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Show PHILfPPINE LETTER.1 DISCUSSION Or EXPANSION BY OUR CONSUL AT AMOY A. D. Johnson, Formerly cf Ctand Junction, Tcl!s 5. hat Vould c the Elfcct cf Giving 'Independence' to the Filipinos-No "Scuttle Policy'"' for America La the Orient The Insurrection Is Over. pi. .isu-d !n the mountain. Tbey ajreel to take h:m to s me olj plr and wanted to form a parttiersh.p w .;h him to ohare in the . i.torpr-Ne. They complained com-plained th.it Spain would never kt litem work the mines. What vi ill be the fleet cif a promise of In.!- peti.len.-e upon the M-uiiiii Junta Jun-ta r fi rr-d to? How many lives, of American soldiers, dow ti:;it:y miliums of d-llars w ill it tak to balance the immtl of that promise of fiimT an.l aid made to the armed diem cs of our tiaz? Purely the man who takes such r,pomsibil.t cs has ipiu'.i to anwcf fur. A. 1!. JOHNSON. THE COLONEL AM) THE FARMER Colon-l My !' n-tmdden frlerd, are v. on aware tli.it the empire l ru.u-inir ru.u-inir i.u? rarni.-r-We'l. CI. tie!. I told Marls I'd c to town aiid I !! li'-r a set of I T n 1 . re fun, Hire f,r the b. dm. :n t . Jar, hut 1 !-. i;.-n V.v. nt .pi te ruin tr. I ol,.n.d-Uut vour t.I.e:ty is ll .i.itl- Cn'te.1 F-atesi C n-ulale. Arnoy. Chi- t tu. Ana. lT.-o; nl r.rr.-sn.ien. e.l j -Two days a--, a hre f t. m .rniu m- : formed me li nt liryan in a ; h had Intimat. d that if td- t. d. h s I-wouol I-wouol U to vive rn.i ; . ' nee to ' . , lMid..t"ii s. If t. is . it is true at-d , lie t.n.d hv it. I fr.-r. y that .t w.H m c:,e . 1 ai.p. the i--'ie of the ean.j :i;-n i and the iuo- !..n of r ta. !:::. our Ck i- eillai -.-Hioii wid h. eon.e ihe llla.ll Iss.i... i,h. r isii.- ro.t;t i.e. . -ar.i take w-ond pi i. e. ( an anyiliti-' I' more vital than the nee-- -y to rep. 1 the Int.n.a'ion that ns a m.'i. n Am. idea id-ea ns pros-e to shin; a f eat rep usi-tilityV usi-tilityV ihat lie li n"t the moral roiir- (.e to Isar a fi.ll 1 :i " of Ihe while man's liurdeii? tm.t liav.iu; d--iroj.d the only pnv.Ttin.i nt eiiiht tii.ih.-ns if p..,.ple he iH and . n. d tlo-ni to auarrhy. murder and rap ne In order that idle mieht th- .i;o.l a' vai.ee and expeiiM.? that she oa-t u n the blebway of naii. i s one of the fa.reM and nrost prom t-nnh n -es on earth lio.' Inhal. lai.is -"half d. vd and l.nlf . h id --w . re wan-,ii.' even ,n the training i "-If f oernui. l.t of the rdii.ary tiri. i.ial P. I-that she denied de-nied her resp"iidiiliiy t.. i rot.s-t the vested Interests of eth. r frit .. .' !!! eor.dliiotis whhh p-eva h d prior to the Am.-ti. au : n'e n. Pr.. r to the b -i::' l. i.,- if this j.nr letters were er a-, si.. i.t . I..-. V..I i . ie f: in ail . v. r t:-iM.:.' t:-iM.:.' i..lv P.. i.-e ! ;.n.v. and I :. s i.. t lot. in. ii if i.e.