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Show S jmtxl ; aaked Bryan, when he I wa tllscii.ainit cn'onial olicii of; the governruent, bow alxiat North Carolina and the race ijnestioo o' that stf.e. H.-van avoided the question.! arm; that he wanted them to r!ad , tlie !ulu treaty, and aaid the volets! "MrnuM iilush until tlect'on time and i ' levrr mention North Carolina. Now,! na to tt - !uln treaty. The President j ti.tiiu-".Iv laid lie would not approve any treaty or any arrangrnunt rrc-oui.iag rrc-oui.iag the alavery which bat bere. to'ure existed, or anv'.blng else in oii.oict with tbe constitution of tbe Init'd Slates, iirjran is not only! unfair, but be is untruthful. |