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Show VICTOR ECHOES. RTiat Newspapers Say of th Recent Assault, r.oowelt- Own Srateiuer.t A Very thri'hin? r.tiwration of t!ie Keo t.al I'.'T n ii.v li. l.va the Two Parties. "They eonld net have i!!.M-nt.xJ better bet-ter the lovn of the Pri.in ;e for diwr-der.- paid Cow-nuT 1 e.lon K. v.it of tie l'H.!i:::r. who assaulted Litn at Vi, tor. Colorado. "Ijivv l.t.- v:rv; " I,.- rilled. "Is t!ie v. ry th:i I a-n t.-' t s-uiust as a ran lid ' t ..:.. I ,n I f-.r reason and pal; a. t. -;u against the ride of ths Uloh." The Va-tor '- de sfrklnudr !'!. tn.'.s f e .-. :..e i-iwe, n li e l:ry-r. l:ry-r. . a-. 1 t l:- mi!.:,, .ti p irty-f..r v e tv.. 1 I n t i-.-'.t t- e fioiwan Is of 1-.n. -t ari l I. ; a lvet'i... rai.s ly .-..il.in t'e i. t..r ti : bv t e.r party name. Mr. P oi h.s st. ... tl 111 ir i'.v limtu as l-t. ,.. 'v att.i. -i . -d to V.. -eibiiran .'-. I: in- s as I- ;..r is to l.,s o .ti. Ip.h s, b"t no-... re las nnv I:, pubh.-aa ever .. .-r. .! h-'i - r- u d v i. i. n.s.. as his (,.;:, I., sei. ort.-rs , Tor. ,1 it to Tl.eo-,l..re Tl.eo-,l..re Ih. os. v, It. d h:.t is tssause the U. !:.' :: party stands tor law and or.l.r. always and everywhere, whilo the p. - an itty st.iu-ls for vlol.-n.-e and i..t, ri.i... !iv-ry ..-ei:f eiti.-n of Colorado of oe.r' fe.-N th.it h.s state has In-s-n huli.iiia-.-l by tio" Permute lawless-ii. lawless-ii. s at i.-tor. We have no .Osi--.. th.ii to add to Colorado's ! ii'ii i.afhiii Iv lard words. In fa.t. ws. sr.' rv-strtiin. rv-strtiin. I fr-l.i so d. Am by two r.o-sot-s. We have our liisslluins here In Chi. f.'o-no t Ion., nut laborer, but proto.n.-nt eitir.. lis. w ith li. :i .i'.arters at the Pnioi, la acne Cluti - wist, fcws than two years ri.-o. .s.nsj ired to mob ti e coventor of lh'uols hi p.e pros.ji.-e of ti e pr. -Id. oil of the Pu.I.sl Slat.sj. That Is or e n asori wM. it r.or.'n-l Ui to I nrii-i'.le towir.l.C.'lomd.i. The s.-.-.tid r.a- i Is that the r!tt-7-etis of ('.dorado are to have nl op...,r. te.ni'y s.sui io rejei.t nr.- Prvatnte law ..s,n'. s. P.v. rv la .v a .id.n.' ...-r of Pint t:Pe knows how he .-in, on November No-vember Mil. tm.st '.-te.a'iy rebukffl the party i f lh en-e and riot Not until un-til C. h.iado r.-fi".s to adinitii-t.-r snob a rebuke w d P.e Hs,p.. at lar-e t Muly t . l.i I h r res;,or.sih'e for luoh at Vi- tor.- Clii'-a : Inter . an. |