-r 1 e.,' ..a vva ,t.;.dir two or il.r.e of the ji.a-e ji.a-e ; al . ides. I ml: t'... last snmnwr m l i riiis 1 malt. :s l ave c i tirriv . hai.' d. llun-i llun-i dr. .1. of t. . -e I., ad men have roir.e to 1 n.e to . vh.h.t I, iters ti,. y had j : r-i.s r-i.s .m .I tr- ill v:in..i.s isj.mds and vd-'. vd-'. In.-, s ak r.' them to return, s! iM.rj ' ih.it tin- country was as ipii-t as t-v. r. i ami that l.n-.n.-.s was reviving and ' irr. at opport ui..i.es for making moi.iy i ! were re. ,.;.d. i lr iniaii.-e I recall one of the last l.i loads of fldms-e whi.li u.l to l.n hi look ..,r,s of Phiuese for the ! .si.ii d of snii.ar. K. r ov. r a year t'hi-' t'hi-' nrs; mer.diaJi's who had lhd fr..ui t-a-nuir had I-en n-k;u me wh.n I 'ino.ieht .t won). I be cafe for th.oil to 1 r. t lit ii to th. ir hus.u.s. They told me , iha: the f. .v him -e left there sa d it i was unsafe und that theie was no birs-' birs-' inex. 'lhis time they lame will 1. 1-jteis 1-jteis sayinc ev. ryihin was f;ui. t and I that lxi ii's w is e .d. Ph in -se ate ' ttu.id and . from the fr-t thr.at of per. ! Parmer Not's so 1. rg an I l.i have ri if. and I always vaVuhite to Co j th..t. " ' P..O.nel-r...t HIV fliel'rl. Ill" P-Usf, ; with tie mot.ey tru-t at tinir In ad. aid b e-arinc von. i I- an. n r W. il. thev'll l e a Ins t!:n .L.itrg it. I'm in the tu-.tu-y trust mvse.f i toV. 1 I (-,,;,, Put siir. lv you are afraid of the rav,i-.s of Pi., (let'.pu-? j l'arui -.--I il. n't .ate a rail for no (let. pus as h t:ir s tne p.-ky gras'j..u- i pels ke. p out of the way. j Pol. .m i Put th. re's tin- inortL-iL-e. j Kai nicr Vep, b ut money on one yis-ter.iay. yis-ter.iay. Poh nel I'.ut surely you do rod prove the retenlion of tin' I'h'iipiiines. l'arui. T-Polon-1. when I e.-t le.! 1 of a r.kkI thin,-. I keep h..hl of It. Wh. n I yet moiiev cuoii -ii to buy in .re Iau.1, I buy it. Poioiiel-Kut. my (b-ar sir, would you put the niriti-ma.le dollar above the ti.Hl-made man? Pariior No. but I d put the mnn- .lander. 1 It. y w II f .t t,. I eve any inn the.r own k;i!i and kin as to p.e Mif.-ty of any h- at., n. '1 he .... of r.in, ar ins Just Liven has been dui Ii. at. d t ne af-t. af-t. r another at various pHee on the l-latds of I.U7.U1. I.eyte. N.-r. s. ColiU an I P...! ol nd others. Willi Hie exeeii-t exeeii-t it . f lh- lai.-e i-!ands i f M.udinao It ! ee of the entire croup. I I hies w II tut ret lit n to the north . a-t ' f M .i,.hi;.io ii.thoiurli th. ie are hup. p. .is i, i.. anxious to do so. an.l wl ,n II. 11 them I fit. s-s it Is safe li.uv pev pr...!". e ,! .eiot,. n:s to prove that from a hir es.- s'am!:-Sf.t It is not safe i ai d that tii f-w CI, n. -e r.-m. lining ma.U' .1. Par In t ie man mini" onus.. And I must c-t tliere )s-f,,re pie bank shuts up. So you II Lave to excuse me Colonel. Colonel Hut my mNtrflhled friend, think or the Iierla ration I armer Ib.w did you know that Till Clbhine rnride ..ire to my seeond d.