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Show ! DENVER LETTER. I Fusk.nlss Arc Not Sure cf Carry -03; Colorado. Dcmocrata and the Coal Strike Trying Try-ing to Sway Issu.- in the M.ddie cf the Cam; j cu-Kffwu of the l'i-tuil-ai.ee at Victor. Denver. Colo. u u i-.Spec.aI Cr-rcspciui, Cr-rcspciui, m e 1- i h. re are several it-ii-iss.' i.s mat the l-.siou.st do nut lei at ad sure V. c .irry.n-j Colorado t!..s j y.i.r. One of ,.-e Inl at. .u is tu i journey u n.. ii I... pi. .- n; ..;.ve s.n.i-i s.n.i-i ivui i.u.'.. nook j i..e l..i-t: he w-nt iveiy p..,-..y at:.? was noi lea: J from 'cm, pi at lioti . ra;.e h, ad-iuai tor,.. : Alt.r sh 1.0 : i vend d.... iu New l,.it ni.d va-.. he lelt t.ie lat- t. r c.ty ti ul r '1st t . .'... a -.o. at. I l..i i;..:'l -. in t-at c.ty. m 'hi- '. 1 11. .1 W. . 1 -in- Al lor he It I t their err.-pV Trs. thems. ives; t'.iey must treat thivb-j l,;m. Any s.-til, merit of the str it to lie sat.l ictory to L.:u must include h re.-o-!i.t.o:i astiie al-S'llute al-S'llute il.etator of term on Khalf cf the miners. Tb. re Is no douht that many thousand f the miners womd be K-id to to ha. k to w . rk at the ten p.-r cei.t. . lvalue now offered. They a-e afraid, however, of Ua;i s:ii.:aa-tized s:ii.:aa-tized as at..- and ti.. y Wnuw ia.it if they do so to werk. their live aud I roperty w ;il not W fa.'e froia violence and th tr:-t:.n. If It U- a er.:ne to try to encor.rncc nu re . i.i. il r. l.nioiis I- tw.-vti ea.ploy-ers ea.ploy-ers an l ur.Soy. ; if it l e a r.i.,e to pei-ua.le en. plovers to r their e:a-pi-.vs a ten p r e. nt. advat.ee iu a-: .f it le a rriiw to try to n. f.ie m:..ea-' hiy a s-ri.o wh..li tar-a', as d.t-::t-nn.e an! t.. t i:i la. re than rne :a-e of the Vm..n. and l.a U if fr-: n-'d ..i.;. it.evna' -y -t the v. 1. -re v 1.' y tiiKtt t;. :' ..,.: 1 11. .1 .e in tie !.;. 1 of r- it ail th- are crTi. . Ili .n ,;..id.t!i Mr. II....U4 i:..iy t ' I ei . .1. I n;.n h d and int. hi- : t n . n. liouev.r. il Lardiy take li .s v ...-w. 1 . !. s , f ti a-- i"'t en 1 .r Ih..-, v.!t in this - .re a e :.ii rui.u.f- thiol .-ii the p.. -s of the eoeniiy. It l...s .: tl e f.i'e v. ry nr. .it i irm: I it re Is a fi'.ril re. . . -i t . n .f t; la. I tiiat in:. I. :.: is n -t lie.iiiy ...nr'j.ars a-...-, and if ti..- voters of f. .! on eie. i,. n day r. l. ...e the ii. e!. and II eir ;.. Iu Mate le and the f,....,i.. to- ward Ciora.io l.y the r. t id trie l'n-I. l'n-I. n will be one of vu.j.atl'v and n l I miration. W. A. V. ii.e ... ..t.it.c I." i ...u:ut. a i.iH.u- j tr th. .e le '-". i "It is Jtl . d (n .il : -' t'.ne of s.-ver- j Ol h ..il. I. - i- .o.e heaih te.s I in ti..s oily, t. ,.t .!. y have i .'..a lo ! aw:.;., ii lo the 1.. t I' -'t C .-.ta-.o i an- , lut l e 1,1-i.o ted or l. ti lo it.