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Show TRUST VERSUS DISTRUST. THE ISSUE DEMOCRATS ARE TRYING TO "PARAMOUNT" In the Cave of Adullam Again Dhcussbn of the Trust Qucv tion From Various Parts of the Country Mr. Crokcr's Young Man in Business Mr. Eryari as a Classifier What "if "Trusts" Were Smashed. j enre Is sought. Tie know s that all the mat captain of in Itistry all the P'al of groat enti-t pr.s.- were net? what he I. He ge t ready to fill one of their place a they pa from the stag... So lie work, and hot, and I Ian and achieve-. Sin b is the real American worklng-num worklng-num a we iw liitn every day resourceful, re-sourceful, self-reliant. se-lf-resee-ctliig. ambitious ainl slice rf ill according to hi resolution to use well Ills tab nt. Pe"S he rocogt:i.e 1 i m 1 f in the r.ig-pd r.ig-pd tramp. :li- mii.iii paui-r. the low-brow ed Idiot that l'.rjan artist ' and orator r ie-tttre Irm'r po- he ad-lii ad-lii it tii.it t'io-o slanders Immunity n I i I y to him? lnl emphatically he i!.e-s imt. He do. net oolites l.imsc.f Inferior 'o any man L vinir. Aud he 1 right. C hie-ago li.t.-r-Oe . an. AN OPEN Li riLK TO THE STATE Or- COLUKAhU. My pearly ll.-lov.-.l Slnte: There s.-eu.s to it- a .!;. i inn abroad iii.it y.m ure ci.4 to d uui. ;u.l; 1j...-u :i-.i.n ii-xi .iiiMiiiNr. in m e 1 wi.-u to r.i.i.ii ti.al 1 l.si. m d w.tu great iu-t.n.-l to ui;r 1,1 Hon iui.r years a go us Lu y u a w i. .1 o r I lie Mate dc-n..iie.i.ug dc-n..iie.i.ug many li -.ral'.e tli.ii-'i. iou l'.ili 1 pi.u -i.e .iiiy a uiiau.tiiou. Vote lor the poll, ic w hi. U you thotuht would Ix- the eiiiickcst to bring these j that i made r the a'rlkers an.l their , ii m; atiiii-rs Tin re Ix-lnff no hard ! coal trust a.s Hie ' (Tem of various cotn-: cotn-: :n:.i-s to ! " i'ate a "purate iii,-re.s. j ne t t Willi th .r Uleit .hen cistratr. the miners are i.w nnined to force tin- ero-atioit ero-atioit f sin ,i au itopu riiit away. i Nebraska Sute Joutial. . The Tion. T'.h liard Cn ker. the fu-feeiue fu-feeiue 1. ader of the In in - racy of the state of N. '.v York, is awaituii: with a pood d. al i I Int.-i. -t. it wa niuioiilii d i.t the 11. Ifaiati llmu-e lat n uht, t..e return of c ;ov. rin.r tlhaiu J'-l S'oue of Missouri and Colonel M..e Weiinore. aN., of Miss .tni. from Chirac. Chi-rac. . Mr. ( rol.er 1 to make tiie :!ort of hi li'e hi h's cent Madison S.p'.are (ianieii Hie. tit n on I let .b.-r P.:h. win r- r.tyaii Is to ak. lint there is trouble ill. r. ad. Mr. t'rok. r. Mr. St .ne j A.MCle,N OR LLROPEAN? I l a'.Toejiorntions, call them "trust. 1 or what you will, me bound to do most i of the fi. at work .r the world lu the twentieth i.eitury arid the d.-tructioii ..f our own his; rorp.ii at imis that have so ej-eailv. by otani.-itiou and the les-I les-I senliii; of tii numb, r of needles middle mid-dle nieti, r-ducsl the est of produe-tioii produe-tioii to t!ie eon-uiuer without lesseiiini; tiie waes of tiie workman or the number num-ber of pi:ir.. . pen to labor, would merely mai.e u tributary to the 'triu-t- of Ilurope. where no dhort-siehte.l dhort-siehte.l p.pu!ar prejudice will be allowed al-lowed to interfere with the natural protrres of the business world. Ne-j Ne-j braska Stale Journal. Mbiiiti. of earn ink- the state of New Votk for lirvaii. Atkausas .Ion., tiie Hon. Jam. K.. I'emoiratic senator from ArUatisa and rhainnan of the Heiiiocratic national committee ami , (,f the rhl. f Ho. khol.ieis In the cotton bale trust, along with John II. Soarb-. formerly of tiie Ameii. an vi-car vi-car tru-!-d ft. is with Mr. Crokrr, Mr. Stone and Mr. Wetrnore. Arkansas J..n.