-if-hter. Kl'7y Arm. last nii-ht? Yep. and I've ir, t b, e,, and pri. ' piam-rs and tiiitirt-s this aft.-rnisjn. Huod-by. dixit sitiinP 'ti, I I. lie to fee a five and I love to see a ten. So, lio. here we go for MeKiuley In ai-'ain." a nnt.on we had b. . n w .I ..I ami found wantius? I -amiot r.di.ini ff on ; makine a few comm. i.ts upon this re-j markable nnnouneeii et.t. 1 8ueh a solution of the I'liii'pf'f e : qn.-tlon would tn.-au Ihat witl.n twelve inontl s Manila, p.-ii . C'-bu and every other eny rind town in Pie nr. hi-publico hi-publico wotil I e.'.h. r b- in reins r Pi a state of anarchy, ii'.or" I '-.y p.- bo-: nicr: every for. ii.-n.-r w lit a white la. e , would U- u.urdei.sl or dnv.-u fr to the, hd.inds. i I have bad a rare -...it unity to .ttidv ti e PLili; p.ue -ii--it fr in -..,"r Intcro, r l- st.l.i.iio : is. To be- there, or frolll P.e hllif C.lsteS the.V (tft wrl ti ", h mote ril.able than is my enj-, lure. 1 Piiii ail th's. whnt inf. rn at'nn of , value is ,i-i-., ,P- I: is this: Win tl 1 , s e slat. -mem-- n -.de by a corn's pond-' pond-' er-t l.v in- at the u n al betel iu Ma-t Ma-t i, i. a. or by an o l.b.r at his .i.-k in i At.i.-r.i a 1" tie IT . t that tin' A motion moti-on u army luis n.ioh- lit ie pp.-r. -s I -! w aid si, i io-s t.- pie r. -I.. II on. and . put s; a in n a niiiin. d f r b. tt.-r e. n h- : P. .-ii abie'to -. . l ; e. t! at it is lit.- if.' to --' .on-..!., of :.ii.ii i. it' d il it " I ti;, ... vt c.eni, tit- s woei'uiiy'l tek ll .u- If..,,, . .,, I .1, I'M If t ., I 1 1.1 ,1, r tt, fin With I lav V '-,! d th- i-hll.ds 1111.1 met the l-t'-r la-s '. "'''- ; "h"!"! thy ii;;.-ar. d Hi "trl.Mia vi! .at; d-r th- ne. si r.,v ,: l .- c . ;:. no es IT-y 'S-sS 11,1,1V I.a.ts ,f ...i.t-net T, which coiiiiu, nd ti.- en tu d ll I'-' . ed naPve. al le ii-.h . w :n :"'; " wt:l. ti.e pet. ilia'. -a of -io-!-' in is s.,o v what may be aesio- I 1 if ib-.r cm I 0:10s pre 1 I-, s ily .or- I. I H it tho-e few a- le i suliieh 'll to fcohl In restraint P - v.t t.fi , Take away ibe wl t .... ps at d !-. Eative s.......-rs w... ,d i t. ' - ly - , eon.e a 11.. I .' to P e and . r !-r of U e Leaitv it."h"h '' " - fi'X'tob.ot. " . , , , i hi! a v.s.i to tii- i-. s hi... -one to trior- i a i'v ;'ra-. t - ' ' " " ' d.tions. by far ti - ft 1 v .00,1,1- :.,..r-mt.'ion :.,..r-mt.'ion 1 hnve I. . i. - i -I 1 d t.. .. .tu n from any - . r. e Ins e. i c to ne in u.y cl,:i.eth.. I n.i.d S-:c. , .-.t Amny. The h, '.:..N . f .s leu i s ol written en: :. u - w 1 i-h I have r. ai ,n, the many b ,nr 1 h.n - in 1 tetiinj to anny itnd navy .!''.. s K. tne tl.-lr ei-"' - -;". r , ' !". own ole-ervaiiotis ,n to- :-......U ! .hnrt -f 'he pnetleill '' . -- ' f I. true I'd pin.' ehi-.r.et.