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Show I gzS WAR WORK American women .V2C nurses mo installed J& rear of tho fighting JtfTi, ,v- 'incs "ovcr Usre." MfjUCY night hcro ftt homo mhrf many women j&&&mar should lcam nure-fc!3 nure-fc!3 tog to tako caro of rfl no "Jok or, in taJUH MSi emergencies, tho . . I wounded. You can irMlit learn a great deal - 11 by obtaining tho 'Medical Adviser" a book of 1,000 pages, bound in cloth, containing chapters chap-ters on First Aid, Bandaging, Anatomy, Hygicno, Sex Problems, Mother and Babo. 200 prescriptions for ncuto and chronio diseases; profusely illustrated by wood tuts and colored plates. Ask your druggist drug-gist or send COo. to Publisher, 003 Main Btrcct, Buffalo, N.Y. If a woman is nervous or has dizzy tpells, suffers from awful pains at regular regu-lar or irregular intervals sho should turn to a tonio mado up of herbs, and without with-out alcohol, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is Dr. Pierco's Fnvorito Prescription, which can bo procured at any drug Btore, in cither liquid or tablets. If you 'wish to obtain a ten-cent trial package, send to Dr. Pierco's Invalids' Hotel Buffalo, N. Y. Tho restorative power of Doctor Pierco's Favorilo Prescription speedily causes womanly wo-manly troubles' to disappear assists tho organs to properly perform their natural functions, overcomes irregularities, rc-moves rc-moves pain and misery at certain times and. brings back health and strength to nervous, irritablo and exhausted women. Then, for tho liver and bowels nothing is o (rood as Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets. Unemployment In Scotland has tils-npponred. tils-npponred. duo to tho dciunnd for Inlmr. Stop Losing Calves You con Stamp Abortion Out of YOUR HERD and Keep It Out JV th n:e ef A"ef- D"' DAVID ROBERTO pS "Anti -Abortion" XffiflU Small Expcnit SmZc Eaallr Applied. Sure Rcaulta. MbwBw Uieil uccrithilly (or JO ycaia. BA Cnnanlt Dn. DAVID rtODKIITB BBr about nil nnlmal allmri t. Jn formation trrt. Ftnii lor FI1EK opr of 'The Caul Spec lalltt" with full Infer-nation Infer-nation on Atsnloa li Caws. I)K. DAVID FOIFRTS VBTERLNAAV CC 100 Grind Arc flauluba. Wbc I I LIFT OFF CORNS! With fingers! Corns and calluses cal-luses lift off. Nopalnl Magic I Just drop a llttlo Freczono on that touchy corn, Instantly It stops aching, then you lift tho corn off with tho fingers. Truly! No humbug I Try Freczono I Your druggist sells ft tiny bottle for n few centH, sufllclcnt to rid your feet of every linrd corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without one pnrllcle of pnln, soreness or Irritation. Freczono Is tho discovery of n noted Cincinnati genius. -Adv. Soothe Baby Raiheo That Itch and hum with hot baths of Cutlcurn Sonp followed by gentlo anointings of Cutlcurn Ointment. Nothing better. For frco samples address, ad-dress, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists and by ninll. Soap 20, Ointment 25 and 00. Adv. The Japanese language I now Included In-cluded In the course of study In the high schools of Australia. i It's Acid-Stomach That Hakes Millions Sick and Suffer I.I ro la dark not worth much to tt (let rid of (he rsrraa nclil. Tblt'l roan or roman with an acM'Slotoaeli. tba arcrvt of swul Uraltb aul U the out AcM stomach kill IIvik, Ambition, way to obtain swl dlfi-atlon ami antra. V.nertj, Uouras. It aana tin atrrmtb of llatlon. It la tho right war to b well and the etruiurat brxlr IrapoirrliliM Ihe kwp atronj. Ordinary tunica won't do blood mum untold autrirlng-raaaen any Inline irood. The brat tbr can do nllllona weak. uoSt and brlnia on I' to la to iir up Jour appetite. Wbrn the mature old age. stimulating rffrcta wiar off, you are You know what acld rnoulh flora to wweo off than efr. teeth and gome how the acid lllerallr A modern rtoinly wakes II posalbls rata through the bard enamel, caualoj to rrmore eictaa acid without the alliht- the teeth to decay. Juat Imagine, then. nl illacpinfurt. It la called KATONIO, What