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Show POLITICAL POIXTS.'" Juicy Jots ol the Present Pres-ent Campaign Thfra i a erowire f '.irc of te-ientiuetit te-ientiuetit agiDt lrEk .) Cao- non io tUe De:D critij party, j I Loading memli. r f t! I'T B)' ' tbat tbey lmv oppied Lira u, tonir lliey cunuot nccun'oru them-' aelvea lo worliug ;lh hi:u- Tbey! (nr:ber ay lt l an inMrne f r joue of t!ie lea line 11-";iuI!kh'j to ! come ovt-r to thrir p-it'y and be-jcoiue be-jcoiue at hdi'c the le-tdirj Democrat, Demo-crat, rnnb-r. the..'.rLd BO : mtiy d.f-ri in bim uljeu bs wp ! n-.-ul'li.-an tbat tey caouot Uow aupport bim. j i Mrs. I'r. BiTolon W.' t r u.l'a-d; couniv yefteriliV. The ::i-i'':r: an. ; nouneii for I'ovev;', t laud the F.ties tia'l iitxt 1 jmty LigLt' tte ILerifote poatponed. Candidate. W. H. Kin-. O. W. j Movie, tail J. W.N. VS hl'.i-cotton I poke iu the opera bJose Thuri!-; .Ity eveniup to a lrc" audience. t T ne ret dwelt on i:.? 1'hilip- I pioee. Ibe -! ud ou th trasta.; aud tun thir 1 ou ailver. and they j ! maJe the uhuiI terr.Wy '-Tiscer. I I ted cl arpea aL'aint tl.e UepuMi co party. 1 hey c'.ai:nd the He-I He-I publicans ere resp.vlhle for tile tru' but fiTjf t n "iti-in Ki 'h I ard Crnk-r' -c tr i-t k:. 1 C.nir-I C.nir-I tuna Jic.b' c nt - tic! ine trn-t. l'h-y ta'. k- t ( iti.ury to ! Aij'iiualJii i'C! f:r.' .: to f.i-utio:i Hint he ..rler-l evry Auetican inor.l.r-d in titue f -. r.-e. They Lle.i .oke in favr of eiWer. iut ,..ver!.i.ked t'i- fit 'la-. Dryua i l.a fot(;otleu that ie ie 1 Amonirtbe leading eit'.'SS" Hyrum who were heretofore l-to-mia'. and who r.r" n-' Kjn'it l; -rsna are l'ihip J nti ' r cht. M O ..T..ti-i ... K Wright, M- Ilium u-e-u aud Mr. Jacobeou. |