OCR Text |
Show i ;i .an. i : ah. 1 I; !, .' , i Kr-r: a-!, f l.r ..-: .V . .. . .. h. ! - t ..... r"w,t lwr i-.-fpiir.t..f in il.:anm,.ir :.r.) (i-...npl.T. A ! e.t.jipi.. .V.ru.V. 1 ra.r.-rc n c.tr.-! c.tr.-! r.i..r.rf tfc i.-ir.i r..i . l:r-. tv-ver.ih '' .. t. ir: m-ft.ii.l. Tr-' cou- ; r. U . la.-.U!in-.-i i-L-w- Tii. C...i-i: N-i..;.-i-.o..' : li.r-I, .!! tf . n.. .irn .' e t'.i;.,-.i ,-;at r..'ii:. t:. r.at s.viu. l i !l tl fi.i'e. .r..- .,..!., ; ' ! " v "I : irann . ,r- r-.f: r-i in tli Virion. .-. ,r ; a v.. ,1 ..k'is, i!il the ,.;i;.rri. r. i 1- v. : g - -ii-' cll.as.f th I I..',: -,,,... . I '-ampm pxperlv fem e i f'T 1mm- 'a i. j li-.i-t bail. wJ itt..-r i.tii..! sr.r:s. Knfan.-a imnc-i. ,i. ...' !it.rir r. .... A i,i-.'N..-rni "(THE FIRST .WIMWL BiL or L';.'.X. t.VJI. CplI hi. 1 ia-i il.- i jrt-.C.'f, liui.nr.sT n:; . tkiitumts i J:.1 i) .V;i K Tr-.. '-TM: j ,;:.- ur.nu1. i. vi ri ; Kli'LM C'.i vi.jT.v. j e. .,!!.!.:;: C!:r:--.t: Att :M:..;i G-'.-;a tt a'l 1 i:rii--s ( ntr-t-il t t!:. its. Foroin L'l.i't.-. i-uctJ o.- jZI i iho Irinc:j.il Cities f the world. ! .Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. . If artiicli;.'yd-rfe-tjthelui.u dud aids , Xai in m strui,.;;Le''ii. aijj recun-i recun-i : trxung the e.aW -;ti ve or-l.'-irs. Uu mo laN-nVdi-cov. r.-ii,J.K'.-jt-tLU:JM3ic ' Cior prt D3rdt:oo i in arprair-li it in c"i -icnr; . t u. it t.l.y r.-1 .2v-:i!id rf.-nian"' i.'ycurci i);!i..a. Irii. r i .i;, U. jrtturn, i nu.-iiT. s.-ir si. 'at;ea. .-:rij i'.'il cl;". t-istra. .-..it 'r :tni,ancl ail -itu rr iiu;; (if .-;::! !.-ftt'.'etjoD. t-rt-v-r n0 ft l-1".' "-ofif.l. tim . 1 P. rsmll y E- C EriITT A CO Chlcsja. K?iir n xt Tu.-.Uy. ' i ac.l o:n... u '..n. a ion. n.i ir . li. hi I.I.J '.Jr., sf..,.,. 1 j I- v-. l-'i-ti. .V..ti,r(i en.lon ;t. i ..1 -.-n it, i"l'l li. U -rVr JJm- t I in.. C.iiKb 'ur. Ii will ., i,.Ki cui I i Hi! tl.r.t au-4 lut.B 1"..iI,;m j Co i. t triKvry A iJri.it i:.i:n.r.y. mm MARKET' j IVm. IICAJJi.Nt;, l'i:orurroi:. Choice Meets J j I ish aU' Game i--. S. -;, I t , " r.'t.n, they nj". f r-l I p-'. ; krf " i. lis I K;( im. Toh :r ' L't 1 Ir. l-ien-fn ' ? ! L: "1 l vorite rrr- U : jV: '-' H M'rij.iion i rj t. .'j tl..tl. It currs r' I common .f;.- 1 's.'i C1t1'' of iil l' altli Jv'i '"' '.U' 'v1'n "':'n. ie- r-N.v" . " . j ranprmrnt or li. .t'V"' , J'1-' rase of the nom- - V N anly ori-ann. A f', ' j 4- :V trmpcranct mi-di. jfe ' i ii4c"- Tl '"" tpv I, "' . tr, cixainr, nor -"1 IF) I If ynu h.ivo neuralgia, Scott's i n-nulsion t.f Cul Litr Oil ! will feed the nerve that is crv-; crv-; ing for fuoj it is hungry .".nJ set your whole IkkIv going ; again, in a way to satisfy nerve J , and brain from your usual food, i j That is cure. I i If you are nervous and Irri-. ; table, you may only need more I j fat to cushion your nerves j ! yu ?rc probably thin and I Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver-Oil Liver-Oil will give you the fat, to be-! gin with. j i Cure, so far ns it coos. ' Full cure is rttt n the fat ' i " " '" ' Purc3 Drns . j 1 Lijs tr word nit-RU rrnt 1h). Tn-ity of ilnvs i nrid occupier ct cotapoumi :us r of t!it utiitct iuiortHv. W liru l particular ttse and vou. w-nt . L atvilD-)y urf. conw tr I Setter came Leie ftjl th time; wo'i at your Hrrvic a lwaje. Riter Eros Dma go. T 'VVi. Utah. t n.nkl.n.T.t -u ml Munt; elit,, MMho Time Card Oregon SiorTLiie ZiilroaJ:. v.. 5 n.... iii i (,- ,i.:t t ,x t, rr ---' ; , i i I! M-uXi'1-t Ua.a rnom m ii-f'l-f" "Ham i,P, sl'.'r.ti'i;.'"" f ' t VI , r .