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Show DEMOCRATS KICKING AT PROSPERITY OF FARMERS Farm Products Advance More Than the Goods That Farmer Have to Buy at the Stores Evident Cause cf Mortgage Cancelling. Tlie Democratic fault finders basei their pftorta to e re at d -...lib-tit among the farmer la l'. uts.n a d:;Tereiit plane fr.iu that of lvi. Then the.r compla nt was that the pri.-e of farm product were too low. .Now tin y ooiu-piaui ooiu-piaui that the farmer are too ptoper-oi. ptoper-oi. and the pr.cin of their pn duc:a are t.- ll eh. Mr. l'.ryan wa nominated In CMcaiW mi July pi. !:. ami ni'n at Kana i:y en July ". 1'.' ". I.i t u take the li!otaiioii f t!ie tirxt week in July, 1:;. and July. p... tl,r. r.-j.-it w. d'i i ate luoi:.l.t a I:. a-Iy a pra ti-ia! ti-ia! ie to the date of Ins rc-pective in.iM nations. Nol...dy will qii.'l..n the fairness of e!, el.n.- w hi at. -.rn, ohk, lard. pork. Pcef. c. ttoii. wo. 1. hay and Putter a P ti rej res. n:at v.. arm I- s ( f farm production, pro-duction, in r W ill anyone ipiestion the fairnei. of n.-lectlt.-j -u-ar. tea. coi:'.-o. mlc questions ef late years. Way 00 uiea-ure l-y this? A plam-e at the table which shuri the reiauve prie. of attt let In anl l:"i w ill answer tin ipiot on. It i hapj.eiis tiiat t.ie t ni n;.-i.e of lliv-ren lu the pr.ee of wheat iw l s than that of any oi her article of fat m production, Kilne" w :i at i te il.aili)- aiT-i t.-d I by the rihictioii in etia r pn of the world where en s have b.a u central! ! pn-l lur l:,- tl e hist two si is ns. i Wheat I.a tti'v ndva'i.v.l tliir:yT.T ' per c.-nt. from 1--. : to lv i. wli.ieeTU Ill.lMUi. e.l t. rty . i.- t P' r relit, mes pork aixtv r r. : '.. L.r.l -tyicht i per is i t. and W....1 s.:y .- 1 t per c. i.t. i Now It I easy to M why the Ix-mo. crat bai . plied" to vhs t this i articu-; articu-; lar item win at" by w I, . h to measure ereryth i.tr rise. s:ui ly Us-aus.. it Jaliow a smaller im rias.. in pri. e th..l .almost any nth. r article in the list, i et lliev nr.- rravrlv march m t il plate, sisal (from which binder! twine Is mad. I nn.I r.es.eu.er I'U iron C.l.e basis of nif a-r . iibnial rcpilre-, men's In Iron and st.s li n ten r.-pre- . sentatiye art.. I. s of fiitiu cou-uinp'.ioii. The tabh which follow show the price of the ten articles of farm pro-j diietioii and of an eipial immls-r of :ir- tirl. of farm coi.suuipt . n al the ilates named and the i.. ri rti'ai;e of lnrre:is . In rai li article, also the average in- j crease, at the date of Mr. Ilrjan' -! ond noniinatioii as ron..iir.. wl.h the, prices at the date of U. lirst uoiulna- : tion: tliroUL'li the ii'.-ri. ulttiral n i;i n of tii country K'nt n; p li e fan -.-r that "a bushel of win at In l'.S" wiil buy less of the articles w In. h you consume than a bushel of wheat would buy of those same articles tn 1x41." I t tut acvpt the chalh II.',.. Mr. I'.ryan's first nomination orenr-n orenr-n d n July lit. and h seo.ml DHU1i11.11 1- 11 n July f. P.". The rr-ord rr-ord of the bureau of atattsih- show that the I !ul i-st J r re of "No. 2 red winter wheat." a standard (rad by whirh all .n 'era tear to measure.1, wa on July !. :1. lu the New Yora mark.! lil'.e isms .r bushel, and 00 The l'riiss of Ti n Principal Articles of Farm Pr.-lui ti. 11 in New York Market Mar-ket at dates of Mr. I'.ryan's I irst, a ml S.s-oiid N..111. nation, Showinc ths jt ce nt, of Increase In lrJ over 1;;: Articles of Farm July 2. July r., Ter cent ot I'roduc:,, n. )-';. 1. tucrmae. Wheat. i'r bushel. '". 12 "S ?-1 Com. p.r bushel 1 2 A: (al. -r bushel '.'IU MJ , Uird. per pound '"-o 'TIS M.ss Pork, p.r barrel $ S To fH1'1 ' W l'.eef. familv. .cr iiuud 12. l Cotton, p. r pound "d 13 10 .Id 1 PI M Wool, 1 ihio X X, it pound IT 1 2 CH tllav. p.r t 11 U "'- l-"'1 n tliutter. t pound -Kil -IS 37 Averaie increase 40 St At How O.-hans, tllvis rt pric s The Prices of Ten Principal Articles of Farm C. 1 iimpt . n In New York Mnr- iht cent, of Increase or Lecrcasc: Per rr r.t. of Articles of Farm JulyS, July.',, Increase or ousiimptiou. lsi' I. l:si. decruise. Pice, per pound .' 12 ''" n Sisal, per pound ' I 3 4 ' p.