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Show I Social Affai S At thehome of-Mr. and'Mrs. J. P I Smith on Friday night Miss Elite I Smith entertained a number of the So- 1 rosis girls and other feminine friends. 1 i The affair was one of exceptional S charm and was heartily enjoyed. A 3 feature o interest was tho presenta- 5 tlon to each guest of a plcco of "wed- I ding cake," the girls being enjoined to I not "dissect" it until they had reached I the seclusion of their private "bud- I oirs." Tho fair ones, full of curiosity I and almost overwhelming temptation, I rushed straight home, Into tho bed- 9 room, slammed the' door and broke I open tho cake and found not a dla- i raond ring or pearl necklace but an announcement of the approaching marriage of their hostess of the evening. even-ing. Tho little cards so deftly hidden in the Domestic Science creation boro the words: Mr. anil Mr. . 1. 1 Smith anoounco tlio marriage of tliclruauelitor Eflle to I Mr. I'erclval Harrows In June. Though no creature capable of wearing wear-ing whiskcis on his chin is supposed to have entrance to any Sorosls girl's "bud-wa" after night's mantle has fallen, It comes to us from such a source that thcglrls in frenzied ecstacy at their Mend's approaching happl-L happl-L tiess and their own hopes hugged P themselves fiantlcally tho rest of tho night and forgot to dream ocr tho sweet morsel that had been placed bo-neath bo-neath the pillow. |