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Show H 4 348-b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofilco at Salt Lako City, Utah, November 1, 1918 H NOTICE is hereby given that H Walter J. Glenn.of Brigham City, Utah, who on September 9, 1913, 1 mado Homestead Entry, Serial, v "No. 0H840, for Stt, Section 20, H Township 14 North , Range G H West, Salt Lako Meridian, has 1 'filed notice of intention to make H five-year Proof, to establish H claim to tho land above describ-H describ-H ed, beforo tho Clerk of the DIs-H DIs-H trict Court, at Brlgham, Utah, H on the 14th day of December, 1918. H Claimant names as witnesses: H Luther B. Glenn, of Bluo Creek, H Utah ; Jas C. Allen, r t Richmond, Utah; Walter Glenn, of Bluo j ' 'Creek, Utah; Alfred W. Hansen, Hi' of Logan, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKLEY, j, oct 31- nov 28 Register l A sample copy of tho Garland H Globo is an invitation to sub- H ecrlbo. Only $2 per year. You H I ought to bo a regular reader of Hj ! THE WEEKLY GLOBE, ono of H tho best papers In Box Elder H county. Let us add your name to our big list of readers. LEGISLATING AGAINST THE UTM FARMER' Proposed Plan to Have State Monopolise Monopol-ise the Workmen's Compensation Business Against the Dest Interests of the People. Appeals nro beln mmle to taxpayers taxpay-ers throughout the tflptc to Hike tip a cntnpiilgn nculnst the proposed plan to luivo tho stiito monopolize tho Workmen's Compeusiitlou business of tho statu mid exclude nil private eouV pnnles from oporntliiR here. Uuslncss men Kuuerally tiro strongly opposed to tho plan ns belriB not oulv ugnlnst the best Interests of tho people and bust-noss bust-noss Interests generally, but also ns belujr extremely ilunKerous In principle. prin-ciple. It Is pointed out thnt other states hnvc had disastrous experiences with the plan nnd that at present two states, West Virginia and Washington, havo dcllclts in excess of $500,000 ns a result of their experiences. Tho funds of the state, nvnllnblo for cn Trying on the Insurance business, It Is urged, aro not sufficient to provide adequate safeguards against disaster, cither to workmen, employers or the stntc Itself. The statement Is mndo thnt such a disaster as that which occurred oc-curred at fecolleld it few years ago would not only bankrupt the present stnte Insurance fund, but would also leave nn enormous debt for someouo to pay. In addition there would ho a great hnrilHhlp worked on the widows nnd orphans of the killed and Injured men while funds wore being gathered from some source to puy the claims If It were found possible to ralie such funds. Tho stnU Itself assumes no responsibility for paying such claims, nnd when the Insurance fund Is exhausted ex-hausted some other wny, not explained In the new plan, must be found to meet the debt. One single company now Insuring workmen In Utah has assets more than a hundred times the amount of the state Insurance fund, nnd as all rnmpnulos ure compelled by law to sell Insurance ut tlie same rate an the s'tnte 'lierti's and to give ex-uctly ex-uctly the snme benefits the stnte gives, those who have studied the niattor see a great disadvantage to nil concerned. Prominent people In the agricultural sections nro becoming aroused to the situation us they begin to realize (bat, although fanners nro not benefited or concerned In any way In workmen's compensation InMirnnee, ns farms ana small businesses are not covered by the law, the expenses of conducting the bUblni'ss lire paid out of general taxes. This means thnt If anybody is to benefit by the pUn they nro to bo benefited at the espouse of tho f.fr-iner. f.fr-iner. As the scheme, If It Is extended to Include In-clude all the business In this class being be-ing done in the stnte, will greatly Increase In-crease the expenses of operations, In salaries, office expenses, traveling expense, ex-pense, etc., to bo paid out Vif general taxes and at the sumo time deprive tho state of the revenue now coming from tho taxes paid by the insurance companies, It Is considered Inevitable that slate taxes must bo Increased. Prominent fanners have expressed themselves us being emphatically oi-posed oi-posed to the plan, as It will Impose additional tax bunions upon farmers who are alroady heavily taxed without with-out giving them uny benefits whatsoever whatso-ever In return. The Democratic party has been Induced In-duced to Insert a plank In the stnto platform declaring In fnvor of tho plan for stuto monopoly and hns pledged the next state legislature to enact such n law. Those who are opposed to it are appealing to the people, not as n palltlcal proposition, as both Democrats and Republicans nro actively active-ly opposing It. but strictly ns a business, busi-ness, measure, to send ltepubllean rep-rescntatlves rep-rescntatlves to the legislature to prevent pre-vent the enactment of the law. With tho state already nearly a million dollars dol-lars In debt, It Is urged, asldo from the question of Increased taxes nt a tlmo when people nro already taxed to the limit, that It Is dangerous and unwise for the stat,o to undertake n business that has proven so disastrous to other states. (Political Advertising) PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP GUARDIAN-SHIP NOTICES (Consult County Clerk or Respective Re-spective signers for Further Information.) In-formation.