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Show sjMjnswxaswawwaawBwawH Local Briefs . li-giater next Tueaday. Knitting Wanted by Mrs. Cbris-tenson. Cbris-tenson. i'irt ward. for Sale Lucerne and mixed bay. Inquire at this oflice. " Farb wirt in any (inanity at the Coup. Wagon A Machine Com- j pan jr. X Cheapest and best garments at; Hall and Jacohsou's Knittiugi Factory, 3rd Street. Naturalized citizens mast take! their naturalization papers to the I registration cilice. J. Z. Stewart wants bonaes am Kegiati-r next Tuesday. Republican rally at Smithfield shoes, good aDJ cheap at Joe. New bold. Kegisfr on Oct. tl,: 10, 10. 30 ani 31. I Good Timotby hay wanted at j the Cache Knitting Work. ;, ! C. V. Hanson, piper Lanper ' anJ interior decorator. Go to George A j Lowe for Barb Wire I The people tf Smithfield ahould 'attend the graLd rally there to- LiL'ht I Watkiu r.s writing l The. Nation from New West Min.t. r. j J. C , under date f Oct 4 FMMl. anyg; "I am liere in New West Mmst r because it la fvr week, land tbia fir beats all others. Tbe people here reallv don't know they are a'ive. 'lhe great fair which ban drawn proplA from Ion:; distances consists of a few vegetable, aa old cow, a ram and three h-ad of horses, and there are fully ten thousand people present, each one paying 00 cent, to enter. I met many I'tah people peo-ple returning from Kloudike, on1 my way op, and on the arrival of ; a certain ahip one of them got off! Iirataud knelt down and kissed rooms to rent. LiHt your real estate, es-tate, w ith Liraifyoa wish it Bold. Col -'hernial, will apeak on ftepub. Iit-anis"t at HmitbSeid touigbt, at I'.icktnond Moudav night and at J'roTideoca Tuesdny oigbl The ladies' evening I'byaical Culture claaa will le orgamzed Monday evening, October . lath, l'.H'V, at 7 o'clock. Thoa desiring to join should apply at that time. The Ilyrura Y. M. M. I. A. wa orgaui.eii Sunday evening with the f.dlowmg office ra: O. M. il-on il-on prraident; Wlllard Jaraelnon and C. C 1'et-raon. counaelora. Otto Liljeuipist, aecretary; Vil-lard Vil-lard iaraeidon and Alfred Wil-liama, Wil-liama, ailc,K!am Allen, treaaurer. Register Next Tuesday. Tues-day. No CheiipShoe., bntgorJ ahoeg cheap. New t.)ck, latext Htyle. for! i Mr. 13, F. Kiter baa preaeotfd j the W.todruff school with a hand-auma hand-auma flag. j Clothing, half, cape and (ienta Furniahiriga, trunkf, valieea etc., ' at Joa. Newbold. Register Next Tues-j Tues-j day. ' J Found A black fur cape,; i trimmed :!b grav. red lining, on ' Maiu street. Uauer cail at L'nion 'MeHt Markt. ' Free. K. H. Nye, of the Cli-I Cli-I foram mihaioti, and daughter ltoea J are in the city, l he Jitter will attend .School hre tbia winter. j .lohn II?nry Ctiehu offers to bet the, O b district will give Hepublican majority, but can nd no takers. In the Firt district court, lhe divorce case of l'arkiaaan vs. dicatioa of hi thankfulness to get home again." Farley V. Christ eoaen i in r.'-eeipt r.'-eeipt of a let'er from tia broiher. John A. Chriatenaeu, who i now principal of the language .ieJBr. rueut of the University of Manila. Frof. Christenaen wrrea lhat there are twnly-eignt .r.ifesM-rs anil 5'Jl) etu.lent lu tbe ui ivi.ity. "JIW) of the Utter living iu t!je' dormitory. The roll, g- iH (lllV ; two months old, he hnt i li, : a flourishing condition. Si- nr..) letters, law, agriculture inannal: arts, munc painting, t to , ire taught. Frof. Christenseii went to tlie Fhillippine ,( a n.lcnteei from Idaho, when the rnll for t'lKips was iaaued Ttie CuHneie.l condition of the university, Frof Christenaen aaya le solid, and he experta great gorvt to pi- ru from the work Hint lint leu inaugurated. inaugu-rated. 