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Show Want Column For Sale .77 acres of good land In tho West Field of Logan. To be sold In prices to suit tho buyer. Como early and get your choice. Apply to Wlllalm Greaves, 500 West 2nd South street Logan. For Sale Fine fresh apples.frce from worms Ind. 'phone 110 a; D. M. Campbell, Providence. Secondhand typewriter for sale. Cheap. Apply Alf. Lundahl at P.ltcr Hros Drug company. wo The celebrated Market Price potatoes pota-toes for sale. Last year they averaged (175 bushels per acre. They are most excellent for table use. Apply to Thomau Stirland, Providence, Hell 'phone ;i77x. wc For Sale Twelve hundred acies of laud, a good pasture, nearly all fenced In, In Mt. Sterling precinct. Price 1,000. Clear title to all of It. Apply to Robert Ilaxter, Ilyrum. Wanted Man and wife to care of fruit farm. Knowledge, of beets, haying hay-ing and Irrigation required. Good proposition for right parlies. Inquire at this oillcc. For Kent KIghl-roomed house with lot and barn; will rent all the rooms or part of them. Apply to 20 1 South First Kast; Bell phone 322y. wo , Stock Wuntcd To pasture thiough I the summer; good meadow pasture,! water and salt; located northwest or Logan. For terms applv to T. J Poulter, 304 North First Kast. wo For Sale Lucerno and timothy hay and straw. C. Hailing, 310, So. Main; Indepent 'phone 342, Hell KlOx. wc DON'T YOU DO 1T,-Huy land or city property until you see the bargains bar-gains I have to dispose oh. James Mllllgan, Smlthtleld, Utah. J First class sand delivered to any part of town. W. T. Hrown, Ind-'Phone Ind-'Phone 221. wc II. J. Hansen, Westlleld.clty icaven-ger icaven-ger and back-yard work. Hell 'phone 112z, i " . M,i ., . . mmm mm I This Will Please I 1 the Ladies. 1 1 10 DAY BARGAIN SALE 10 j $ , f Ladies' Spring Walking Wash Suits. A Great $ tllSuits going atis per Bargain, at Half f centdiscount. Price. 5 j cuzm fv 7?rrr Cheap Sale on Towels, $ I Silk Suits. FinelChance ,. , nt i & S x i. . ." Ladies' and Chd J at Half Price. . . -. J? dren s Hose. $ t 1 i Lace Curtains, 15 per Ginghams going at 10c g t Cent Off. Outing Flannels loc. J s s J Embroideries 12 Price A wonderful lot of Bar & S Muslin Underwear 15 gain giving that you per cent Off. should not miss. . Eliason Sisters! I i Phenomenal Rug Sale! P g Several Hundred Rugs , fe fe at Inventory Prices. fe ,y In order to induce the greatest possible number of people to visit our new store and see'our immense stock ofFttruiture and Carpets we will offer as an introductory L opeuiug sale of our Entire line of Small Rugs at INVOICE PRICES. C Call in, everybody call and let us show you through our store and, incidentally, get a beautiful rug or two at Factory Prices. All strictly NEW Gaols and"f latest designs. fe ' x nis oaie win oeror Jfc Ww tow. g One Day Onlyt Monday fe fe APRIL 29th. J5 fe " Jr fe The Following Prices Will Prevail: fe S Tlxmlnater li litis. Velvet Hugs. Smyrna Hus. J. fe Lenox 27x54 inches, regular Klectra, 2710 Inch, regular sl?0xG(! "";'' regular price $3 00 g ij" price $2.23, sale price $1.25. prlco $3 50, sale price 2 25 prlco "0(' SB; Hath Ruit. Ifc.. Uegent, .'iOxdO Inches, regular Smith's 27x51 Inch In icgular Hath Hugs, 27x51 In, regular r: fife price, $3.25, sale price $2.25. price $2.75 sale prlco $1.75 prlco $3.00, sale price $1.75. te te Wilton, 3(1x50 Inch, regular Electra 30x72 Inch, Ilcgular .'liixOO inch regular prlco $5, r; price, salo prlco $5 75 prlco $5, sale prlco $3 50. sai0 price, $2.70. rtfe fe Come Early and Secure Your Choice of Patterns. Sale Begins at 7 a. m. fe Spande Furniture Co. I CT 5i"53 N. Main. Formerly the U. O. Store. Fa J |