-r s-v. n by P.' Chinese who have ,;.ui the.r hv-s 1 t ii - tne ii. forma.., n 1 I in e Ju-t ipl- t-i t-i ..I lo iii it of a corn s,,..i:deiit who kn win-.- ihe den amis of a -.-t. at poht-1 poht-1 i. il pany at d the litet i .1 i.e.-s of its I', , l.l.i.l Candida:... Is .piite as ll- ahb- to U. in error as ll.e m. u li.-c j ti,.n. s and bus m-s have U-. u ill the , patt . ttiar l.s-aiity f r a quarier of a ,e, l.lnry. I n No is.n.-'u.le.l that Ihe Chinese imer. h.iut (.. l . ht wloii be says Spa. a i was coirent wiih hoi, I ni: the s. a pott-! pott-! aud .1.1 not to out ,n:o Ihe Interior to hi. u i up p.e in-urieeio. I I e n. I ,d. d that he knows w hat b is la.kii ls,ut when he says the r-N There ar- ov. r a but: . d " i- n" . Cl.tm-se In the Ph 1 ; ! 't 's rod over !. i 0... of tl.elll c.i ie f"U. A ' ' "' 1 weal-h of P." Islands n I -" d l "" thiireh lift. I re.stn'v wa- .: t " 1 i of the Chi. - Tc.y co..tn.i-d th. , eomiro-ree. I h'-y lev- r r two; hundrcl y.-iirs l,.- n b-i h i I I . i : , i ... ... e ,r !, -ll I, an 1 , pinos bow to i".w S . ,l V'M-co. They have l.o . t ' m wh.l , totie thev know of ti - -"l;;:::r; i Tiiet puaimnl t si, , ii e" he ,. n ,ry , -made llieodvrn:.-s wh . h imbe d i." . natives to prow and b:-rv. ..is and aft. r It is ha", -t. i . i.ris s . o ... out a market and p;.-v..i I i for transis.r'i, It tier-.-. '' 1 , marrl'sl a Pihp'.t.o w if- r- ar. o a fam iy cf half c:,-t.s wh., ;; ';:;; ber in the liiir,'.-,-N of - " " aonstlime the bnl'.-t- and .. a I nu element ele-ment all over the S'. h . . !.-.. It Is a nob ri i fn.-t ''-f ' anv cuntry sun a- the Ch en'oeti in , ability b. prolsrlv.io.a'et.ieleri.lM-. , N have not b. , n so is. mi h i, ly ih ;.u,r-i!,...! ;.u,r-i!,...! ai d s. atb -ted as they nre Uuw s t .e Is'.-I. Ih.s.. sani.. p-omineiit Chin.-e tell n.e that :l.e luit.ve w ill not w. rk l:n'. on 1. r s .iiie ..:t of r.-ttain: and tia y p ii.i out that it is liiii ..s.s. Lie for a : ,,! ! - w h. v .11 it- I ik to soverti i,,.i, -. !v line.- - veil authority to I,-. i, and to i:ovetil and from Ihe In.b.-t to Ih- ho.. -I It well.. I bO re L'ri'.led ns a license to i rey iiisjU oth ; Sii. ii is th- opiui. n of weal'hy and ! ..In. at. d Phim sc w ho have spent tw. n-il,- ;,. forty y.-ars am. ul- these Island ' : il ,a on.- "has only to place the- de-t de-t lii--. ions al-.n-'s. 1- of Ik own evi-ri-'.ii,-,. nn, I ohs.rvailotis In the I'lnlitv i ,in, s to he conv ne.sl that the dev. r ee. : '.-t al. the r pr. s. ntiit iv of the ohlost vtl rnto.n in the world Is p-ttins ch to the la-art . f Pie subj.st and roth -.-is the prevaiiiiu coi.d.tiotis lhen to.htv. i It is fo'.lv to sutr.'est that the t'nite.1 enam. in .', , Of the al-.ve it f-b" " "' r could c t from lb ' ' formation they p.s-. -slew -v . i- abl.sl eorrev-lr I" .-i n " 1 "o -' character. Tee aru.v . t'.crs h-.v- t - quemlv 11.1. 