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Show j PlOT IN COAL REGION. t A llr i of Ntrikrn I C loaw a Mil j lowed by I SMI KiwiH. I A Special potic'iuan was instantly j killed, another ws woun.li-1 in the' j hrsd. A striker was probably fatally I shot and ten non-union mm wens more or lrsa seriously wounded At th Oneida, Pa., colliery of I oie Itro. in A clean between tbci oiricer aad JoO alrikr oo Wcdnrsdsy ruornlng. t As the non-onion tnca went lo work i they urn asked by the strikers to re- lUAia At home. Sotue tamed back, J oibers did noL Tbntc who went to the colliery were atoned. Van IHargin. I one of the non-onion employees, at-tempted at-tempted to draw a revolver bat the ' wcapoo wae taken from him and in the beating be received he had severel riba broken. Tbe atrikera remained At the colliery All morning, bring joined by A crowd of women. aod when the snperin-tendent snperin-tendent endravored to Addreaa tb crowd he waa atoned by tb women, being slightly wounded. Then tbe striking men And tb women rushed towsrd the colliery. A force of about fifty apecial policemen who bad been brought dowa from lleavcr MeAdow to prevent trouble Attempted At-tempted lo intercept the mob but tbey i were powerless to do anything And ra- I tired to the engine-houae. Just as the otlicers got close to shel-i shel-i trr a shot was fired. This was fol- lowed by another and la a few seconds many shots rsng through tha air I Policeman Mills waa the first to fall. ; Then Joseph lako, a striker, staggered stagger-ed to the ground. No one koows who shot first, but it il believed thst both the strikers sml the officer ued their weapon. A gun shot killed Mills and small shot struck I'oliremsn Kellnor. Isko, tbe alriker. waa airtirk by a ball from A revolver with wbicb all tha officers of-ficers were armed. After th (hooting th strikers dispersed. dis-persed. Notices bare been posted closing clos-ing the mine until tb atrik la settlsd. |