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Show Americans Profanest. Dr. Madison C. Peters In his sermon In tho Mnjcstlc theater declared that profanity was Now York's most popular popu-lar sin. "In fact," ho said, "tho Americans Ameri-cans nro tlio profnnest people, in tho world. "A distinguished missionary from India, uuon his roturn to America, heard a man using profane Inngungo, and accosting hlm, said: 'This boy wns born and brought up In n heathen land, but In all his llfo ho novor heard a man blaspheme until now." "This Is a utilitarian ago. Wo ask, does swearing pay? "Men tell mo tlint they don't mean anything by their profanity. When pcoplo nro nwako and Uo things without with-out meaning to do thorn they glvo visible signs of Insanity." Now York American. |