7-1 lh " b'f. " kl.owb sic- of tbe rs.ive and w I ' likely to do thi s sir:- sti --' s-ri. -tciiis and for."' .;: nc t - '- Tbousa.'.i. .f i I.. -- 7':r";'11(.;;; Anioy wh.:: war was t,,.... "...i 17,'j.l lave s t.,-e puss..! T . - -1 1 - - - ,,;n".'-'"':,Vh"' In the arch is .a.-". He " ' ' ' lead. re Chu e a!.-.. a . r .r . .1 Anov to awa t ti.e .-to -. ..i peace. They left th. r e " ' ' J ,,.,.,cvo. in el nr.- . f r 1- -Bo 1. n as p.-r- v a, - . i - l r - ina ir tin a prot-s-torate over tin.' islands ami st u d off any Pun s ail p.,w. rs p at im-ht tied it ncs -Miry to step In and restore or.hr and prut.s-t Teste.! I: terests. Such a course wotiM n-s-es-siraie as many Amerierin tr,s-v.s as w ill l- p-iiir.d liiol-r American sover.T.-ii-tj No ofhe. r w tt d dare rt-k Lis l.f. . tTl a fa' ve eoiitpany. , Ve would have all lh- re-;- ns i. li'y of Sover-e Sover-e -i.'v wltii li.itii i.; to say as to the in-teriial in-teriial aflrt-rs aid m. benefit a.-enUn" from ih- cro:i s.i.-r.ti.s.. Mi- h a I r. po. .11 '.. Is so pt o".i.-n',!.v lu-i ra. t ea! ! P at d c.oii.l never I"' s-rb . -!y cons', 1-. 1-. r.sl 'I h- en i f Cuba Iv iu- at our , -t e i s s.t m: of ot-e small Nl.ntd and that cf tl: s ar, l.n In.-, w uh mere ti an a hiit.b .sl liihnl.i. .1 Islands and ex- i. r -i l st ov r a va: nr. a Is not a par-aih par-aih 1. and th. r.' are few points In win- -j a mimm rt; crt In the north- lh.n they refused . r.--e i. a.antly recuve l-tt-rs for., f- - d-from d-from ev.-ry t art of P'-" t- ': 8 ''; . them of P f"'"!' ' "''" 'r'"''- These Phit.-e l-t- er-.e .t, t ar .. chins. Tb.yc'.,!...'. - .ra.. f; - iw p - .ib ." -f i'-'' ,r. Th-,. .hh-rs ,r h.ii . i.- ' tt, Vf t.d S-ftes o t i . - t- , ' inferriia'. .. n: !;,:' 7;';';.:';;. for,..e.v-i'a ' ' ' ( the.r par-v. 1 " ' .." t.'r w.-aitl v. !l.t, f - i ' i f , ," ' ' tl men. Prom th i I r."i -ra'""! to c-t b tail P. f roi .t r. as to " e ;.,',- , r..luc- aid I d'-l "s of ?..ir 1.,1,'l.ss. They ktew-.f bet oce wav to Jed -e of t! - . e,rI p. .,-e s n ditar.s in tbelr farf-ular l-ali'v an I that ll by coniparini them itb te cm Mu.i.na... r. ar Pie point or r-reni-r, -i-riir.ee to Amerlan o.s-upa'.-n. If I a ft.-!'" flv ls-.il In c..,sr-i-a'"n w 1-1. :! M. fs . f the III.!"-" -its. He wrote fie ir ,1 r July Mi that be Ju-t had e t-f-r-1 w.Vi thr.s. , f ih. . ad I e li tr-- nt offers.. I ie trUd b it,.'.,,-- them to OJ--H up r. .. t atioris 1 wl h the Anri. an on: rs w- Pi a view 1 to s'-'et: " ' to t1:- Aerh-tn s-.v, r-, r-, .i.-nrv. Ttt-y bll l.lni I" it th. y wire ' h.irr:' ly P.r, d of tie c-lt-.'-t and ant-'l.,"s ant-'l.,"s to surr-.-nder. P't tint t!.y d.i" j to t d . It nr I o adv.. ly th- Jun'a ! iti M.i'u'1. 'I ! ey -ad lh-y had rens.!: it.. Isl.ve that eei-eral It s'ructi. tis to I e.m ri.b r w-I. .w.n b- sfiv.-n. and ass upal the in. I. ins r'srt tint w.tlun I two moii'.Lj b cvuld go whera t |