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Show Why Vote Special School Tax? Because the Schools Need the Money. Something of Present Conditions. In 11)01-05 the students at the Woodruff Wood-ruff school numbered COO. In 1005-00 there were f87 in attendance thcic, and in 1000-07 there are in attendance no less than "09, an over-crowding that makes more room an absolute necessity. At the present time there arc In use at tho Woodruff unsanitary and badly lighted looms In the basement and attic, and to accommodate the remainder re-mainder of the overflow two or three thoroughly unlit rooms In tho old Rltcr property arc being utilized. The over-crowding at tho Woodrutf has been severely criticised bystato health Inspectors and tho extraordinarily extraordi-narily unhealthy conditions brought about by this over-cr6wded condition Is condemned in unmeasured terms. Tho Parry school in 1905 took care of all tho school children In the Fifth ward, except those In tho beginner's grade. Today two additional schools arc being utilized In the Fifth and all rooms arc over-crowded despite the fact that only students under the sixth grado arc taught there. All the smaller buildings arc overcrowded over-crowded despite tho fact that only beginners be-ginners and first graders arc taught where a short time afco beginners, first and second were taught. Besides this. It has been necessary for several years to hold double dally sessions for beginners, half attending in the mornlog, the remainder in the afternoon. Even with this division the teacher has had to take care of from forty to tlfty little joungsters, a labor In'itself almost beyond tho endurance en-durance of any These nrc a few of the reasons why the Board of Education asks for money to provide room and sanitary Implements Imple-ments The schools are sadly overcrowded over-crowded now, and the large Increase that must come with the next school year will bo handled with extremest dltllculty Unless proper provision is martn, - Tho board asks for a special Si-mill tax for 1007 and a special 2-mlll lovy for 1008. This will give $5,000 in 1007 and $4,500 in 1903, which with the little lit-tle money on hand will relieve the very strained conditions for some time to come. The Board of Education hopes that the publlo can see Its way way clear to give an overwhelming vote In favor of the special tax asked for. |