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Show j RESOLUTION ' rr.p" A.-i-ei "" ' Artlcl. I a. "I " t -wslilwlisMS. I IV II re'lvjts-1 '"'.'ifi'rn Ivf "Vl'oa'T"'''''"' "f..l.w.r pronos'tlta . sT.Dorl'uJc"slr'rJ,!i'r Hi"Wn.i. I "'Tlml-rtl 1 ArtUf'l' r.f th Bt!Ultl"H of the I L"a "' W I l'n lpltlatur-hll pr-.! ir bT law ' tl'l o-wnl! pr?'lrlT ill tnr j". aooTd.: e i w li ti!ue in rj'-nv an4 dU r.rn tr fu.lvaluatlus (..rlai.l.oo ..f all t.r..l-tlT. ! u.al rrrj p. r.i ai.d e..T.-r.li a .1 all p a . 1 ui la propcrtlon l ir e "I hia. trr ur I I pr..oerty IWwW, Wat a deductl,. c f r:l t i frvra crrrtlta mar he auth..ni! Frovl,jc4 lunner uial lb property .f lb I nltea ''"-. of lie Mate, wuaiw-a. cln. lo-. wrh ' ii.lrirta. municipal eorpi.railona an pul.lij , liorarn- tulm wuh the bul id.iw Ihrrr- u.ctf j ec.ulTt fr either rruU'ua wor-h'.p or ' rbarut iv purpo-a an4 p.acem of burial Bo : h'.d or ucd lr prlie or corporate tvnni, hall be n-anpl from taiation IMu-aea j ranala. r.erv'r. pi-e aod nnm- owpod en aa b ln.1lldual or c. r .runn f..r Irr.c.t-' Irr.c.t-' Ir laaJ aearu br "uca lodlIJuata or corp.ra-1 corp.ra-1 tluna or lb tntlltlilual rernioera thrrof. ahail ! Dot be arparsieij tai1 o lon aa tbr hall t eDC3 and uM rl luairatv for urh pjrK-FmfldMl pjrK-FmfldMl further lhat tbrtalraof tbeln1 fnl ' poor mat be remitted or ahau-d aucb time Bad la aucb eaonrr aa may he proldd br law. s I Tb Secrrtarr of Stale ia r:r erdrd to caita Uila pr,painoo u be pub-ll.bed pub-ll.bed Ballra.ton na-apr IB errr? co.intv of lb Slat wber a Bwppr la pubilvbd. ftir two aooBiba lmmedlaieij preceding tbe arzl enral electl'.. See I Thla pnpooliloe aball be rubmlttM to iba eleclora of tbia Stat al th aril s:Bcral eleclloa for Ihrlrapproral or disapproval. Ait official ballot uard al aura election shall hare prtnled or wrltiea tb-reon ih worda. For lb Amndo)Bt to ScclloB A. Artlcl 18. of tht'oo-ailtulioa," tht'oo-ailtulioa," aod "Agalnat the Amendment as Section V Article l.t. of the t'onatllutl -n." t-' t-' Stbrr with such other till desmnsllna- such ! amndmot aa mai b pruvldd by law Sa it I ballots shall b rcld and said votes abatl I b takea counted, canvaaacd and returns t hrre-! hrre-! of b asad la lb sam manner and IB all re-i re-i spm-u it Is provldl by law id tbe raae of th 1 eirctloa of tate oflcers I se Thia resolution shall tak effect and be la force from and after lis ad ptiua. j RESOLUTION ; Trope'" Awjeedsnewt te Seeftoa Arltels IO. wf th Const It f low. Kelatlag a lb twetrol bms Malffteaaue of l'aall acboola. Be It rewired and enactct bv tbe f tt!alstnrw ' of tb Stat of Utah, two-tbtruaof all member ! tbcrex c.ncurrlnc therein i Sertioa I The following proposition ts ktnend th Constitution of lb St e of t'Uh l I bcrebT submitted to lb quahtled rleclors of th Stale for lAetr approval or disapproval, Tba 'section t). of Article 10, of lb Conatltti-tioo Conatltti-tioo of the ytt of Utah shali b smeocled te ' read aa follows' Sec Jn eltl of the first and acond claaa ' lb public school avstem shall b controlled by tb Board of Kdurailon of such cltlca. Bi-psrate and rt from tbe counties la which Seidell! ar loc ated ' Sc t Th Secretary of State la hereby : ordered to cause this proposition to be ptib- llshed In at least on newspaper In every counts of th Stat where a newspaper la published. for two months tmmcdlatel) prteedli.g the nit i t-n'ral election See. I. 1 bis prob"is!Mon shall b submlttdi to th electors of ihia state at Ihe Beit cDerai I election for their approval or disapproval (! i all oTt. lal ballots uaed al sucb cc-tion there I shall b printed. " Kor th Amendment lo See-I See-I lion A. Artiri 10. t.f lb t i B -tltutton." and j "Ainalnsi th Amei.dtnmil Ui Necimn Artlcl I to of th t onstltuiton." lcltier with sues other till deaisnst!i! aurb am- tidmnt as may t pn.tl.lcd t'T law id ta,,ols soa 1 be re-i re-i e-.e.l Mt a" so'e.rtsii t-- : a a n eotmte4.. I eMnvassed and n't'ini. it.- for i. a'.