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate or Almlra Orglll, deceased. de-ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchors to tho undersigned undersign-ed at Garland, Utah, or to his attorney, Wm. J. Lowe, First National Bank building, Brlgham Brlg-ham City, Utah, on or before tho 12th day of December, A.D. 1918. JOHN J. SIIUMWAY, Administrator of tho estate of Almlra Orglll, deceased. WM. J. LOWE, Attorney for Administrator Date of first publication Oct. 3, 1918.- Dato of last publication Oct 31,1918. Sonday night's windstorm was certainly a fierco ono and it was a wonder Monday morning to see anything standing straight up. Jimmy Brough's new barn toppled over and we suppose that was about the extent of the 'damage in this locality. VOTE FOR G.G. 3WEETEN Everybody in tho Bear River Valley knows "Gill" Sweeten.tho live wlro from CollhiBton. And what's more, everybody knows him to bo a capable, honest, approachable, ap-proachable, 'genial gentleman, thoroughly competent to manage man-age his pwn affairs, which he has done with marked success, which qualifies him to manage public affairs. Mr. Sweeten is ono of tho biggest big-gest boosters tho Bear River Valley ever had. Never a movement move-ment which contemplated tho 'progress of this great valley and county was projected but that It hadIr. Swceten's support at tho start-off. , Ho comes in constant contact with the farmer at his farm and so rides over tho roads all over 'tho county. Ho knows a good road from a bad ono and appreciates ap-preciates It to. Ho is a thorough believer in spending money for good roads and his discriminating discrim-inating judgment will make it possible for him to spend money wisely. lie has never appeared before the electorate of tho county beforo be-foro but ho comes now and asks tho support of tho people with tho promlso that, If elected, ho will safeguard every public interest nnd give to the administration adminis-tration of tho ofilco of two-year commissioner that samo painstaking pains-taking and efficient nttontlon that ho gives to his own personal per-sonal affairs. He is built upon liberal lines, but carelessness Is as far from his makeup as the earth Is from tho moon. Ho will not bo afraid to vote for Im-'provementB Im-'provementB needed and yet at the samo time ho will not spend money recklessly. A vote for "Gill" Sweeten for 'COMMISSIONER means a vote for straight out progrcsslvcness In tho administration of county affairs and that ho is going to bo elected on Tuesday next, Is tho opinion of all his Republican friends as well as his Democratic Demo-cratic friends. Political Adv. SECOND NOTICE. "NO 'CIVILIZATION EVER RISES ABOVE THE LEVEL OF ITS HOMES" and no homo rises above the level of its reading. The Youth's Companion introduces tho whole family to tho best writers of Uio day thoso who contribute tho things that make better minds and happier homes. "No other publication would appeal ap-peal to me at this time" tells the exact story of the hopefulness i and entertainment and In-economy In-economy that Tho COMPANION gives each week in tho year. Every ago is liberally provided for, every wholsome Interest encouraged. en-couraged. Serials, Short Stories, Stor-ies, Rare Articles, Digest of tho War News, Special Pages and Exceptional Editorials. It is true that your family needs Tho Companion tho coming year. They deserve It with all Its help. It takes tho place of many papers, so great is its variety and at tho price of one. Still $2 a year, 52 Issues. Don't miss Grace Richmond's great serial, Anno Exeter, 10 chapters, beginning December 12. Tho following special offer Is mado to now subscribers: 1 Tho Youth's Companion 52 Issues of 1915. 2 All tho remaining weekly issues is-sues of 1918. 3 The-Companlon Calendar for 1919. Xll of tho above for only $2, or you may Include 4 McCall's Magazine 12 fashion fash-ion numbers. All for only $2.50. Tho two magazines may bo sent to separate addresses if desired. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Commonwealth Ave. & St Paul St., Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at i this Offlco. Eighty cases of Influenza are reported to exist in Portage and tho following deaths havo already occurred: Miss Verna Parkinson, Oliver Hosklns, Vera Hawkcs and the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall. 4348 b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher.) Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Salt Lako City, Utah, October 18, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Ellas II. Beckstrand, of Salt Lako City, Utah, who, on August Aug-ust 27, 1913, mado Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011820, fof W, section 10, Township 13 North, Range 10 west, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notico of Intention to make five-year Proof, to estadllsh claim to the land abovo described, beforo the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah, oil the 30th day of November, Novem-ber, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: John Fctzer, C. II. Cariqulst, Lewis Telle Cannon, all of Salt Lako City, Utah, and J. C. Cut-L'or, Cut-L'or, of Snowvllle, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, O 24-N21. Register. 4 348b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A (Publisher) Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofilco at Salt . Lake City, Utah, October 9th, 1918. 1 NOTICE Is hereby given that Gyrus E. Clark, Jr., of Rldge-dale, Rldge-dale, Idaho, who on April 19th, .1913, mndo Homestead Entry, ScrinlNo. 011401, for NEtyl-SWii NEtyl-SWii , E'oNWli, NWViNEVi, Section 34, Township 15 North, Rnngo C West, Salt Lako Meridian, Meri-dian, has filed npllco of Intention Inten-tion to mako five-year Proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo the Clerk of tho District Court, at Brigham, Utah, on tho 23rd day of November, Novem-ber, 1918. Claimant nnmcs ns witnesses: Kuman Tarbct, C. E. Crapo, ' E. E. Clark, V. D. Bishop, all of Ridgcdalc, Idaho. GOULD B. BLAKELY, O10-N7 Register. fASsTiREpI WANTED Reliablo party to sell our well known lino of merchnndlso In Gar lad and surrounding territory. terri-tory. Address Grand Union Ten Company, 345 Pierpont Avo. Salt Lako City, Utah. Octl7-31 Adv. WANT A HOME? If you intend in-tend buying a homo in Brlgham City or nearby, get In touch with John E. Baird, who is able to get you Just tho place you want at tho right price and terms. Ho am also give you tho best fire insurance service. Wrlto him; phono hlm-rJohn E. Balrd.Brlg-ham Balrd.Brlg-ham City, Utah. sep.Stf Open Sunday's only. Spang-ler's Spang-ler's Photo Studio, Trcmon-ton. Trcmon-ton. Jn. G,-tf. adv. B. Howell Jones Attornoy-at-Law Will practice In tho U. S. Supremo or Circuit Courts, Stnto Courts and U. S. Land Department Suito 33 "First National Bank Bldg. BRIGHAJV1 CITY, UTAH Money to Loan Special5 Shumway & Evans Garland, - - -. Utah Billiards, Soft Drink, Cigar Cigarette and Tobacco A pleasant place to spend your leisure hours. A Resort for the People MANAUSA BLOCK Garland, - - Utah Go No lid Cafe a good place to ' EAT meals at all hours. MRS. G. S. MOWItY, Prop. Garland, Utah. Garland Milling Company Com-pany Manufacturers of the Famous PRIDE OF UTAH Straight Grade FLOUR -Also all kinds df Mill StulT-The StulT-The best mill in the Bear River Valley Highest (!nsh prico paid fot GOOD WHEAT. Whoat nc uepted for storage to be drawn out in flour." ' NEAR TLIE DEPOT Garland, - - Utah WM.'E. DAVIS LAWYER Practices in all Courts First National Bank Hid; URICHAM. UTAH Hadley's . GARAGE and LIVERY Tremouton, Utah Phoue 18 Cars at all time's for Pas-sender Pas-sender Traffic, to all parts of tlie county. Automobiles repaired and cared for by the day or week Oosol'ne, Oils nn! Supplies H;gjeyYou Tremonfon Furniture Co. LICENSED ESVSBALMERS AND Undertakers Full and Complete Line of Caskets and Goods. Tremonton, Utah essuNiclit Plioun-39-o 8" ML W. LANEY 9 Contractor and Builder First Class Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE ' Garland. - - - Utah HOTEL Garland, Utah D. L. Farntworth. Manager, STRICTLY MODERN Wilh Pure Mountain Water, hot or cold Run on the European V Ian. With Beat of Service MEAL HOURS j 7 to 9 a. m. 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to 9 p. m. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK ! Roomi, 75c and $1. With Bath, $1.50 . j It will pay you to make thit place , your home while in the city. E- GETZ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Permanently Located I have tho oxporlonco and training, together with aii mo-dom mo-dom equipment for properly testing the eyes. HONEST TREATMENT PRICES REASONABLE Tremonton, - - - UtaKt OCT ncrrve You'll not get soaked on any- I kSC.1 KLKJ thing you buy here. PHILOSOPHY I 2 j Dependable I $ GROCERIES j I I lr Wllf nt r,ght pr,cos aro th9 k,nd i : I JKfP? rM I you'll got at our stora. If?lrfw (ArTt 11b can of 'Ryzon," tho per- ': I illtv " 'I fcct Baking Powder and a $1 ! HS$IT ' ' Cook Book for 40c ! I J01' 'Unj JBls s'J,10UijV if I Ktr vL Smoked Bacon, per lb. . . 55c j I Q Lv California figs, per paper. .10c ijj I I li Dromedary Dates, per v I ne. who takes b plunge ill pnpQr 25c ; theStXf market ;?Y Seeded Raisins I I TO efr SOBked. 2 papers, for 25c i: l Matches, por box 5o ji COMPARE OUR CASH PRICES WITH PRICES ELSE-;; I WHERE I MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES? I HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR I f LADIES READY-TO-WEAR I HOUSE DRESSES AND WAISTS I ! - WORK SHIRTS ANR'OVERALLS I HATS AND CAPS I i I i WE OPERATE TWO. STORES AND MAKE NO DELIVERY.: . I 5 A BIG SAVING TO YOU. I j CmUmA meroantad CoJf I HOME OF RED PEP I I PHONE NO. SIX GARLAND, UTAH I |