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Show I SEATTLE WORKMEN OUT. Thirteen Haavdrs Trad t alowlsts Qwll Worn. From J.l to 1,100 trade unionists Idle, work stopped in over thirty residence resi-dence buildings and six large brick business blocks under process of construction. con-struction. And A thrcAtruing pAralysis of nearly th entire building industry in tbe city, is the result of the fight between the Trades Council and liuililera' Exchange of Seattle, Wash., a fight that has been brewing for see-eral see-eral weeks. 1 here seems to be a determination de-termination on both sides lo hold oat, neither one being willing to yield A poinL Th main point In the controversy is the detnsnd oo th part of th Trade I'nionikt that contractoraof the Kuild-era' Kuild-era' Exchange aign an agreement to pay a certain wale of wage for on year. Many of Hi member of the exchange ex-change ar already paying the acal and other bav been for ome tim. bot they object lo tying themelve op to an agreement reaching so far ahead. Tboae contractor who have yielded and eigned the agreement ar having no trouble. |