- tl not helh ve that there Is a possibility of rarrimr New-York New-York f. r l'.rjan. 1 he Arkansas statesman states-man i not alav astute, but he 1 ...iiietiims well Infori I urn I on his di suable limits. lull dciii.ni.iid work for jour Idle iou e,,t It. You have had to send beyond your Yorueis lor coal miner and railway laborers, luu m vrr bad no luiiuy p. opie employed a now. lou uiiiiiiil your luie capital to be e!i.piO. ed. luu p.t it. Not only yours, but outside out-side capital has come iu abundance. iou wanted to see the army of tramps that lutrnud the bialo mustered muster-ed out. 'I In y are gnv. ..u wanted jour soup houses closed. '1 lny aie also p.ne. Iou wauled to e, t rid of the receivers receiv-ers of your railway aud bauks. i hey, too, are tioiie. iou wantid to see the smoke coining from the s ack of your smelters, milU un.l f.ietoru. It came. Many have since been kii kiiiB al-uit the smoke niLsauce. iou wanted the -savings bauk deposits depos-its to ii.i reuse. You p.t it. Never so large In your history as at present. You wanted to see luterest rates decrease de-crease that o.r p. opie could Isirrow more rlnapiy whciewuh to develop your res.oiices. You p.t it. Iuu rest has never been SO h.W US Ilo'.V. Now , don I Miulriu. I know you wanted ail 1 1; tli.n-'s, for I heard jour oiaiors. both si.nr aud gold, say te.-eiit visit to New York he had I..111; talks with ex Senator I'nvid ('..nuert Hill ami Comptroller I'cid S. C r. Atkausas J. ni beli.v. sti.at Mr. Croker has unwisely stimulated I'omocratic faeth nal waifare In the state, cm tiie other hand. Mr. Cn. ker ami his friends believe that Mr. Join s, because of hi i-oiiuertlon with the roll. .11 bale trust. Is a mirs-htv p, r 1 halrman of the 1 em-CH em-CH lato- liiuloiutl csunmittee. A to that. Mr. Joins nn.I Mr. Color and Mr. Hill and tii ir friend have a few word to sav about the Ice trust biisinrs. You cs.'ul.ln't ft one of them to cay any-thing any-thing for puMi' -at ion nlxuit matters of this kind, but the iTect 1 Just the same, f.,r the cr.ti. ism I whispered alsuit In nil I'emiM-ratie resorts. There was some amusement In I'em-ocratlc I'em-ocratlc c ir. ies y.ter,'ay upon the on-j on-j nounccment that ex- b.vernor Hoci: of WHAT IF THE TRUSTS WERE SMASHED? Sayinir one day that "the- Pemocrntle f arty 11. ake no war upon wealth," liryan, the m-xt day, tells n to "111111 out how trust nui.'i'ate are piini; to vote and then vote the oilier way." If that I not ..ettin one class aiMinst another an-other It w. il.l U liard to tmd a ease of It, but h t tat side of the qnestiuii k'. I.c-t ti suppose that the employe of some i;ri'at corporation, commonly I known as a trust, say the Amcri. an Su-' Su-' tar Ci.tni any. should take Mr. I'.ryan's : advii e to It bitter end. They declare I war on their cmpl .v. r. aud bresk the rum) ai y up. Would they be the be.ter j ofT for it 1 I low soon after ti e acromidishm. nt 1 exas cii-siii-i 111.- on...- ....... 1 of Arkansas J. ties as chairman of the 1. tin ciatie national ioiiimittee b.s , cause of .lulus' connection with Cue' cotton bale trust. Mr. IP eg. It appears, b.l.ev.s that Mr. Joins' e,.iine, i ..n 1 with tlos imal trist. which the state; of T-Mi has denounced ot'icially. is; wo-kinir hiirrii to Hie I leuiocrat ic cause. Tl. Is s.-t . me of the In niocvats , 1,,,. II f. : all M me hl-t Diullt to t . 11 1 1 1 tr about Mr. lb L'ir and In connection connec-tion cither as an aiioinev or as an individual, in-dividual, wlih what Js tailed the book trust, and It was sic'ir-sted that certain cer-tain rrpres. iitatives of the b.H.k trust In P.rooklvn. possibly Ceiieral r.arne. tiilKht liace somethinir to say about ex-liov.