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Show Local Biiei's j lUter. I Tliere .eems to b aiill a doubt anion some of the voter aH to wlielh-leruia wlielh-leruia n-.essar) for voter ho are already al-ready rekMiere.l to renter acain. New , registrHtion hut tStxighutit iil le ; ; uset at thiaelecliou and every voter who ' desireai to cat hia Imlk must reuu--nn . ' oae of the rive .laya.lmdnaled for thi.t ipu.(e. whet'.er he has trevioimlv rfci'ered or not. The resist ration iins areOctooer '.Ih. Imli.liltli. :totri and .list. ItPKister nut Tuesday. On Sundays and Holidays th Geueral lVIivery and 8tarup window- wjll Ve ojieu from 11 lj am. until 12.15 p in Kobort Murdock P. M. ' TO THE DKAl-.-A rich la ly curtl of her Deafness hud Noi?tg iu tbe Head hy Dr. Nicliolwon's Artificial Lar Drum, gave tf 10.1)00 to Lis Institute, so that deaf po-; lila coable to procarts tbe Kar' Drums may liarn th.-m free. I Address No.T2ih;4. The Nicholson) I Icititute. 7b(.i, Kishth Avtcuo, j N'ew York. I Register. I I It will surpnao you to perieDr th 1 benetit obtained t.y nair.g tt.e dair.ty ' and famous l.ttle pilla known as I : j Wilt's I.ittie Karly llirs. I Co-od. Gnx-ery A lru compaoj, I Yoar Watch is sure) t.t pive yoa' sttisfaction if you five it to C. M . I WnnJelhoe lur rpiitini.'; the best Watchmaker iu L'tsb. TLir.l Ct., Lrpao. Tba woill ia til fMe pjt o-i t!iii" ' cl.itlun lir.-aui" if he trav-led on tit ' own reputation tie cuutun't a.x-oinp! i.ti ' his purrse. Coucterfiters of l-Witt's l-Witt's Witch IK. el sa ve cul.ln't sxll' their orthifa aa:v-a oo their nier't-., ao they put them in Iwiiea and rap-' pers like WW t'.'a. I am t ut for th-u,. ; fakaonlT !S Witt's Witch Haxl svile, . II euros pile anil all sk.n .! a-i.se. i Cjp Cirta-eiv i Lit ug coinpariy. Hay wantel ou subscription all ttil O.'ficC. j Ci.irefe at oar.c roas en. n.i. s for they ar treacKerni-. I hl'i nv a. I . eobutrfeila of leW'i:t' W ion tUy- s:v are ilaek--riiin. Thy ! hue ' I e itt'a. but irte4,l .,f the' ail healii..; ;tch baael Uiey a. I contain ir .-re.i.et,i, ' hah. to irritate tn akio aad cant l..sl ("iisomr-ar. r".r pitea. ir.;ur:tand ' SK.n (ii-eaT u,- the nrti-nal sr. !,,"ti-1 U.r le'A,-t' Wi-b llai-ls.lv. I Cv'J? Orv.er;- r.i cuuipary. |