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Show County Officers. A. M.Israolsun, Clim. ltd. Comnilhsloners J, C. Knonlin. Conimllsner. George Godfrey, Commissioner. T.ir.Fmllli. Sheriff. .lothepli I,aren, Clerk. John 1" Toolsen. Treasurer. Sarah Merrill. Recorder. """ Eugene, fchauu. Surveyor. llartln Olvn. Assessor. A, A. Law. Attorney. J. I.. JlcCarrov. Supt. of Schools. It. K. Merrill. County 1'hyi.telaii. Niels It. Ilroby. I'rultTree Inspector. Iver Nielsen. I'lsh and fiatnu CommUsnr. Justice of the Peace Avon Samuel llankbcad Itlclimond-Win II 1 1111 Logan Win. Ilrangliara. Wollsvlllo-Samtiol l' Hall llyrura Jamct L Jensen Covovlllo nilas S LarSMi Providence E I Hansen Smlthfleld-Samuel NclMfl. B Trcnton-A .1 Hill II Col leite John Schenk Li Mcndon Andrew Adderson Paradise John McMurdlo Mlllvllo James A Hovcy Clarkston James II. Jardlne Hydu Park- J. V. Searaous OTHERS riAVK NOT QUALIFIED Wheelcr-Loran W. Marlt't. J Constable. Avon Abo l'redrlckson Hlclimond-0 r Clirlstensen Logan-George I Karnes J CovovlIlu-NotQuallflold 91 Providence 0 M Hammond Hydo Park-.l. W Perl.es Smlthflold -Win. I'llUngton I Treiiou Not Qualified Colligo Lovenus Olsen B Mention .Iinciih II. Harilmau Lowlsttin Samuel II Kept I Newton John Hanson Hyrum-U II Mcl'arlono Ilenson John W Iteeso Paradise-Charles Pcarro j OTIIEHS HAVE B NOT QUALIFIED. Wellsvlllo-Dalvd W Jones 1 . -- Bitten by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Itosqucvllle, Tex., would have lost his letr, which became a mass running sores, had he not been persuaded to try Hucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes. "The first application relieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. 2.'c. At Itlter Hros. Drug Co. Vthy have a ton! Id liver when Hcrblne, tho only liver regulator will help jou? Thorc Is no reason why you should suf-from suf-from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and fever or any liver complaints when Ilerblnc will cure jou. P. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fla., writes: "I was sick for a month w Ith chills and fever and after taking two bottles of Her-bine Her-bine am well and healthy." Sold by niter llios. Drug Co. Just Because yourcouRh is only In the throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It has not had much of a start Is the tlmo'to check It. The slightest cough eailly leads to I'ncumonla, Ilrcnchltls, and Consumption. A bottlo of Dullard's Dul-lard's Horehound Syrup will euro tluit cough. Tho price puts It within reach or all. Sold by Itlter Uros. Drug Co ft 1 f ) ; jBr ' . Are you reading this? j I WE' i JHhk-I Of course you arc, nnd so will hundreds, per- t H ' '99i Jflv haps thousands of others. YOUR ad would fc H lMV' e rea lere (on't yoU tnn1 vou iave P ll i WMmmfUl i anything to tell the people, why not try these H i, mmMuiiM columns? It doesn't cost much. Ring up X H X The Republican and we'll tell you about it. r H 13' CITY DIRECTORY I . I II SKCRIST MANAGER Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial . Trade j Solicited Stables rear of Eagle Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Hell office Dhonco8; Ind. office phone 11. Hell res. phone SO. LOGAN, - - UTAH. Robert Whitmer Tin and Locksmith. Roofing and Kuttcrlnc a specialty. Work don on fcl.ort notice. StOMi. rulrrd. Bell Thone 3fl5y. 62 W. First North. John A. Sneddon Atterney-at-Uw. Orcr ltl National Hank Estate I'robawd Genital Law Practice Jos. Wilson '& Son Brist and Iron foiss'trs. (WMaclilnl.su, maolilnory rt'i!rUur of all krod done: we pcJlWely manufacture the beat and cucaiiest awlvel for Lay de-rlcka