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Show ALL WANT MORE. "I want more,"" cries capital in enjoyment of the highest level of interest in-terest upon money invested in many years. "I want more," cries- the merchant mer-chant as 1m' pockets the highest prices for commodities. "I want more," cries the housewife house-wife to her huclmnd as she compares com-pares hw alhiwaut with the advancing ad-vancing costs of living. "llore,' "msr," everywhere the demand is for' "more." Ilailronds want more money kir extenvions and Mpiipmrnt. luvcsWirs want more dividends, wjsjt turners worc w.ijk, wnietj mere to uptuxl on luxuries that are W bei-oniing necessities, colleges more endowments, endow-ments, and the government more appropriations. ap-propriations. Where is "more" coming from? Wall Street Journal. |