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Show His Point Well Taken. According to a story related by a icpicscntntivo from Tennesseo, thero wbh n negro who was elected to tho legislature; of Mississippi during reconstruction re-construction times. Ho wns uneducated, unedu-cated, but knew enough to voto with his party every lime, nnd ho picked up a few pointers on parliamentary law. This negro wns drawn on tho Jury of tho circuit court. Tho dockctwas crowded and the court held until a lalo hour. Ono ovenlng the colored Juror was tired nnd hungry and did not relish rel-ish tho prospect of being kept from his supper. Ho nHtonlshcd evorybody by rising In his scat and exclaiming In u loud voice: "Slay ltr plenso do coht, I moves you, sah, dat dls coht docs now ad-Jou'n ad-Jou'n ontll tomorrer mawnln'." Tho Judge was amazed and Informed tho sablo Juror that court's never adjourn ad-journ except on their own motion. "Dnt's all right, salt," responded tho parliamentary Juror, "but, sah, yo' kalnt deny dat a motion to adju'n am alius In order, sah." |