haroe an arid stomach muat d to In the form of pleanot taatlug lablrls. tlw delicate oryanliatlon of the atooiach. Their action In the atoraach 1 a good Hllllona of people are weak and unlit. oral like a piece of blot jg paper taklnir offering all the Im., In one way or an- UP drop of Ink-they "Jerallr ab.ort, olhrr. from aoperacldlty or acld atomach. the InJurlo-u. "'".!m?.. " They don't aeem danger.rn.ly alck. "". the 'n'1'nM,-., , Jo.t ailing. Oolni thtough life weak. ncgln u.lng KATO.NIO right now-to- llatleae, dragging one foot after another. day-and ret on the road to boandlni, r;uBceounen.Vy,,,.T;i.,r?, vxziKniw uXSZ MlndST'. lltt?n" h'e"l.ch?.! KATO.MO .re eUui..tlc In -.?'- uhject to Ota of melancholia and menial They .ay they nerer J"''ned,,'b"' cepreeelon. And nearly alwaya their thine could bring I htm auch quick relief. lomacha are out of order, eren though KATONIO la absolutely guaranteed u many eiperlrnct no actual atoiiavh palna get a big 60c )oi from your dnigglat. If dlgeatlon poor nerer getting anjwhere It doa not h'p you your money will be near Ihe hill strength from their food. refunded. If jour drngflat rtca not keep Ho ynu eee. tt'a Juat thla acld aiom KATO.NIO. aend your name and artilrrei tu ach lhat la hoMlag ao many people baik tl' Katonlc Itcmedy Company, 1018 H. earning im the atrrnatli they ahould Wahath Are., Chicago, III., and they will get from tbdr food taking away their at once mall you a HOc Imi and you can rigor and tltallty learlnj them weak rpnl Iheui the money for It aftrr )oU re- and locfflclent. cilre It. I Carter's little Liver Pills I You Cannot be A ReSe,dy Constipated amtd rMihS-L-oo,iHonnv Wwtue Worth Living and Happy jBrImR au.m. Small PHI jHf HPILLS. A nSKNCB of Iron In the BARTER'S IRON PILLS , rigSg CwreSybe.pfnostpa.e.facedpeop.e One Dose of the Guaranteed Blackleg Vaccine Made by Dr. O.M. Franklin, tho originator, la GUARANTEED TO PROTECT A CALF FOR LIFE AaUNST BLACKLEG It hai atoodthe test for orerfour yeara on orer a million calreaandouruaera hVTOOverV cldencoln t. WS BACK THAT CONFIDENCE will, a WRITTEN GUARANTEE l( you MTOorerycMuiaenwi i. ,ryeu,ty eenti perdo. Or will tend youtha SAME VACCINEfor fSS ... (Wrtyct. per doSo without the Guarantee We make ONE QUALITY OF VACCINE fiftflKfONLY. Syrlngforlnieetlng,J2.50. Wrltaua about It. JT THE KANSAS BLACKLEG SERUM CO. 0ly 600 Ur. Stock Exchang. Pldg. DENVER. COLO. Kx JV PARKER'S I Deep-Seated Colds Wpirf3 ' .! . .,.h oPrTIriL derelov erfou complication! If neglected. fSlTfl tor". Uae an old and trme-tried remedy that H ForRutoring Color and bag tlven satisfaction lox more than fifty year W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 44-1918. S I aVlP ta LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSSJEVERISH HURRY, MOTHERI REMOVE POISONS POI-SONS FROM LITTLE 8TOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIG8 AT ONCE IF BILIOU8 OR CONSTIPATED. Look at th tongue, 'mother! If coated, It Is u sure sign that your llttlo llt-tlo one's stomach, liver and bowels needs n gentle, thorough cleansing at once. s When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't cat or net naturally, natu-rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has i.toniiich-nche, sore throat, dlarrhrcu, full of cold, glvo n teaspoonful of "California Syrup of I'lgs," nnd 'o. n few hours all thu foul, constipated wnste, undigested food nnd sour bile gently moves out of the llttlo bowels without griping, and you have n well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick, children to tako this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, nnd It nlwoys makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for n bottle of "California Syrup of rigs." which has directions for babies, children of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Ilowaro of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get tho genuine, nsk to see that It Is mado by tho "California "Cali-fornia Vie Syrup Company." Ilofusc any other