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Show CEDAR CITY SOCIAL SWING by Virginia WebsUr LADY LIONS Saturday evening, February 22, the Lady Lions held a Valentine Dinner and Dance at the College if Southern Utah Student Center. The ladies of the club invited heir husbands as special guests or the occasion. Committee planning plan-ning the event was led by -ema Ilass. Assisting Mrs. Glass were 'leo Taylor, Mary Dalley, Jean Bethers, Ruth Cahoon, Iris Hafen, :thel Farnsworth, Laura Bossard, Doloris Graff and Ona Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Smith and hildren were in Cedar City visit-ng visit-ng this past week end. The 'imiths, who make their home in .Vinnimueca, Nev., were guests if their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ionry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Nelson. H. II. CLUB Gathering at the home of Ar-ilia Ar-ilia Adams last Tuesday after-loon after-loon were members of the II. H. 'lub. The ladies were entertained y recorded lectures presented by the famous psychiatrist, Dr. Banks. Lesson chairman was Jlene Jensen. Invited by the hostess to join n with the ten members present .vas Lois Hulet. PINOCHLE CLUB Miss LaRue Perkins was hostess host-ess to members of a pinochle club Friday night with 12 ladies in attendance to enjoy a special I Spanish style repast. Club guest for the occasion was LaKue's mother, Fern Perkins. Following supper and cards p.-i:es were awarded to Barbaia McKnight, Lana Smith, Sherri Harrison and Rowena Ashdown. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Webster traveled to Price on a short business busi-ness trip. Extending their trip into a pleasureable one, the Web-sters Web-sters drove on to Salt Lake City where they spent several days visiting. In Salt Lake City they were guests of Lou's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMurphy. Visiting with his parents this week end was Boyd Dover of Salt Lake City. He was a guest at the Bill Dover residence but also visited with the Robert Skinner Skin-ner family. A pleasant winter vacation was enjoyed in Phoenix, Ariz., by Cedar City people, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thompson. The local couple spent their vacation time with fricriiua fiuiVi Eacalaiiie wliu traveled tra-veled with them, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Robinson. During their Arizona trip they visited the homes of McKinley Morrell and Clyde King. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Prisbrey visited in Cedar City recently with Mrs. Prisbrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Seegmiller. Mrs. Prisbrey is the former Sheri Seegmiller. Seeg-miller. Arriving in Cedar City last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Al-vln Al-vln Stratton and their two children chil-dren of Idaho. The family will divide their vacation time with relatives at the Lester Roberts home and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thelmer Stratton. Friday evening Mrs. Robert Goodwin entertained members of her bridge club. As a special guest, Mrs. Goodwin Invited Mrs. Richard Gillies to Join with regular regu-lar club members. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lister that their son, David, has just been returned re-turned to his home base from Cuba and Perie. David Is In the United States Navy and is now stationed at Norfolk, Va. |