-nior lloti; and his plutorratie snrroiimllrcs. As a matter of fact the peni.Mrats are all tamiled up lu Trust," New York Sun. of so. h n cntastro; he would the fra-merits fra-merits of the d.sruptrd or--aiii7atloii call for the men to be-in work a.'ain? If tl.. re was no break in su-:ir makim.-. Would their WIlL-eS bo IllL'li-r? Would their 111, 1 lovn en; ! n tiea.lv as it I...-.1 to b. .- We doubt If ti.eie Is uiui.iii.' ti e siiirar iiinker a sim-Ie man 1 s.. sic. id as i.t to I now that Ik- Indo ! vidua, v i . b. 11, r .,'f nn I licit tla-ie are f:., 1.' ,' l r Kl'el In be ur besiness las It Is now 1 oii.bn-ted than w inn nnlnc a clone by sou..- c....-n little I i, mi, aides 1 ut'ilii; each nth, r throats I always and w.rkuu- spasmodically. 1 t us c, sb p further, jho industry of this country I to a very cr. at e xt. tit oriMli zcd on the larire line s of concentrated capital. The result Is one of th- wonder of the time. The ecoiiouil. of the trust ineth od. wotkiin; throii'.-li Annrleari skill, have ma le us the itrst amoiiL' the man-ufa.'turiiis man-ufa.'turiiis and exporrlni; luition. The capital so Invested and the lals.r al Hi d. w ith It are virtually beyond measurement. meas-urement. To t'-ar tin vast Industrial s.vs'oin to pli-ces, as the pcino.-r.nie party says must I done, would be to paralyze American Industry as It Las Is-en laralyzesl by no llnanclal panic lever known In the country' history. The iiiind shuns the attempt to Imagine Im-agine the disaster that would follow. And after the Job was done, wha: then? ' r . 1 he country would take up Its work Inirain. robbed of the unrivalled isirei irth that It had flourished In. and linndieiippcsl further by the Instantaneous Instan-taneous development of American that you 11. d. iou d. iiinii,!i .1 more motley. The cir-ctiliiiH cir-ctiliiiH u must bo increased per capita. iou pit it. It has increased with marvelous lapid ty i,,r four year. iou w.ii.t. ii sil, r at Id to 1. iou tot 11- That is the ie-p.l ratio iou donum, 1, d that one dollar be just 11 s P.. .I us iinoii.. r. iou p.t it. 1 hat is 1 he kind we have now. ai. 1 y u i-in '-'"t aM tho s.lvir or pap.-r Jo. 1 want at nny bank. i ou ii. in. in, i d S-l w n. 11L iou p.t it. diilii t juiiV iou d.iuau.l.d 11. e markets of the world for jour suiplus pioducta aud p.ods. ioll Rot It. Cot it so su.l.b-n It almost al-most ila..hd .Vol!. ilosl rapid and ond. 1 1 ill u re. will In roreiu trade iu our h. story, llalauce of trade lu our tavor prew far be youd our fondest "'"iou wanted us to stop borrowing moui v in l ure.pe w lil. li drained the country of mom y to pay lute-rest. 1 he-aid your governor say o. iou cot Ii. We iupi el it. and Europe Eu-rope Is now Isirrowinj; from us, aud the lniere-st inoiii-y Is coiinni: this way. iou wauled the pivernmeiit to col-iest col-iest eve ry dollar of the Pacilic railrond debt, Insi.ad of a PolUTUN, as Mr. Cleveland proposed. You gut what you wanted. Mr. Mc-Kliih-y made them pay every cent, prim .pal ami Intercut. You wanted Cuba Ids-rated. It was done. You w aiite d the rlphts of our people maintained nt home uud abroad. THE YOUNG MAN IN IlLSINESS. III. hard Cr. ke-r. chief of the New York state pe-mo. racy, recently w rote an article for the press In which lie declared de-clared that no yoiim; man of to-day had anv 1 ham e of sure-ess of success In business bieause of trusts, and that the only opportunities of the prsent are to be found In a eoliiie al career. This state-mi nt ha been re-echoed by pe-iii.sTatle orator tlirouchout the I romitrv. in spite of the fact that It I falsltv'ls provoel at eve ry turn In daily ' life. The New Yoik lleralel's local columns col-umns recently told of the arrival of tiustave Hultu're-n. a yoiinis Cerman Immigrant, llultgrrn came to this rountrv live vear a-s'o with a shrewd e.