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Show JENNIE AND BOB. Hiss Jennio .Tones and Hob Henry Hen-ry were niai-Iid at tho Jones' mansion man-sion last night. Tho brido is tlio daughter of ovtr worthy constable, Jones, who -"lo a good officer, and will undoubtedly bo reelected next spring. lie oilers a fine horso for sale in anoll.jr column. Tho groo:.i runs a grocery sloro on Main street, and is a good patron of our advertising columns, and has a good lino of bargains this week. All tho summer ho paid two cents moro for butler than any other store in town. Tho happy couplo loft on tho ten o'clock train for jlilwr kec to visit the bride's ncle, who U reported to . have lots of money and Bright's disease. dis-ease. Bob certainly has un cyo for business. Coolecmco (N. C.) Han- iter. i - . - . a |