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Show WASFCNGTON LtTTT. Milil.iristn" In Ta.vesWh.it Constitutes Consti-tutes Ien:..era:ic Ib -uiarity. Wa-hii.Lt. ii. Or'.. .seal Corre- spou.i. noe.i- I heard a a.r of 1 . tno-etats tno-etats evphnli li- how tl v vv.-re llle. I-tn-,- the pte-i.-i .ty ai d tad .'.inner i ad ai-un .-t.t. t. .at is t.ii.itis well w.o the 1 es ple ever w neie. ouit oi i..e.u sai I: -We will use what P.ryan said to the w-orkitioii.un: -Si;!.;., se y ou are prosperous pros-perous and have w..rk an I en.-uli to eat, bow mlleh Voi. e do Jotl have in Ihe ev,.rll..,i v 'Ihat wid set then thinkii:-; and ui.ike th-til dissatis I." 'i hubs ju-t it. Any lii.tiK to make liie p,-. I le t i.-ti. No matter ho.v pr..-j or, ins they are. i in. e He in that tl.cv l ave not the.r just sl-aie In runiu' the K"V. run out. and K-t tii. ai to vote tiie I'cmo -ratie. In ki t. 1 ii.t is a Hi in;: Pry an l.a b. u I lay i-'-i on (If COIir-e he 1 r. sullies 111 oil t.,e i- no.--at . - of the peel :e he Is Uilkin-.- to. In tel..-, nt lie ii know that they have jo-r ment"u ti'V-'v' would Vp-yan w.-i.-eh , ie.. -1 h- y know that e.l. h in.iii 1 a-one a-one vote mi l no more, and eaeii m m l-a l-a p. nt of P.e'p.v. rnt.iei.t to thai c.v. t.-i t and no n,.-:e. Put t!,e v.ll:i.ti..i's pr. K.s.il to m-i'.e m.-ti .1 --at m., .1 with t.,.-.i- pr. s;,.- i y w tin P e ,-i.. .it.t.i-. - I':, y ate . : j y .!.. ill oi-i. I to ie i . p.-y : ; . ...i.r : ... 1 , i,,. i.ii.e .-.I s. was t... uniipie feature of P.e p. . po.s. lion. A liitl- eoi.v, t-s.-it -ei r-jardins nut" Conv.n.ietl I .-.11 ill the I .-lie,. r.lt.e I nltV M-M.-S IO y, IV, W I.V P .IO IS t.., so ion. !i h a d . f Ihe "l.s- cry from Ihe I'.-u. .. tnt.e 1 I'ty Ju-t row. P came on: over li ui "itni.t lir.-,i the 1 .'sulci cf Colin, b.a I once iPs a;, lav it.h' lib ot t a m. i..b. r of the u.i:."ii nl coiiin i-t. .'. t h iit t' iiti Join s and p.rvan fcav, r the aut.-Norris w u-. W cans,. Norris , level I.. I P.ryan it. -ceo t.oti. when the .lel.-e.itloll was ,-l.e ,sh -We w. re i ne r.vnlar d,lo,:at,oii." said a N.oris man. "Y.-s. U't we wer- Itslrui-te-I for IP-van." was the reply. -s,i p,,,. you wet.-; what d.ffercne, does that lilak.-r' -Will, till I kn. w is that n soon a Pi- N-.rrls uiiiii-trn. t. d i.-h i;ation was .1, c-c.l. ord.ts w. l t out to . very stat.-to stat.-to have ad .!. h irni.s .-lect.-d tb.s-. aft. r liisiru.ted for Pryan. and the ord.-ts w it., carried out." W het- d d the orders c.tne from T" T-'rorii h. .ohpiiiiters. from Senator Jon.; nd th. y went lo every slate so as to prevent any po,,hill y of def.ab I ii cr Pi v all's nomination." -Weil, that looks l.ko bossNm." -Pall it what juti will, it is a fa.-t Ju-t the same." This, i . led with the N'ssNm ev Libit. si by U.-y nn over li e Kansas City not one of the l.iidinj; cards of the I"cniocrats this year. M'-KInh y's letter of acceptance has clearly and c n.-M ly met every charite of "ims-ri.-ihsiti." There Is Dotb.ntf more to Is- said on the subject. 1 he "imperiaii-iic" cry was a tuck, used as au.-li. and lias boon taken up an.l harp.-,! upon hv the cr.-.itest trickster of Pie a. --P.ry'ar). A plain stnt.-ni-iil of tiie case has I. ft notiutiK to the I'eui- iH-rtlllc ll rtri 1 ti . e I; t. The instruct. .ns to the 11:!!. I I 'm Cirnm!.sio!i ni d a partial report of Ihe l1rii.PI ,ne C. n. n. is- on. s.n to ls pub IN!,. .1. will show that Pi- Pr. but I-d"itic I-d"itic niore f..r tl- I'll. pinos than I-prom I-prom '-si I y t! - l"-...-"t.t e p'.,'f,.rtii. and tint 1 an' c'l ti'- d at"! w is ,i nt: ; I. .uir a-o a'l t'-.a! Pryan conhl .h, even if . 1 . led on ti e s..-. a.l. -l i-arainount" issue. Ti.e peni.s-t-iPe p .vernor of T.-va. h .s a.-.in iiii.-l i l-n the I mi-I States f..r aid. 'Ii.e army, tint "f ar ( fill" or.-mi. -H on w'.i. h the In , crats sav is to im '"-il the ri.dits . f t o-pe, o-pe, 1... r.-sp- lids, -lie .p.ar ern l-:.r , ,!. t urtm.-lit s.-r-is t o Is; Pie com"' s-irv .! ; a. :u 'it s.-r.ls rnt-ons. p.-r I -it's sou e p !! j art-- t Pryan urn tin. I it is nn . ii-' tut.-mil. Put at the s.-l' ie t.r- e ti e in- y r. -;-. f,!s and Ihe P-- T'-'ir,.":!. ,-- .-:: i in the nai n and il l-ovemti.'-. t .l.t what It could to relieve re-lieve that ".AYiAcn si:i.pi-y. |