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Show A STRANGE SUIT. Philadelphia Msa Aoea foe I uasrsaew ww Uf of Ilia VYifs. hous Ho Killed. A suit to recover insurance upon the life of his wife, whom be killed on lec 31, lsyj, has been commenced ia Philadelphia by Professor S. C. ShorU lidge, who is dow residing al Kennett Sijuare, in ( heater cuunt). lUesuit. which is to recover the sum of t'.OiS from the Provident Lif Truat company, com-pany, is one of the most remarkable In the history of life insurance- The tragedy which ended tba lif of Mrs. Shortlidge was enacted in Media on a New Year's eve. " Several years before that date Professor shortlidg bad com to Media with bis wife and family and established whst waa known as the MediA Academy for young men. For several rears tha venture was toccesaful, the school having hav-ing a high-class patronage Then Mrs. Shortlidg died. In November, I93, Professor Sbort-lidge Sbort-lidge married Mix Marie Dixon Jones Shortly after bis second marriage tha j professor began to act strangely. On j night six weeks after the marriage Professor Shortlidg invited hi wif j to go out with him for a walk. A short distance from tbe bouse be shot ber through the heart, and then attempted suiciJe, but was disarmed. In th trial which followed Professor Profes-sor Shortlidg wsa acquitted oa tb grouad of insanity, and waa confined in an asylum until a year ago. |