-oii iniv In othe r lands. Prae'ie-allv 11, I ., i.l Sri...... I.i en nut of l.nsl. n.-ss. l'.rjan has the assurance to Invite the calamity Involve.! In li i ss. anti trust plank liecause he Is not a busln.-is man. He Is a pcilitu-al adventurer, and under his lusplratiou the Peinocrntle partv has N-e-eime a s.H-iiil agitator and disturber of business. New York Suu. huliiec, h'-a. I as hi chief working capital. He settled in Seattle, Washington, Wash-ington, and start. -el In the grocery bust-tie bust-tie ss lu a small way. He enlarges! his trade gradually. Invented Id savings pruile-ntly III real state, and a few weeks ago went back to Cermany to ge t his mother and five brother and sister, llultgrvn anil hi re latives arrived ar-rived In New Y.erk the other day, and the young man showed a reporter fobl and elraris to the amount of fHI.' all of whh h he had made since his first arrival In Anna h a. He wound up Ills story w ith the assertion that the entire Woet was full of such opiH.rtuuitie-s for young men willi no oilier possessions than ambition and energy. Such a simple little story In real life-Is life-Is more convincing than nil the preaching preach-ing of the ap.tles of dissent aud de-epalr. de-epalr. The Immigrant who suereeded where Croker prophesied failure was proud to e xhibit Ins money because be felt that he had honestly earned every dollar of It. Croker. like many another !," who has achieved seicces In p..lltle-s. cannot t. II the public where he g.-t hi money. There are thousands of c princes for me 11 to sui e-e-c.l In bus!-ne-ss t d iv, wh. re tbe-re Is one chance of landit g at the top In polities. No 1,,. 1,, -1-,., 1 cuiLlne can eunal a ioliii It lias ueeu uoue. What you really wanted the worst was what Mr. M.-Kinhy promisee!: "AN HUM-IS 1" PUl.I.AH AND A CHANCT. 1X KAUN II." You got both. Not from the Ilryan-lte-s, but it was none the less acceptable accepta-ble to the mull bclnud th dinner bucket. buck-et. If you want more things of this sort you cau get theui from the same source. liut he-re are some of the things that you wanted that you did n.K ge t. Yon wanted eae n slate to law fully curb and Justly tax Its own trusts. You dulu t ge t It- Your own legislature legis-lature ignored It. Aud your governor ha Just shied a brick, snd hi followers follow-ers have Just hurled rotten eggs and foul epithe t at the ouly governor w ho has had the courage to ta. kle and successfully suc-cessfully tax the trusts within his state KiHiseve-lL You wanted to see Congress regulate the trusts that the states could not reach. You watiteel the constitution aiiii ndei! to give the government power to ripe Willi the (iiestiou. You did m.t g.-t ltls-caiise every Brxanite in Coni-rt ss voted against the measure for fear It would interfere wiih stab s' rights. The slate govern- IS THIS MAN A SLAVE? Mr. r.ryan divides the American people peo-ple into Infe-rlor anl superior classes. In his superior class he place all who are beyond the necessity of manual labor. He btands as Inferior all who w eerk with the-lr hand. He declares them Infe rior by hi assertion that tliey are slave to the aujecrior class. lie atlirms that "the working clas. can escape es-cape from It Is. in lace only by adopting adopt-ing his s,lltical deir.'rine." Jet liite-ibgi-iit Ain.-rie-an working-torn working-torn know- Unit the i nly Inferior class In'this country is com-sed of the willfully will-fully l-lie. the d. l-iu. he 1. the criminal, an. f the Idiotic They know that most ri h men c f t.ity wi re iir at twenty. ar.d that the employ.- to-day Is the em-plciyer em-plciyer to morrow. They know that their c-pi.trv's m-t suees-ssful men P..s Is..,, ,1,1. M..I - 1 l,..v knnur tlo.t leal "111.