- i . same nisnber and in all rcspocts as ta provided ty iaw lo the case of lb eicv-iiua of Stat RESOLUTION Propwetng Aaelniwt aw Aeettone 1 awsl I X of Artsrl a wf IhvCowatitallowof th j Mlata of I lah. kelallM to !irwrl Lwglsiauwa by Iba f apl. ' Be It resolved and enacted bv ihe Ieglslatar 1 of the Stat of rih. t wo-thi rda of all the mem-j mem-j be rs elected lo each house therouf eoacurrlBg therein: Section I. Thai section I df A rtlrle of lh : Constitution of the stale of I'laa. be aoieudod lo read as fi:iows Sec I. The legislative power of the Stale shall be vested j I InaSeoateand Houseof Representatives. , wblcb shall be designated tbe LegisUlure of the Stale of l'uh I f In tb people of the State of Utah, as j aerelaafter Slated. I The icl voters, or such fractional part thereof, of lh stut t.f Cutb as mar be. provided pro-vided by law. under such condlt loos and In such I manner aod wittun siicb t m a- dibv be provided pro-vided by law ansy Initiate any deared legtsis- tloB and cause the same to be submitted to s , vol of the p.spie for spproval or rejection, or ! niay rjuire ant law psed by the Isr:alatur lexcept those laws passed by a two-tn.rua vote j vf tbe m-nibera elected ui each house of lbs IleglstBlurl to h submitted lo th voter f the Male b-.'lore sucb law shall take erf, t. The tes-at voters or sucb fractional part thereof there-of as may be provided by law. of any legal sub-, sub-, divlsloo of it, Slat, under sucb conditions I snd in sucb msoner and within such lime aa i may b proridel by law. mav lBillate any de-; de-; sirl legislation and rause the same to be ut-j ut-j milted to a vote of the people of said legal euudivtaio for approval or rejection, or may ! reoulr any law or ordinance passed by the ; law-making body of wsol legal subdivision lo j b submitted lo the voters thereof before such j law or ordinance aball las effect S-e t A. so that se.-tl..n .1 of Article s, f tbe (OBstitulloo of lb Slate of Ctah bo amended to read as follows , Sec a Th enacting clause of every law shall be. ' Be it enacted by the ly-itis.sturo of I th Stat of ('tab ' Klcepl siu h laws as may j be passed by the vote of the elector as pro, j Vlded la aubdlvlsloB section I o Ible article. , and su. h laws shall tiegin aa follows, ' lie U tnartedby tbe people of th Stat of Vtah -No bill or Jolui Kesoiutlon shall he passel. et-eept et-eept with lb assent of the majority of all th . members elected lo each bouse of the LeglaU-I LeglaU-I lure aed after it has been read three times lb vote upo ihe final passage of all bula shall b by yea i a I nays: and no law shall be revised or ameaded by reference lo lis nil oolv. but the act as revt-el or section aa amended, ahall be re-enacled and published al lena-lA. "eel Th Scrtary of State la hereby . ordered to reus this proposltioa to be published pub-lished la at least on newspaper In every county of tb Stat whr anwspspv Is published, pub-lished, for two months toi&uedleteiv preceding the Brit general election l""'. Tnl" proposition aha'.l be aub-Utd aub-Utd to lh Hectors of tb.s Stale al tb nil reoersi election for their suproval or r-iectloa TbeolTlclal ballots used al sa.d eiertloe shail have printed thereon Forth ameBdmcnl ta Sections I and I . Article of lh t onsiitmlon etc . and. Against tb axndmnl to 6-c-tloBalaodJS. Article . of me ConatltuuoB, tc. and such designation of ml as ma. ha. provided by w said oaliou shall b received snd sa d vote, ahail be lakes counted canvassed can-vassed aBd returns thereof oa made in the same manner and lb ail respecta aa la provided by r-.w ia case ol the eler tioa of Slat ufBoars . Stst o rTa. i OfT.ee of secretary of Stat, ( ,.t: "" T Hsmmond. Secretary of SlMt at " C" ' twt' "'" '- " T,ry, Uu eorreet copies of the reaoiutions proposing enjeadmanle to th Ts? il ' Stu' Peeved at the Third reguiar seaaios of the lx-g.ao.ius of this la Tesnimowy Whereof I bare here-r. here-r. . . , lo my band aad a.Tzed the AAsA, (,reat a of tb Stat of VleA al Sail LaseCUv. this 2rd dsy of Aa-gsasv Aa-gsasv a, U u. 7 sh aa J T HAMMOND Secretary ; '.lass |