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Show nnvt Htw l Ui.lr'fc.HANCE IDEA. Washington Men Would Promote Drinking of Light Liquors. In connection with tho proposed prohibition pro-hibition cntsario In several Btates, tho statement was made recently that several sev-eral Washington men aro nbout to en. gage In n novel temperanco movement, says tho Washington Star. It Is said they propose to form In all sections of tho country societies, tho members of which will be pledged to drink only light wines and beers, and to bo moderate mod-erate even In those Indulgences. The promoters of this scheme claim that tho evil of habitual drunkenness can only -ho cured by tho uso of lighter beverages, nnd baso their claim on certain cer-tain Injunctions In tho Bible, ns well ns on scientific reasons, Tho claim Is mado that scientists havo come to regard tho mndcrato use of light wines and beers as beneficial In cases of dipsomania. Thoy point to the hospital records for cvldcnco that the deaths us a result of alcoholism oro In every Instance caused by the ox-cesslvo ox-cesslvo uso of the heavier llmiors, such as brandy, whisky, rum nnd gin. They also point to tho Infrentiency of deaths from that caupp In tho beer nnd wlno countries of Kuropo. It Is suld that tho first of these "tern-pernto" "tern-pernto" societies may bo established In Washington. |