kind with contempt. Adv. Important to Mothorn Ernmluo carefully every bottlo of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and cMldrcu, and fcce that It Bears tho ftf "T"" Signature rtC&ffl&ifeMi In Uso for Ovcr !i0 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Keep clean Intlde aa veil aa outride tr tatloc a gentle laiatlre at leaat once a week, aucb aa Doctor rierf" l'J-ant I'Heta. Adr. Munition laborers In Ilerlln, Germany, Ger-many, can earn t'20 Oto a month. A pure blue Is rimvu by experiment to ho tho not'irnl color of water. SPANISH INIira-WIIM IS I AND HOW IT SHOULD BE TREATED I Nothing New Simply tho Old Grip or La Grippe That H Was Epidemic in 1889-90, Only Then It Canie H From Rustia by Way of France and This Time by Way of Spain Go to Bed and Stay Quiet Tako a Laxative Eat Plenty of Nourishing Food Keep Up your Strength Nature Na-ture Is the Only "Cure" ALWAYS CALL A DOCTOR NO OCCASION FOR PANIC Spnnlsh Influenza, which appeared In Spain In Mny, hns nil the appearances of grip, or la grippe, which has swept ovcr tho world In numerous epidemics r.R far bnclc ns history runs. Hippocrates Hippoc-rates refers to nn epidemic In -112 II. C, which Is regarded by many to hnvo been Influenza. Hvcry century bos had Its attacks, llcglnnlng with 1831 this country has had flvo epidemics, epidem-ics, tho last In 18S0-0O. There Is no occasion for panic Influenza Influ-enza Itself hns n very low percentage of fatalities not over ono death out of every -100 cases, according to tho N. C. board ot health. Tho chief danger lies In complications nrlslng, attacking attack-ing principally patients In n run-down condition thoso who don't go to bed Foon enough or thoso who get up too early. THE SYMPTOMS Grip, or Influenza, or It Is now called, nMially begins with n chill, followed by nchlog, feverlshness, nnd sometimes nnuseii and dizziness, nnd n general feeling of weakness nnd depression. Tho tempcrnturo Is from 100 to 101, ond tho fever usual'y lasts from threo to flvo days. Tho germs nttock tho mucous membrnno or lining of the nlr possogrs, note, thront nnd bronchial tubes; thero Is usually n hard cough, especially bad at night; oftentimes n soro throat or tonsillitis, nnd frequently nil tho nppenrnnces of n severo head cold. THE TREATMENT do to bod at tho first symptoms, not only for your own sake, but to avoid spreading tho dlscoso to others tako a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet nnd don't worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's Powders, etc., may be administered by tho physician's directions to relievo tho nchbSg. Ilut there Is no euro or specific spe-cific for Influenza tho disease muit run Its course. Nature herself will tlirow off tho attack If only you keep up your strength. Tho chief dnnger lies In tho complications which may orlse. Iiiflucnzn so weakens tho bodily rt slstnnco that there Is danger of pneumonia pneu-monia or bronchitis developing, nnd sometimes Inflammation of thn middle ear, or heart affections. For thoso reasons rea-sons It Is very Important that tho patient remain In bed until his strength returns stny In bed nt leost two days or more after the fever has left you. or If you aro over GO or not strong stay In bed four days or more, according to the severity of tho attack. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS In order to stimulate thn lining of tho air passages to throw off tho grlppa germs, to nld In loosening tho phlegm nnd keeping tho nlr passages open, thus r.mklng the breathing easier, J'lck's Vapolluh will bo found effective. Hot, wet towels should bo applied ovcr tha throat, chest nnd back between tho shoulder blades to open tho pores. Then Vapoltub should bo rubbed In ovcr tho parts until tho skin Is red, spread on thickly nnd cover with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. Lcnvo the clothing looso around tho neck, an the bent of tho body liberates the In-gredlents In-gredlents In thn forin of vapors. These vapors, Inhnlcd with ench