-11 hine-" In narrowing the I chances of sncci-s. and nols.dy real-Iz.w real-Iz.w the fa. t more fully than the wealthv head of the Tammany or.iu-Iratlon'and or.iu-Iratlon'and sponsor of the New York Ice trust. -IN liver lb -public an. I ir.-oln Is -.-a ii Lb- a a farm laborer. ' McKiuie-y as a private sol.lie-r. Jay j Could as a brake "-an. Wanainaker as an errand b. y. I..II-on as a n.-wsls.y. They s.-e tliisi.tiii li of l.ys to-day rising ris-ing to fortune as i Ins.. men ro' The hard woiVi-g American Isiy to- mint tint were- eto.ng nocturne uju.v not be InreTf.-r. .1 w lih. You wanted wise law enacted and a clean, e-ooiiomleal government of your own at the rupitol In Pe-uver. iou d . Int get It. In-lead you got an uiioe.nstmitiomil eight hour law whieh e ails d a lnlT war. and yeiu gut a prize tight law. The cbie-f work of jour hew 'maker. Yon wanted your different state In-siltutie In-siltutie ii provides! with money to run them ss you had a rigid to expect from fane and ce.uiis-t.-iit legislators. You il.dn't g.-t it. You are the only state In the I ulon today wh..e asylums, asy-lums, school, etc., are l-ing siista.n. -l by private loans from public spirite d citizens. You wanted Pryan. who promised you panics, misery, starvation, elis. tress, famine and pcstll-nec If be were not c-h-cted. You got none of them. If you want any more thing of this k THE TRUST I KiHTERS. President Miteh.-II of the Fnitcd Mine We.rkers of America refuse- to m at with any single mining company and demands that whatever treaty Is made l-tw.--n the mlm-rs and the operators op-erators to l- twecn re-i.rescntatlv.w of the entire push on Is.th sides. lie would force the oj.erator to form a trust," as a condition precedent to the closing of the war. The real ot-ie-e I. of course, l to prolong pro-long the strike to the general eles-tl..n day If possible, but the ni. ans taken to attain tiiat end are certainly rurlmi considering the out.-ry aualust trusts day knows that he b. -lerg to no inferior infer-ior ehiss. Neither chs i.e waste time In latiientii.g Ins lot. He seizes the first ot.js.rrutoty t-e earn an Independent Independ-ent living, lie st-lv.s to Isss.tne expert ex-pert In In calling ti nt lie may d. -serve and w in romi.tl. n. He d.- not think himself Is. un, I to the s-sit!on he hol-ls. He ds m-t I nt- lir employer, fur he exis ts to I is . 'i.e an emphici-r. He I (! not fear the n: it.ihst. f..r he ss-I ss-I p ire to w ield h. p-.wer. If Le works f,,r a rone ra I.-ti I e docs nd st--nd energy en-ergy 10 e'limlnr: "the trust.." lie tries ' p. iK-come s fer.-iniin. a shareholder, a I mana-er. He lss.m.-s a taxpay.-r and a factor In hi community. He is re-jnii'Ct.-d snd consulted and his luflo- sort you can get thcui from the same source. i Arid now what? The partv to whom yon rv your ouiH.loiioe nn.I vot. .. has laid its only living Issue.---the Child V"U loV.d So. well- In the eld. cold tomb, and 1 now without a living issue to iw-rise-tu- i ste Its l.ne.ng race. What I It off. r ug you In place of It? It Is clnn.-liig around ou Its hind b g i yelling tire. Imperialism, munb-r. n..n tarlsui. look out for the cars.. or any i Cld th ug, to s'tra.-t your atton-'on from the glowing irnih. that It ha lila.-.-d on r.-ee.rd the u.-t sublime aud lu'rth lii-pir--iig lizi e cf the century. I 1 don t like to throw stem s at a heare. while you. v y n-g-'.-l young siar... are- follow ,i g It. but I stu ani- ! i..u to know how nui" h furth-r j.sl are going to follow It. Not bcyouj the Nocemls-r r. -in. -b ry, I trust. Your d.-v. .1. d r. AMMI PIITTI'IRKW. 1 Coh.rado Sptuiis cisseit. |