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Show NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH. tbrl.ll.g lipnrma of Three IMIaM Dassert- I. B. Panna. cousin of Mark Ilaona, eanerinlrn.lrnt of forrat reaervee fot Anion, and New Mexico; A. E. Hermann, Her-mann, brother of Coromisaiooer of the General Land Office Hermann, and W. K. rierce had a thrilling experience and a I moot loat their live oo tbe desert between the Grand canyon of the Colo ra.lo and the 'tab. line laal week. When within forty miles of Lee s ferrt they ramped for the night and theii horses escaped. Tierce was loat from the party. And After Journeying over burning ssnds nil dsy Ilanna wAa ao exbaualed that be could not proceed. Hermann coatinoed bis search for water. which be found five miles further on. He returned with water to Hsnna, who was unconscious and almost dead. On the following dsy a cowboy discovered discov-ered Ilanna and Hermann wandering aimleaaly about the desert and directed them to their destination. Aaearching party later found Pierce frantic with IhiraL The three men were taken to Flagstaff Monday. |