-.:'. and it is ii.:. i.. d i.. at n. ;e an. ui.oii w oi Lo .v l e p.. . I to I oil the L.Uo -d and jii.oernai .i .;l an.p-iiu iu tne Ceuu-u-U.ai Mate." AUolher iu.hea'.M tl of the feel. of line, i i.i.uiy anion.' the ti.sioinsts is the .1. -perate liati.l of the lieu -paper i.m.l a .n l.oiv I -; a. d ill tii.s slate, .oliph d w.ta the la. ties t..al ti.ev pin sit. .1 in tl ; to l.oiouiize the the', t ol (.oVernor i; .oseV. ,l s I. .p. Not on'.y iu Poioiio.M. but in the country at lar-te to. ie are s:us that j the li. i..oerat,e maioious have b. eo.ne i tle.-petate. 'Iheciy - I impel lai.-m has I tab. tl so flat that, aP 'i.o.-li s.,me li.-ia-I vera tie oiatois k tiuoou lae inotiuus ' of be, v.z aia lined, the general po... y of j tueir o.uiipau apiKa.s to have iii.ui--i d, and tuej are uuw tr i:.-- to make the n.a.n isue on Uut. Mr Croi.er i in j aii i niar. liiioi.-U one ol tne Mo. k. no.;, is in ti.e iee trust, has iluiiv-t iluiiv-t ered li.ms,,f of a le' or iu w lu. ii he j bewails the laet that yuum; men of the !pi.-. nt day Lave, no opponuniiy to 'fciioo...! in Hie. Yr. InUr should I come West: tne lirt voters oi Colorado I do not feel that they have no opporiuu-j opporiuu-j in. s of si., , ee.in.s; ,n pro I es.. .tin I or bus.m-s cai.-er.-, tint it it be grunted r li.e sake of ai jn-iet t lliat -i ol the bll-in. ss oppolt in. in s now beiore join:.- 1,:. il liie l-hovs of en pioy liietu iiu.Ur some luive c. i pen- Hon. i.e...i. r ir. tok. r in,r any oi h. i io erat. e oo.iea.i. s bas M. -l any reason to believe tiiat ihe s,o,e-s ol lue l'e.ao Ciiit.c par.v in ti-.- .a:.ipi--'i would make any o-iU r. tn e iti h.,-.ii, .-s iuu.li-t.. iuu.li-t.. ns in lav ,r of lie- ' ti-: nil- l.emoeiiit.c oral-, s ii-ii.-uuee trusts as ti.e product of Pie K. pile.,, an tariff, tar-iff, le t n -t one of th-m n over y. : siu-o i-te.l tin nh-ii.tc remedy I .r ii.e l-v.i of v, l: h the coi.ip.a.n. S mie ot in-in s -t i', iih.li uii- v , ti t..,. . pp. , n.i.itv P.r this is open to the 'l . ol' s-.,-.- in I... i ,, : . ... u TTled: Otll. is S I ... l i -e. 1-11 h -I -1 ,1,,-1,-rt W, ii. Ill the I..-: Coll -.toss tee l;. :.,..; an i..n; -t.ty pi 1 -"1 a h, .V .. a wo od "e.l - I e li-ts p. be put on.! r P h r.d c, !.u..l. T b.s was ip - i by 1., nrly . 1. ly I' mo e, ,.t .0. ihe tr lid t. ..I it v.i.s t.ikil,.- away b o uoo ii power from ihe states and lo.i-.n-; it m in- U d. .:! Jt-'W-tn-uient. cu lii.s nu. sli. ii. us . ti ad otn us, the i'emoeialie party Is a party of no re to -...'i '-a; it p-.p.-.s liotbu.J positive, in oh ii lieiini e. Iu tin-slabs tin-slabs iu whali it has uiid-rtahen to I. e,. -hite against trusts, the laws It lias p..s-ed have be. u so lb f. et.ve Pint IU- courts have .h-iiued u.