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Show SAYIXGS cri D3IMS CranJ j'C Ctnt. This i.lj, outside ti mine to the "Cav of the Wind." In the Pu. tured Rock of Lake Superior, fifty mile writ of Marquette. Mich., wu wrecked by a ro.-te.lde during a storm last week. The "Grand Portal" waa the dm famou of the curious y shaped rocks of th Michigan ihore It waa ICO feet high, and 179 feet , broad on the water. Large ticuralon 1 1 1 c3" I J GRAND JCUTAU steamers frequently passed under It, and landed their passengers at the entrance en-trance to the rav In the cliff. Adjutant Ceneral Ccrbln Is one of th f"W officer of the army and the navy wbo have retained residence where they can vote and regularly cast a ballot. General Corbia own the farm near Datavla. O., on which he wis born and wlil gn bs.k la November to vote for Mr Kin ley. Tht Mansfitl S Hojetr. Two Iwwle elders, Mark A. Lob-law Lob-law and James Watt, arrived la Mans-fle'd Mans-fle'd the other morning. The elders took a bus at the depot and went to the Vcnbof hotel. In th heart of the city. They wer recorn sd and th ssual mob gathered. gath-ered. The elders had registered, when they e" taken out of the hotel and started In the direction of the depot. Mayor iiruwn and a policeman po-liceman appeared and took the eld- Ephralm Basing!- ers from the mob to the police stall oa for safe keeping- Loblaw and Watt stated that they were British subjects and claimed protection. pro-tection. They said that they had been sent by Overteer Piper to remain a week. They were told that they were at liberty, but were advised that they had better ke-p off the streets. Self-appointed Self-appointed vigilantes finally persuade! the elders to leave the city. T'aey were escortM to the Pennsylvania train by 1.CO0 people peo-ple and told they would be tarred and barged If they returned. A policeman ac-conipanl ac-conipanl e d the elders to Crestline, Crest-line, tho nxt 8. S. Moot. town. The elders left the train there. Ore waited for orders from Overseer Piper sr.d t ie other started to walk back, stating that he would go to a I Zica family In the outskirts of the j city. The entire po Ice force Is posted oa roads leading to the city to keep ttie ilders out. u.evs. S. S. Moot of Lima. Ohio, and Ephralsi U.isinger of Bluffton. Ohio, elders in Dowie's Christian Catholic church, were daubed with tarpalnt In Mai.s:.eld. fhio. to days before by a mob cf I OvO people. C'hrinlne Nilf-son cherish' In S unique way niexentos of her triumphs ca the concert s:z'- One of hr rooms is papered with leaves of music taken from the various operas In which sh has stpiared. Another is decorate! with t!.e receipted hotel bills made out In her r.aiiie during her tours. Amcr.can Tradt in Haiti. Gruier m ns.tivenrss to the demands of Ilai.ian trade la what William F. Pi-well, I sited States minister to Haiti, lays Ameri.an merchant must acquire before they can completely cajt.ne the markets of that country. Mr. low. -II Is not only minister 10 Ha.tl. Lut chaige d'affaires to San Do-n.lct:o Do-n.lct:o ss well. He has been three year in the biack republic, aad appear to have employed his time to advantage in furtherir-g American trade among the natives. The minister says that; during bis residence In Halt! th Im-j ports of Yankee-made good til Increased In-creased 33 1-J per tent. |