brent b, carry the medication directly to tho parts nffectcd. At the unnio tlmo Vflpnllub Is absorbed through nnd stimulates the Bkln, attracting tho blood to the surface, nnd thus aids In relieving tho congestion within. HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE Evldenco seems to provo that this Is n germ dlsense, spread principally by human contact, chiefly through coughing, sneezing or spitting. Bo nvold persons having colds which means nvoldlng crowds common drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of exercise In the open air, and good food. Ssa Above all, nvold colds, ns colds Irrl-Into Irrl-Into tho lining of tho nlr passages and render them much better breeding places for the germs. KEEP FREE FROM COLDS Use VIck's Vapoltub nt (he very first sign of n cold. For tt head cold, melt.n llttlo Vapolluh In n spoon and Inhalo thn vapors, or better still, uso Vnpo-Hub Vnpo-Hub In n benzoin steam kettle. If thla Is not available, use an ordinary tea SBfl kettle. Fill half-full or boiling wn-ter, wn-ter, put In half n teaspoon of Vopoltub from tlmo to time keep tho kcttlo Just slowly boiling nnd lnholo tho steam arising. Note VIck's Vapoltub Is tho din-covcry din-covcry of n North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine, In snlvo fnnn, Menthol and Camphor with such volatllo oils as ICucalyptus, Thyme, Cu-belts, Cu-belts, etc., so that when tho nlvo In op-piled op-piled to tho body heat, thoso trigrcdl-cuts trigrcdl-cuts aro liberated In tho form of va VnpoTlub Is comparatively new In PH New York Slntc and New England nnd n few Western states where It Is Just now being Introduced, but In other. sec-Hons sec-Hons of the country It Is tho ntnndanl homo remedy In more than n million: homes for nil forms of cold troubb Over six million Jars wero sold last year. Vapolluh can he hnd In threo sIzch at all dnigglsts. It Is particular-ly particular-ly recommended for children's, croup and colds, since It Is externally applied and therefore can be ued ns freely ns desired without tho slightest harmful effects. Xj rfV "Wormy." Hint's wlinl's tho matter of 'em. fitomni-T? Of 0l 0 ntul Intchtliuil worms. Koiirly ns bud us dlntcmpur. Cunt BBH Firm W tlZl 5ni too tiaic-h to feed Via. Luolc lisd aro bud. Dun t BSS il llle 'em to tleulli. fipiilm'x Ciiiiiimiiu1 will remove tint BSB V3 HjVSvV O worms. Improvo tlm npiu-tlte. nnd tono 'em up nil rouml SfQX nn.l (Inn't "pliyslc." Arts on nlnml nnd lilnail. Full BBS vrrov dlnrtlona with each bottlo, anil sold by all ilruitKl'l". BBfl MI'DIIV Ml:!)ICAI, CO., (Io.Iiph, Intl., U. M. A. Phlladeliihla Is to have S00 new dwellings, to be erected by the govern- Locust eggs, treated with sulphuric PBJ acid and lime, are used ns fertilizer In Meillterriineiin countries. Middle Aged Woitieiv ijmlJ I Are HereTold the Best Remedy SlrW i I I for Their Troubles. , f Freemont, O. "I was passlnff throuBh tho critical JjKSiHl if 1 MM, '4. period of Ilfo, being forty-Blx years of ngo and had all fgWwiV;. BH the symptoms lucldent to that change heat flashes, (yf9f M WI M fH nervousnoM, and waa In a general run down condUlon,fJffjfc Zr7 LftH so It was hard for mo to do my work. Lydla li. Pink- Sw"VVJ I V S , t JtH. BbI ham's Vegetable Compound was recommondcu to mo as V?X 'VB LTafafJ tho best remedy for my troubles,whlch It surely proved k- v3C X r -AiOm Bl to be. I feel better and etroncer In every way clnco w, ifZmSntfJl . . VtfH LPS . takings It, nnd tho annoying symptoms liavo dltap- A ZfJJl- geared." Mrs. M. Goddeh, 025 Napoleon St., rremont, VUmSK ii ii n i i n r i ii r nn i " i - i im irTifOV i i iTThbmMW bH Wo Compound restored my health after everything xlta lujJaMiFWBlOSlM had failed when paKslng through chanito of life. Incra mgWffPSiCSBKK9si BbI la nothing Ilko it to overcome tba tryiurr symptoms." V VVZW- gmXKUfB6& BbI Mrs. 1'loiie;;ce Iselu.,I!ox 107, North. Haven, Conn. nTbBBB iBfl I HYDIA E. PINKHAMSI I I VEGETABLE COMPOUND I I IYP1 A E. PI N KH AM M CD I C I N E CO. LYNN. MASS. Jj |