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Show i LEGAL NOTICES H PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. m m tuntull Comply Clerk or the Retprdlte Sloa- B ert lor further Information 1 li the District Court, Probate Division la ins m , lor Cache County. State ol Utah. NOTICE TO CKHDITUKO. H " rNtateuf .IpiiiChrlillarnen. cleoeineil. B ilrrillton will iirrioiit claim with vouchers H U III'- iiiiiIihrikiiimI t lili roilrienco In It) rum - t tllir. Utah, In tlincmmtrnf Ct.'ho anil stale H I ii I 1. 1, n or iM-roro tlio 1st lias- of day of H Aid". A i. IlilT H , i, nf mt iiuulloallin Marvh.TO. A. IH07. B I U .1 Clllll-TIA.NAKN. H 1 AiliiilnWtraUiruf the. entitle, of H .li iih Christian-ten. ileceasul, B .I.C SS niter, Attorney H Mn ! k to oiti:iu rons H l-lnteot(li'ori,i SeamoiiH. ileccanil, B Uii'illtorn will iirevnt claim svllli vouchun , in iliounilcrsliTiH-il at lili resilient.) In lljclo ' I'urW. In thn rotinty nt Caclio anil statu of H Utah, on or before thoSS'th (lay ot Auirust. H , I) 111)7. H Daloof llrst publication April 20. A. U. 1007. B U Colli) E W. HCANUN9. Administrator. H J. Z. Stewart Jr.. Attorney. 1 I' Sheriffs Sale. H i' In HUtrli t Court. Cache counts, tltali. H John Johnson anil KiiKcno Johnson, co- H liartniTi iliilnir business nniler I no tlrni name H of John Johnson .1 Son, lilalntllTt. vi. Urormi H T. CiiniinliiKH Jr. nuit Utile Jessoo CummluKs, H To In) nohl at Sheriff' sale, on the tth day of H May, lli07,nt tlio frontdoorof thocourt homo. H In ho?an City. Utah, at 12:00 o'clock noon ot c i-nlil day, tin' fotlosvlnif iloscrlboil real estate. M si: Cnuimeni'liiir at a point ten rodi svcstiif M thu NimtheiHt corner of lot 8, block IK. J. W. H Pox's SVesillnlil iiirvoyor Mlllvllln farm land, M thencnsvoH olirlit roili! thenco north tocoun H ty road fort i-ihIii thrncn eatt on llnu nt H roidclnlilnuls; thuueu south forty rods to tlm H lilaceof lifirninlmr, contnlnlnir two acri-H. and H Hitman In iliu wiuthwestiiuartor of hoctlon si, 1 township II, north of raneu I cast of Halt 1 Lake meridian, Cacho county. Utah, H T. II. Hmitii."W H . Shnrlir Cacho county, Utah. H i J. C. Walter. Attorney !j In tho District Court (if the First i Judlcl.il District, Stale or Utah, Coun- ty of Cache, SUMMONS. f Samuel M. Price, I'liilnilll, s. S.tmuol ) V. Price, Maud K. Price, Fr.tnklln m W. Price, AKiiesZl'rlcc, William Price and Am and a C. Price, Defend- H ' The State of Utah, to the stld I)e- B Von ate hereby summoned toappcar HHHJ , within twenty days after the service H of this summons upon ou, If seised H y within tliecounty In s Inch this action B , Is brought, othersvlse, wlihln thirty H i days after service, ami (L'TimhI the H above entitled action; .aid Incise of H your failure so lo do, Judgment will be H rcndeied against )ou accordlui; lo the H dem, ind of the eon, plaint, of which a H copy is ll'cil In the olllce of the Clerk H of tho above-:iitini'd couit H I'lalntllT's Attornejs H P O adduss: Lokmii, Cache count) , H M NOTICEi B Special Road Tax Election H Vounii Road District, Cache County, H Ts'otlcc is hcrebj Klen that In pur- H suauce of a resolution adopted by the . Iloaid of Count v Commissloncis of .. Cache Count), Utah, on April 1, linn, 1 r a Special Election Is hereby called In 1 tho Voting P.oad District of Cache H County, Utah, to be held on Mouda), H April 20, 1007, tt the district school H house, In tho said district, between B the hours of set en (7) a m and sesen j (7) p; m. on said day, for the purpose of submitting to the qualllled elec- H tors within said dlstt let a proposition B to autljorize the Hoard of County Com tnlsslonr-rs of Cacho County, Utah, to (,,,," lev) for the llscal year, 1007, a district road tax of Use (5) mills on all taxablo property within said dlsrlct, to ba H used exclusively for the construction H and repair of roads and hl(,'lia)S sit- H uated H Only registered toters rcsldhiK with- H . In said district who shall have paid a H propel ly tax therein In tho year pre- H cedlns,' such election shall be entitled H .'' to oto at such election H The following-named persons have been dni) uppninted by the said board m to conduct mi id Special Klcellon, to- H O. I!. JcppcBeii, R A Dossdle and H Iljtum Olsen. H lly Older of the Hoard of Count) B CommissloiiPii or Cnche County. Utah H A. M Ihraklskn, B SI1AI.1 Chairman. H J. S Laiihhn', H County Cleru. B Dated, Lo'aii, Utah, A pi 11 1, 1007 Notice lo Stockholders. ' Notice Is hereby Risen that at the annual meet Inn of the stockholders or the Trenton-Clarkston Mill and Elevator Ele-vator Company, to be held at Trenton, Cache count), Utah, Saturd.i), April -", at 10 o'clock a m , a proposit ion J to amend articles sit (n), sesen (7) and eiKht (8) of tho aiticles of Incorporation Incorpora-tion of said compiny will be considered consid-ered and acted upon as follosss- To amend aitlclc (fi) to read as Tol loss-,- Article (I "That the amount or tlm capital stock of this corporation is II fly tliousiml ($50,000) dollars, and the number of shares Into which It Is divided is two thousand (i!,000) or tho P 1 1 value or twenty-live ($i"i 00) dollars .".e'i " To amend article seven (7) to read as follosss- Article 7 "The numb r and kind of oillcersof this corporation shall baas follosss: There shall bo a board of directors consisting of tlvo peisons who shall elect rrom their number a president and vice-president. They shall also elect a secret try and treasurer treas-urer w ho may or may not bn a director TheiiuallllcUlonsof each director and the secretary and treasurer shall bo to ossn at least one share or the capital stock of the corporation Their teim or olllcc shall bo two )ears or until their successors aro elected and qualified. quali-fied. A majority of tho board shall constitute a quorum and cxerclso tho possers of tho corporation " The names or tho-vossho aro to serve as diicctors until the first election, etc , aro as rollosvs: H. V. Hcnson, H. F. Hlmiham, II. T. Petersen, Henry Spackman and John Iluttars, who shall, Immediately after qualifying, elect tho other olllcors as provided In this article. To amend article elht (S) to read as follosss: AitlcloS "There shall boa meet-Inn meet-Inn of the stockholders or this corporation corpora-tion held at its general placo or business busi-ness at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, on tho last Saturday In January, 100S, and on that day biennially thereafter for the purposo of electing tho board of directors for tho next ensuing two jeats, notice of which elections shall bo Klen in tho manner prescribed In the by-laws of the corporation. The secretary or tho corporation or the meeting shall within thrco dasaftcr the election notify each director or his election." And to transact such other business as properly pertains to and Is connected con-nected with such amendment. II. T. Pktkuskn, Secretary. J). Y. Hknson, President. Mr. S. I . Hosscn, of Wayne, V. Va , writes: "I was a sulTcrer from kidney disease, so that at limes I could not getout or bed, and when I did I could not stand straight 1 took Foley's Kidney Cure. One-dollar bottle and part of Iho second cuied me entirely." Fole)'s Fldne) Cuse works wonders ssherc otlie.-s ate total failures. For sale by all druggists A . Pns ' Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty... Our Work is Guaranteed. Logan Second. Hand Store 24 W, 1st Street North. Phones 100. N. P. Johnson, Proprietor. MDFFH Leoillnp Hotel KLLU olOfldcnCIty Is a model of convenience Tho hotel oillce, 70 x 30 feet, is tho most spacious and comfortable In the West Twoelevators.no climbing stairs, Ite-fiunlshcd throughout. Itooms hrge, light and clean Steam heated LUlrtllUn. i(l.Ktl cits Halll'arkoi,-liosltc Halll'arkoi,-liosltc on the sresii Oranil Upcra llmiso sdJulnliiKon tliuMiutlit I'talinit 1'trkTlio-iro 1'trkTlio-iro aiT-i Uio hlrn't norlli Tliu electric Klrcul lull was H from all tmrtsof the city center m lis doors. EUROPEAN PLAN. & ml upward!.. Excellent Cafo In count c-tlon c-tlon Tlm lx't s alue fur the money In tlm btatuof Utah. Why not como to tho Hotel replete svlth every comfort svhen it costs no more mono) V Reed Hotel Co., Props. Salt Lake Route I $30.00 Round Trip to I,os Angeles on sale DAILY, sjl April 25th to May 19th; good returning July 31st, 1907. La Fiesta World's Greatest Pageant will take place first week in May. Ask any Utah agent or write for information to J. H. Burtner, D. P. A., Salt Lake. o M1rlrl0liMN0E RIO GRANDE WESSi Scenic Line of the World. A Panorama of Natural Beauty Ail the Way. Cauyou of the Grande, Eagle River Canyon Wagon Wheel Gap, Gleuwood Springs, B Cauyou of the Gunnison, Garden of the Gods I Manitou Springs, The Royal Gorge. I THROUGH I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. I For rates, folders, fiee illustrated booklets, etc iii'iuirc u( uur 1 nearest ticket at,'ent, spot ifting the Mm Cmmif I ..route, or addit'ss 1 I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake City We collected five thousand and yh- '''L '.J? thirteen dollars and tlilrty-lls-o H'1' J 4k J cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Frcsv. WY "Vy i She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and .ymfjk. &?' WL will bo glad to tell )ou ir you have 'wB&mrfrzf lr ' fp lb ' any bad claims to turn them In and wZ&fMfl&iiti S 2i V we svlll get some money for jou Mm s?? " Hfc I Merchants' Protective Association I jf SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. JT Fifth Floor Commercial Hlock, Salt Like City, Utah X 'Ji FUANCIS G. LUKE, Seneral Mgr "Some Pcoplo Don't Like us" X S :Q" o..M..j etiicago Meat Market. I ff JOI Highest Cash i I Price Paid for j 8 fev PORK. j : AWWK s I I WUmilA S. P. S0RENS0N, Proprietor ..................: jgg5H5HSB5ggS5Hra5H5HSagS5HgH5H5g5Hgr 5H555H5H5HSHp1 iWhy not send The Republican to that relative who has gone away? It costs but $2 a year in and would S jjj be to him a big newsy letter. B aHSE5E5B5HSH5H5H5BJ5a5H5H5B5HHaHa5a5aSa5H5B5H5H5H5 t ' , |