ever placed on ttie market. William Bowen Llvtry and Feed Stables. Uverr and bawraitc vrotnpllr attended io connections made wlUt all trains com- trade sollcltid. Kim West alrcet, Loican. Utab Peterson & Sons. The Palmers. Cold altrns. window lcttcrlnir. card kliitu. pictorial Mrns. painted bulletins, wall dls- Slai'K. General painting of all kinds In uu-to-ate manlier. Alliwork guaranteed, fchoti South Main htriet J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attarney-at-Law. Estates probated, collections, general law practice. Locan Utah Nebeker, Hart & Nebeker Laujcrs. Suite i and 6 commercial block i Logan. Utah 'I'hone 70. p o box U Logan Lumber Yard, ealers In lumber, Doors, Sash and Mouldl'gs Shop work done on short notice. Bell Phono H4z. 167 V. 6th South, ELXIEII JOIIN60K, Mgr. James T. Hammond Attorney and Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 315-310 McCornick Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. FRED J. HOLTON, DISTRICT AnORNEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Ofllco at Room S3 I'lrst National Hank Ilulldlnir, llrlir-hara llrlir-hara City. Utah. Telephone 31, Lock Ilox "F. U. O. M. & B. Co. .Lumber Dealers. FtfKloorln. celling, rustic, lath, doors, sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts, builders hardware and palnUl Geo Coif, Mgi I'hone V O box 02 James C. Walters ATTORNEY-AMAh. Union Illock 75 North Main Street H. A. Pedersen & Co. REAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COlLEaiON! Tried, True and Reliable. Office oyer Flrnt National Hank, Logan, Ul I'ostoUlco Ilox 3&3. 1'hono 183 X Correspondence In any Language answered Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, login, Itah lias plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged Q.W. Lindquist Usdtruker Embalmcr. 'phone-ofllce l!7i 'phono residence 3Jk t John Bench Dry Goods Groceries, and Notion S3J south mala Palace Meat Market. Host 4 Reading, Props. I'rlmcjbecf, Mutton, 1'ork, Val. etc. ew B3""Oamc and Poultry In season KiWestCiMiratrett. Real estate, loans, Insurance We loan moneyon most (&orhlo terms, sell farms and city property and write. Insurance In-surance In Utah and Idaho, J. Z. Stewart, Manager. John Thomas Merchant Tailor, IWLeadlng tailor of northern Utah) call at his new storo No, 70 west Istnerlh A fine line of I'all and winter samples of Suitings (or Inspection, Logan UtaJi Odell Photo Studio Family Groups a Specialty, KVI'ortralta enlarged In crayon, Indlt Ink, pastel and water colors Main and center streets, Logan. Utah Joseph Tarbet The Plumber. tar-Orders executed, satisfaction guaran teed on short notice 140 N Main street, Logan. Lo-gan. Utah Logan Steam Laundry 46 West 1st North. First-class efficient work done on short notice) family washes a speclaltyi satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. I'hone Hit Q. Ruchti Merchant Tailor. Ladles and Gents Clothlnpof all kinds neatly cleaned and lepaircd. 71 West 1st North. WESL E Y A C Q U E S H Barber Shop I and Bath Rooms H We employ none but Experienced H Harbors, thus ensuring the H llcst of Service. H KverythliiK clean and Up-to-date. H We solicit your patronage and I H will do our best to. ' H please you. H UASEMENT THATCHER BANK j H H. D. HANSEN ! I Practical H i Shoemaker H McndliiK done hort notice. H Our aim Is to satisfy our patrons, so that their trade will continue with us. M Shop on West 1st North Affleck Machine H Shop. H Go to AMlcck's Maolilnc Sliopnnd H Foundry for Iron ajui Bra Castlnuj H and all kinds of machine repairs, 150 E 1st South St. Opposite Central H mills. Wm. Allleck, I'rop. H |