and school, hence his final decision. Rather Reticent. When asked in regard to the future of the Agricultural College of Utah, Prof. Ball hardly felt free to talk for publication at an great length. However, How-ever, he expressed a confidence that the tight from, an educational standpoint stand-point is now ended, the A. C. and University will work harmoniously for the betterment ana" growth of both institutions. ' Irrjgat-lon engineering will be restored jpjhe A. 0. and the present cnglneerlnffcourses will go to the University in accord with leglsla- tlon. Extraordinary effort will be made to develop the school along agricultural agri-cultural lines, though other departments depart-ments will unquestionably receive their due share of emphasis Piof. Ball Is confident that the new management manage-ment will bend every energy to "make fl good," and that with the c.o operation, p rather than antagonism, of Cache Val- ley people the college will grow and m prosper as It never lias before. This I cannot be accomplished in a month or year, of course, but after a fair oppor-I oppor-I tinlty and a reasonable length of 1 time. In regard to the various and sundry rumors to this, that and hc other effect, Prof. Ball said lie could not speak olllclally but still branded them as largely without foundation. There will probably be few noticeable changes at the college, certainly none of the kind some of tho suspicious public anticipate. Ho left tho im pression that the now regime is going in to do all that's posslblo to matte cjndltions pleasant and to boost the school to the limit. Well Qualified. Prof. Ball brings to tho Experiment Station ability that is recognized nationally, na-tionally, lie Is an ante-post graduate of tho Agricultural College of Iowa, conceded to bo tho leading agricultural agricultur-al school of the United States, and did work in that Institution as an instructor. instruc-tor. Flo was called by tho Agricultural College of Colorado and while there was associate professor in zoology and entomology. Then he was called to the Agricultural College or Utah and hi splendid work hero during four years has brought him into more than local prominence. In Utah Prof. Ball's work has been alongorchard lines, tho betterment of very decadent or undeveloped unde-veloped conditions. His Investigations of the coddling moth brought him more than local fame, and Ills work with the beet fly a season or two ago brought him still greater prominence. This latter has Just brought him an appointment as Government Agent with the duty of looking after beet dilllcultlcs throughout the western country, from Denver to the coast. This work will be done In connection witli the Utah Experiment Station and will have a tendency to bring the local station to the attention of the public outside of Utah. During his years of hard work, Prof. Ball lias found tho time to do two or three years post-graduate woik at the Ohio State University, and will bo given his deuiec In June. That ho will prove a very efficient head of tho Experiment Experi-ment Station is a certainty and since others had to go it is very gratifying that such an able man has been secured se-cured to fill one of the vacancies. |