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Show REAL IIZIIOINE. OF FRANCE YOung Q rl Dlaregards Danger and Dlaco-nfort In Saving the Lives of Others. This is a story of a heroine of France: "At St. Vim cut, near Loricnt, in Brittany, the Hitcr Arz is frozen oscr. Some children cn-turcd cn-turcd on the ice. nllerly htrdiess of its weak: cs and llic depth of (ho trcaiu beneiilh. Ilcfore they hud gono minis slops they had fallen through, ml were in tho water. Mdlle. Lr Coinmandi'iir, a girl of 10, heard tho cries oC two women vho saw tho accident from tho river bank s-uno distance nuny. "She nnliitely wndod into the river, making a way for herself throut'li tli broken ice, and 'ith the waler sssccping over her shoulders shoul-ders she reached the two elder children, chil-dren, one oeil ten and tho other eevon, who were clinging to llic edge of the ice, and brought them to tho riwr bank. "Tho third child, a two-year-old baby, she left balancing on Iho ice, thinking Hint he had a better chance of staying abovo water than (ho bigger big-ger children. Hut before she reached him ho slipped, and wns wnshed into midstream nnd sunk out sight. "Tho gi 1 dised, caught the baby's clothing and drugged him to tho shore. liescued nnd rescuer tscro all put to bed nt once, nnd none suffered suf-fered any bad lcsult of tho wotting nidi cxposiue. |