-ss r Pitf Ir.m. p -r b n $12 '.:. $!: petroleum, tier ir.ill.ui. in barrels ' 1,1, I iate. " IT I 2 ...ts-l CfTee. , or !s,.ll'.l 14 V! 13 .- I.ealh.T. '..k. per pound s's S;..,r. -r 1 1. . "'') .. - T. a. is-r pom ;d 11' - tCot.ou CI- th. m.lil. ached, yard '"! -" u' Average Incase I'X Import price; does nut Include w ar lax. tl.Ms.rt 1 riis-. It will lie sc. n by an examination of the table s that In every arti. ie cf farm proeluct em naiii. d there l as N-en an Increase In-crease In price ratm-iiii: (with a simile ex.s ptl. in from tl.iity live per rent, to sixty eiirht per rent.. 1 r an a vera p- in crease In the e ntire se rie s of articles of 4o S per 11 ut. In the 1 1 -1 of articles of farm con-sumption con-sumption th.-re Is a reduction In price-In price-In two of the articles named, while the' Increase lu the oih.-r arihlis ranp-s iiiui-ti lower than that of the farm products, the average tncrense for the entire s.-rles of articles of farm consumption con-sumption Is -Itllf llllle t.s II lT (Til!. Thus we see that In ten repre setita live article- of farm pro.lue t oii, the lu rrease has tieoii 4". S s-r rent. Now take t he (silicic Item of farm pro-dnrtion pro-dnrtion upon which the fault tinder. base their arpime-nts and by w hi. Ii July r., !'.". was ss re'it (it bushel. Now I.t us follow the seme irrne-rn; ! plan ad. p'ed In the other com par r.a jini.l by -elcctii.ir b n pr.ui-lpal ariM.s ,..f farm c..nun,,t .011. obta n tin :r r.-l-lal.ve prl. i s in the- New York market ! 11 ls'.sl and P.i. nt the elate- neatest Mr. I'.ryan's nomination, and thus find 'out xc hat epi.inity of caeli bushel of ! wheat, at the pi ires named at th" ! two dab . would have l-.iuht. Th I article of farm consumption -selecte-d f,.r this comparison are e,tially repre-, repre-, s. ntative with tii.se of farm produr-' produr-' t ern above rallied, namely, suenr, cof-j cof-j fee, petrol, inn. ri.-e, salt, lea the r. cot-j cot-j ton c loths, s'ar. li. maeke-rel and cut 'nails. '1 he authority for the price Is j the. same ns that alre ady ut.I aoel-lbs j bureau i f slat sdios. I In ece-ry rae the' niratitlty of ttx-se repre . n ative aril. h's cf farm con-, con-, sunii tl..n w hleh a bushel of whesat tne-y measure nil un.-es ... , sumption, namely, wheat. IIow do you supposes! it happened that they have , selectes! this particular article "wheal." by which to measure everything el-e? There Is corn: Its acre-age tn the I'nlte-d States In lsif.t was practically doulde that of whe at. Im pro.luctl. n four time as many bushels and Its actual value as determined by the pepartment of Agriculture nearly double that of biish.l of wh.-at could l.ave tsu-ht U 1 -'.. Purrhasliig power of one bushel of wheat at the date of Mr. I'.ryan's flrt and .s-.n.l nomination, respectively. In ten el fT. rent artie-le of ordinary farm consumption, basinc 'he t.ri.-e I of each article iis n that cpioted In th j New York marke t at th re!.'tlv I dales: (Compiled from official reports of th Uureau of Statistic.) wh)(.h price on one bush.si of it.Tifsr r Whe at will buy AI.TICL1A Jii)tS Juyl1 Jny3 is-.si. i.. ls-.l. l..o. Cents, C.-nts. Pounds Poun.ta. Wheat, pe r ponn.1 VH " ; j e CfTee. I- r ,.und 1; 18 J 2 4 leather toak.,-TIs.und ' - , :,ror, rail Sugar, granulated. I r l-uiid 4 1 2 T, . P. U 4 10 V. 4 10 a Average Import pri e during June, r iard. b Average cxis rt price during June', d cia.lon. wheat. Why d;.l th. y rot ad-.pt corn as a standard of measurement? ! Again the re Is the It. n! of provision. : of which we are the world's greatest pro.luc.-rs. Why not measure bv that;: lh.-n there Is w.d. In the pro.lu.-t.oiij of which the farm.-r Is gr.'iiHy Int-r- j est.sl and which has Is-cu w.d.ly d.-cusse.1 d.-cusse.1 lu the study cf national ccoms-1 Theelalein.-ntsarealofi, lal and may bs- Venn. si ft. mi the public r.sor.l of the bureau of stal s-i.-s available lu any .lan iard hbrny. i he ti.'U'es and prt. es, ill every ci-e are given, ami every man ran ,b t. rm.re wh-th.-r the as.-r-p.-ns of the pe n .s-rnt c fault finder and "propl .- of ev l ' la 1" ere sny more reliable than th. y w -re In P.'-. |