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Show PCCSIIVr.LT AT CANON CITY. Hut to a thomnnd t'lorouirhly cnPm-' cnPm-' shist'c peo.,'c to w-tiotu Pi- c.vernor si.oe nt I'aneri City he sa'd cvnetly what lie t'oiit of (' sort cf to. il w h.o ate l.n. k of Mr. Thortih.n. 'I he I ,e. ph- of the .. ti-.ri Citr au :. s i were f I'fwr and fruit "'-" is. f.,r the mo-t i.i-t. Th. r.- is I 'tie or rtoj ...pi,. . i r'.-ie'it tiiiiotir; Piein. (i .v- 1 ei-ii. r P-.Q .- . it sn'd: -TfTat t'-.A p-'r iriioent l-se.. j-, In Pes .-a uii. ii-. ti. Now I wel t. ll yon wh-.t Pie i ir-ttoon'it l-si,e Is. It is to kf, .1 , tie orderiv l.lsr'v P.-it las made us what we are. ( n Pin " I T! e pin- I mount 1-sue N to k.s-ii our n-ii. ti ii, self respect .Slnl rospeet ,f CUT f' Hows, j keep ntr tl - r'-.-l.t of flee re. keep. In; th- riirlit of po.i'h al il .T. r.'Su-.s fnirlv and sonar. Iv. alter a full bear-Ins bear-Ins elveti Li mit no m.-rb-r wl at ' Ids views may be. if he ev.ross,., them ,b e. ntlv and In prof -r lt,t,.-na.-e. ( p-phitise p-phitise i There is iptn.r of linn, rli.l-l-in. but It Is n d from the direction In w t i. li Mr. P.rvnn N lookli'ir. The onlv ihim.-or of lmi- rlalisn p at will ever come In this coi utrv Is If It Is luvl'-d as a r. io ti .ii a-.-itnt anar. hv. Anarchy An-archy is the Ivi'i ltii-iid. tl of tyranny. mob viol, tie- for Pie orderly PN-rty that we cniev ui-d -r the law: If ever we cmw to srh-dtute Hie rule of brutal force for the rule of lh- ballot, where the ba'h t Is east f-.s-Iv and c-nint.-d a cas-t: If ever e rr-ow- to ev-hance for eovern inert by .h late In t'.e l.-e!s'a-turcs of the eoen'rv and on th" tumn the viol.-ms- that finis evt.l-ssh.n In word of d.s-d. limn we w ill In ! I Is. witlon a tn.-astirat.le ilWtanee of losing our lilsrtv: then, and not till then. Th- worst thin; the country can Lave Is the ruin sin. it? nt ease at b-me In-o'.t'nz In-o'.t'nz other men. who nre Ignorant, to d.-ds of vlolen.se. and whether this esfcltinsr of violence be by a politician or bv the ed.tor of a new-sinner the efTee't Is the Mine." (Applause.) New York Sun. |