1 ribuue. i rt:nsou will be beard Oct. 18. Oi,f jot vg Thatcher Oi't. '2'2. The ll'Jth Quornm d tSevecties will gold Ihtir moLthiy meeting !t,u Sunday (tomorrow ) at4;o'J p j m., in thtj Seventh ward meeting house. A fall attendance is dr. fired. I Joseph J. Fithell, 21. of Salt Lfcke, and Miss Lovantia Card. IS, j of Logan, were granted amaTiage license eiuesdy. The coople are well kiiowo and I highly esteemed in Logan, the: mi d. women, and chiMren- ici ki.l, enameled and patent leilher. Ferfect t and solid service guar-finteed guar-finteed good it-enr Wa'rante.J 1'iee repairs, or shoes replaced if found defective. Andrea Ftter-son. Ftter-son. M. Ol.-eon, MaDager. There is do more enthnBintic Lorseman in the State of Utah than James IUe. He has jnst had i made by Joelin A Fark a beauti- I ful eilver cup to li presented to T. I 11. Smith of Logan for the bet tallion exhibited st the state fuir i this year. I'be hr.rse i. a fine I specimen; he is a bhtck Fercberoc and was greatly aimired all' through the fair. The cup is a teastifal piece cf work and cost over 140. The inscription on it. resds: "D. A. M. Society, from James IUe to T. II. and li. 11. Smith. Logan, Utah, for best stallion stal-lion of any age or bred." iler-1J. iler-1J. The returned K'.ders of the Kiit j Tennessee Conferences will meet id i Loj;an. for ttie purpose of tiolJingl a reunion on Saturday and Suod.iv i ,.r ociuiupui.r n I reel- dent C. O Card. We wish them every happiness. (;e.-rge Adams, the carpenter, took some liniment in mistake for cough medicine Thursday after noou. The liniment was poisonous poison-ous and it required considerable effort by Jr. 1'dikinaon to ward off the evil eff-ts of the decoction. Prof. George L. Swenden of the A. C. has rceivfd wrrl from Harvard that tw,i . f his students, who eBtereil the civil ugineerinir Oct. 13th and Htb. Tbey will arrive on lhe mrning train from the sou;n. and spend tb div visiting (oicta of Interest in tbe city. At niglii a will be tendered tbem in ;be Vu.-u-t Hall, song nd re-,t iti-ins wiM be j g.ven by Tiaitmg e!d.-rs. Two visitmg j . eMi r. w,ii be vhvaen to conduct a Southern state nisi, irsrv meetiDg in the taternK.:ei ::jad jf the ree. ! o'ar 2 o'c!(" k rvi.-e,. fun tr H;h. P T. X. Xitb Ls ten.lerr l I'.e ' fourta ward n,ee;trB b,v;se, ,nd tLe j retinion w:!J be continued tLere at 71 P. to. A pro;nai ceas sting of eiper. i ienevs, te.l.ai.Mi. Irvjo visaing e'd. r ! and songs ::d rwitat'ojs from otfa talent has b tn i.-rsr-ed J course at the college this year. have been made seniors in their .claases. and will therefore grad-j grad-j uate in one year. The young men .arej. W. JDsea -f Newton, and jForton F. Flemmgof this city. ! The Fee.n Light S.xnety will I meet at th F. Y College, on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Dct. 17. at 'l.-iO pm. After tbe reelection of otlicers the following program will t-, rentier-ei: rentier-ei: A paper on "F ia.-ation " f Women' Mrs. W. J. K-rr. The Life of Satah. DucLep v( M ri. Nuongh, Mrs. A- F. "Vright Cuirent l:vnts. Mrs Ja-. H LinforJ. L. Kewlev, iee Frcsi- ilcLt. |