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Show r p? " '7 r""7 - -"t r lK't't th? tork f f Lt li M Jck-ts, C.pe, Furs lJ Wool V. aio!- at t!: Lf chu l'ry 3 jj - J'.- 1 jj M if U U Co. J,ck-t,. to2J. Fuii.M to $25. y f t i ' iJ ' ' r 4 m j4' :.j ; "t j. -j j j 7e will save you money. CiH and see us. 1 llrllldlLyfi Logan Dry Goods Company j a ; ..7:r-....ii.j.s.ao;CTrz: !i 'Some Reasons ! ij Vny You Siioad lnot on rlav.rj i'EUF.ZXA HARNESS OIL !, U 1 Rcwcr, h.if.! k-.U.cr bull. . E.-cV.H- v,.-;-.re.l. j i: K : ';t l!'r- . : Harness Rim cs c.t ! ur h.irnc. N-vrr bum the Uglier; it I Euicicn. -v i incre.isoi. Secure !c-.t service. I Stnehc kc;il troiii breaking. O.L ,t . J s.u'1 in a. I I Rtaa4re Oil ( ""HT. CV.V:v95 The ll '; -! i i -e-. Uf on rtr-rfr Y BiXfl t.7-l arl sn caff a u iiti j 1 W i ui IX Ifo: r-v Pride of Japan ;v:vq; ir'-' May sire its life. , IInv your watca cl.-a-jp.l acJ oiiJ rguUrly if ynn ml it lif buJ tioml titut-i. OneLo.'liD vour vatch runs t.m.O miVs every year. lbe U i-t oil will gum lJ cl. Lere tUete i Bui b coaticul friction, fric-tion, i i ii (incdiuc La winJiug w a hi-d tht your wtch neJ u-o-tiou. (Barclon Jewelry o., Mhin St., Opp. Tslroaclo. FURNITURE. Best Goods Lowest Prices Wm. Edwards, Mato i-tit-t't, opposite Tbalcber's Uank. . 6loslnaouTisal6 ! My entire stock of Boys' and Men's Underwear, Ties, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, and Jewelry at Cost, to make room for my Gro ceries"and Crockeryware. ISAAC SMITH'S ; paid for Kggn-n'oullry. The Logan Elevator Co. i ,t. Flour Bran 0 ' ('ho? Wheat stored at small cost. !oti sii'.!ty. cr.ih wrtL lBr the .. at Or ilh'. oil Sh nl. Isaac Jorgenson. Proprietor. r Cole's Hot Blast j 'liS SrivzsoxF.Tiin:nneFiF.L ? 'Z- Lvery atove warrant.! to git - "VSSache.p.tov.butia- rjy ' aiet ou tba beat. C VI C Everton. protective policy , O? TUB j Union ratific K'y ; ,n;,t fact. Patron . urirereatly recc urel lbM.ret'ver.a0''min h that ever, lirm n-t .cedent. Mi: ,. P. K- ' t by the I nJ 1 ul f,,u,Pn, ,L improvement V' ur.,.,al.eie. I tie line - ""ri'v for mai't-tn" Hut n.Tfor th, B"': . tiniech.-tu.e. H ,,,,,-keoi Hi"1 ' .cr.tv of it. ,r .ahout ex. a '.It U. "' '.lion re'.t.ve I" -r.v io.. ! -i" ,l' ).:, iranKl-'f"'''"" Vrit'n.;.t,...--'"''-1,11 Centlc Cri? Masses :9re':: tt . thir. have m.'.e ur "ur w-ra w eeii like,!. ihvuliv k Johnson n. .le-!ry re. ,H .0 V.. a'. JJerar, Ma.ti S |