-i.tiy all ot in, m ui,e,,ii-i.iiiiiot..,l. li.eoiiiy ef-fe, ef-fe, t.ve law P.. it l as be n emi.io.1 wa-pa....l wa-pa....l by tiie K. pi.bi...,tl I. -.a'tire ill tiie state of New .,ik and igli..'.l ly t.ov.tlior Poo-.-velt. The coal sink.' in Pennsylvania, ba lii w, us, in .-.I by the li.nioerats. aud Pi. to is. too. iu',,.1 r. iis. ti to sui.js.se ihat it was lou.eut.-d by llo'iu for par-P. par-P. sail I'.'I.U' al puip. s. s. At lost the sMiipatliv of tne puni.e was me! tied to lie' .'!- of the sll.k.IS. lhell wa s weie low and In, y . etiipiamed ot e.-itaiu erievane.-s. iMii.ii tie y slat e.l ti-y wue will.n.' to si. I. :. ,il io ar bltral.oll. It was d.lil. u.t P r the public pub-lic in general to tot at the .iiael fa. Is Now. however, toe ituat.oU has clear-cd clear-cd up and Is Intelii- liie to every U.dy. .here Is not an - ti.tor Iu the .i.siti. t wlio has u. t oil. red to advauce the waxes of his employes p-ii p.r cut. The I'emo. -rntic aitiiude toward the proposition to adviin.e tiii;n ten p.r cent, was ei. i..pl.:...l by me Ihe ky Mountain News. wh.. Ii print-.! a cartoon car-toon of Mr. llaiina ott. rin,' the woik-li.itiuan woik-li.itiuan au advance of t. n p. r ca nt . and und. in. aiU the 1. p ad. "He Pe Jecu the p.nbe." Ih. ie s.n.ms to be no doubt tiiat Mr. Hani. a d d use w hat iiiliu.-m e he j-s,s-i s to s.s iue au amicable settlement of the str.ke, and he probably d d his best to per uade the op.-ratois to oiT. r a b n per evr.t. advam-e in wn-.s. Put of course every thins' that Mr. ll.-iumi does or d," nol'do is a ciiLi.e iu 1'. uioti jt-lc jt-lc eyes. Ihe 'nation Is now am :v this. The employes have l--n o:,r-d an a.Pan.eof ten percent. In wa-.-s. and the aih. ti.it:. n of any further l: :-i--il-ti.s th.it r.-main b. tweu the u and tier eii.pl. yes. 'iins Is r. ,eei.-d ii-.t t.MUts.. t;.e a."-s oiler. -I are ins,:.: dent, but simpiy on P.e eroiin 1 that the union mu-t le' r. e.ri... -I. at.d t..at ail n, otiaf uis must be tu i i- turon.-ti the pres.ih ut . f the I n.t-1 M.iu-Work-rs. Mr. M.tom .1 of lit i ai ip -hs. la oth.-r wads, u-.i i the w..rd "t : ,n the s. i.se in wh. ii it n -rs. y I- ..d ly I-too, ratic piii" rs. ti.e era, h.i po.t.t llovv l.s tiie re, ,. -!il'.a.,u ot ll.e ir, workers' trut. Tl is "trust" o: t ally consi-tel of the r... to rs of b.Pt.:..'i..:i c..,l Iti state-w.-t of the Aih -: ny m,.i.:.t...i.: the atPbra. !te tmie is - or-:,u...-d In a il C.-til n .. -iti- tl. Ihe i. i.hrs of th- Pimm: --.-is n, .to rs- m.ioi s s nt or ni',1 si . .-.;. I In form.:,-' s. v.r.il nil-I. nil-I. l.s th, re. The st: ike ;. s o-,;. r..!, as Is uow evident, to naie a'--!. tithe ti-the power of the Pit ed M tie V. , r s ers. prituar-iy an or.-iini.Mf oii of li tutV.nous miners. In the ant..ra.-:-.e tri-t. Mr. M'toh. ll will m t allow the em liio'ea (it atiT ,u.'.- 0 treat wlUl |