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Show NORTHWEST NOTES. The Krie Milngle company's mill at Blaine. Wash., was totally destroyed by Are last week. Lose, 1 13.OJ0; insurance, in-surance, I i.i . j Nolaa'a place ia Cripple Creek. Colo., avne of the beat known gambling houses In the Rocky mountain, was robbed of tl.SuO oa the laL I Ninety tona of ore recently marketed ! from tb Williams mine ia Oliugboos j canyon, near Wadaworth, Nev., netted , th fort no ate owner fi.OiiO. In Rocklln. Cal.. Russell Laadla last ' week abut and killed bia wife and . mortally wounded Constable V. J. Clyde. Jealousy waa tbe cause, I la aa siplosion last week at tbe , Corning Towder works, hanta Crux, CL, C. Merrier, an employee, waa i killed and J. Valencia fatally injured. In Vancouver, II C. , Hip Lurk, the Ilighbinder, accused of th murder of Chief of l'i I ire Main of Steveaton, pleaded guilty and also implicated two iher Chiucae in tbe crime. Oliver guist, a IVysar-old boy who ran away from hia borne in Itoulder, alone, last week, was run over and killed near Townes-nd by the Northern Paciflo ex pre a, wbil endeavoring to leal a rid. Klitalartb Langlry, ;t year of age, wife of a Dawson theatrical rusn. corn-salt corn-salt ted suicid at ber bom in Seattle by drinking carbolic, acid. Th cause 'or the act ia a mystery. Sh leaves j three little dsughtera. Sheriff Tucker of North Yakima, Wah., laat week raptured terry liar- ' low, after a fifty-mile chase, who ad-j nils that be helped to rob th parties ' on a freight train tb night that V. j W. Scott of Kiona was mi,e,.e..l Martin Nor up, a firm hand, waa killed a few mile from Itaker City, Ore., wbil engaged in hauling timtiera In the mountains, the accident occur-tng occur-tng while dcaccoding a steep grade. Tbe brake of th wagon gav way. th horse ran away and Norup was thrown k th r.mnd and ki ied. I Tte . 'a noes of Lameralda, Nev., ar at present employing 3oo men, and i the company crop of borax this year will be over ln.rsai tou, ( th refined article. It has over tloO.mw invrslwd In th plant, and the crop are of tha best borax to b found on the coasL Just now they ar figuring with Japan for a sal of 10,'Xsj tons of refined borax, j Tb Indian agent of the Shoshone tribe. Captain II. U. Nickeraon, is malt- lag his annual round-up of th Indian children, trying to fill np th Wind river boarding school, located sixteen aailea north of Lauder, Wyo., on th I reservation, t'p to th latof the month j b had succeeded in corraling I in. li( baa been haviug conai.lerable trouble ' In loCBllno. chil.lren .;,! l.l.. Ill I feeling cxiats, acd a a consequent- thrr of the police bav thrown up their job rather than b ia continual squabble with their tribes. On petition of the railroad com panic th Colorado a tale board of health baa conditioned its quarantine against Chines and Japanese resident or trav. elcrs from San Francisco, ao that a certificate from the health officer of that city howing that no case of bnbonic plague bava occurred in San Francisco six weeks previous lo their departure will permit them to pass through lb st st unmolested. Tbey will not, however, be allowed to leave th.csrs during thair transit through j tbe stale. The Spokane industrial exposition J waa opened oa the ioi by a grand parade, pa-rade, tbe central figure being Miss Lulu Kirby of Kendrick. Idaho, tbe goddes of plenty, seated in a carriage once owned by Abraham Lincoln and being escorted to the exposition ground by i t oiled Statescavalry. National Guards, eadela and civilians. This la tb ' seventh annosl fruit fair at Spokane, j and tbe fruit and mineral exhibita this year are pronounced larger thaa ever ' before. Th exposition will remain I open for two week I Rev. Leslie W. Spragne, pastor of All Souls' church. Grand Rapida, Mich., j and a protn'.ornt minister in th I'ni-tariaa I'ni-tariaa church, has accepted aa invitation invita-tion to co tne to Helena, Mont, aa pastor of tb First Unitarian society of that city. Another dispute regarding tb inter national boundary baa arisen. Surveyor Sur-veyor T. J. Deane claims lo have discovered dis-covered evidence to establish the claim that tb Mount Itaker mine ar in' Canadian and aot in American Urrl-4ry. |