-. f , ra ! '.tlii-M, to or fr,.,4.aa t.Ea9., Uj, .SoriU or tiofth. ca! on W. AV, "VO0D?U)JAtr(.rt. il other narcotic. j "i hd tc31.,, trrH,i:; for ,.rhl .. w JV'T H. J. nii, ... K.a cl. -l-r-L , nouik. tl "For Ihr-r y.t I ,1 I ..jliuua..y Uord. c.pm -pr hl I .uf. IrnH. to iry Ir I'.rrc. . I-., out- Pr-r,1,Mi. I Binrlv-fivr puund. A'lrt lu,n( Fimnir h I ac- OC'a' 1 built up anlil now I .nth one huiiorru n.l fl!tjr-is pou udn-mte Ih.a I ev-T "li-d b-lort J m ao ld I would Iw from tUy.lo day and Umg f. d-alh to com- and ras II v m Milf-rinff I had m-rnal in&anima. a diairr al)r draia. b-anoa dowa paina la the low-r part of my how-la. and aw h dia-trraa dia-trraa rvrry naonlh. hot aow I a cr ha a pain " all my owb w.trk. and am a uvmu and li-lthv woman Thank, to war m-.li. in-. I c.Hid-T Miya-lfa ItMOK t-Mimcnlal ot the Draco Dra-co la ot your ' Kavont- I'rrMinpOoa. " Dr. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRFSCRlPTm" Makes wlak woi'i smoya r- Aj sjck t o.;u.v u r ' pRUrt55IOKilL I CARDS ! you need from usual food, and Scott s Uir.ui.sioa will help ou to that. s"TT .Sl ikj'ANh ' chcnittv -uu J-.fc.o. all lirutjtjta. . 'tit oti.fr.JBi, ti iVirmif th nl-i,. ct..h s".Zuf?:,l:r-' """' Kimr H. K. I tt-iowlrh. . w wV U.V NW N K " 1 " BS ' II. .... .h- f.rfnswiua- w,l-k to ,.. ;.f";M?.,,T,U --.' ca.u.Ht.ca H,W" -"TtL"'''. Sl'i'h--M. rah W hot tiu I. La, . .rf s-.,,' J.!- JesseR. S. Budge ' Itltirnfv at Ian. )ilifovr Kirrt Nilional Hunk, Lo-; Lo-; gan. I'lah. Dr. Char.es. A. Gowans Dr.VTIST j I-t,i;try I'ra.-iccl in All it'. Kraut W I -OUKt-j (H" "!!?; MutrellN Store. Va St. !-araaf.T oacmraa. OS (Dm. MM W.r,.. irn.fi,aMi.aiWi.i.. a.-k-H.jL f ' ' V' r..calSa.iI..at.. A ta-.ti-r Lunu or . Tt raCTa.Sj J. R MO PATENTS PWOUtO IhBOUGM IHf t 9 sFc. A. 'snow & co.f K htht tAwtiaa. S V One. 0 1 h'art r:e. WASnlWOa. o. c UnionMeatMarket f. J. Ktose A' Co., Props Choir P.W. Milt:..-. V"l. Pmk. etc. a'ways on ban 1. li.h and (i ti.ot a-aa 10 . V tara Kar.l.ed riltl f..r C." rrmi and our l--f a: .i veal re -.! know u In the Uvt in tlie s at. lor.t fai! to five is a r. il. MiIl St. - 1 io. I P. M. Paulson, ! Dentist. set of .Teeth .,,. Filling Telh , ) ' C'eai.nr Teeth ( A.I work suarantec-l Hrstt class Teth j eiiraa-d witnout pain. " j 0;Ti.ovr V. I). St)rf, . . .j ; Peterson Sons, Painters Orpvif fr.r, :i .s, J. W. BARRETT. Al'.:HiTKCr AND BVIMK'rl. flan anj Spc,li -ations furt.hJ. ontracta t-.ku or mork supennUndsO. Oir.ce. on d.v,r tor.h of ,1,. ShU(JD I ni.li, :f fcii.e, m.iq St.. 6. G- QOVJflNS fiSEase of en. sJU 4. and rroir. '-'s?S -C.,NTIF(CUr FITTID.I GfJlSiOO Best Dining Car Ssrvic.. , f-FFET LIBRARY SMCKERV j ELEGANT EQUiFMENT. . j ".Wr Cars Fre.. |