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Show MINES Ai MINI! It Is reported from northeast Tlntlc that the Copper Leaf bus struck oro In tho shaft. Tho story is that somo lead-sliver values canio In near tho 000-foot 000-foot iovel. Installation and successful operation of tho second nlr compressor for tho property of tho Western Utah Extension Ex-tension Copper company nt Deep Creek Is reported by General Munuger A. H. Custor. Some Improvements have been noted lately In both working faces of tho Kurcku-Llly, according to the latest Information from Hast Tlntlc, whero it Is located, adjoining the Standard on tho west. I Completion of the United Stntcs .Metals Reduction company's plant, located lo-cated fifteen miles out of Castletou and fifty miles from Cisco, for tho treatment of the radium-bearing ores there, Ib announced. Mining operators of tho west as n rule havo the unshakable opinion that after tho war mining will witness possibly pos-sibly n spectuculur as well as tho most substantial Improvement ever known to tho Industry. From Spokane, Wash., comes the re-port re-port that thu mines of Idaho, Ilrltlsh Columbia and Washington paid $5,028,-1102 $5,028,-1102 In dividends during thu third quarter of this year, nccordlng to figures fig-ures complied from latest reports ob-tnlnnblo. ob-tnlnnblo. From Fnlrbnnks, Alaska comes tho report that present day Alaska gold stampedes aro quiet affairs, genorally held with as little publicity as possible pos-sible by the men who rushed north In tho 1808 rush j nToro of It was heard In tho roadhouseo than on tho gold creeks, even thon. It is reported from Now York thnt fifty-six compnnlcs with an aggreguto authorized capital of $50,022,000 wore organized during September for tho dovelopmcnt of oil nnd gns resources of this country. This Is tho best showing for any month slnco April, whon tho total was $01,720,000. From Washington comes tho news thnt blast furnaces running nt capacity aro operated nt tho record production rate of B3.000.000 tons of steel und 42,- 000,000 tons of pig Iron a year, nccordlng nc-cordlng to announcement by tho war Industries board, thu demand Is approximately ap-proximately 00,000,000 tons n year. Sliver King Coalition property, among the largost silver producing mines In the world and tho largost In Utah, which was managed by tho late Senator Thomas Kenrns, will In tho future fu-ture bo directed by nn executive committee com-mittee headoil by W. W. Armstrong, president of tho Copper National bank. Placer mining Is now attracting more Interest In Nevada than for many years. A dozen or inoro-districts In tho state yielded placer gold In tho curly-day operations, conducted in ninny Instances by Chlncso miners, but tho lack of water lias long been supposed sup-posed to preclude successful placer mining. Considering Septembor was n short month nnd tho I. W. W. again attempted attempt-ed to obstruct mining progress, production pro-duction of 160,700,000 pounds of copper cop-per by twenty of tho roprosentntlvu copper companies did not compare un favorably with Augusts output, tins decline- nmountlng to but -1,851,000 pounds, says tho lloston Nows llurenu. War copper used by tho United States and tho allies, for seven months ended Just 31 last, Is estimated to Imvo been approximately 1,258,000,000 pounds, equivalent to 2,150,000,000 pounds annually. During this tlmo tho wur consumption of tho metnl by tho United States plonts wus more than double thnt of France, England, Italy und Canada combined. According to tho United Stntcs geological geo-logical survey, promising deposits of manganese huve been discovered during dur-ing tho last two years In the arid regions re-gions of tho southwest. Those yielded Inst year 20,000 tons of ore, which contained con-tained 35 per cent to -17 per cent manganese, man-ganese, und the output for last half of 1018 Is estimated at 6000 to 10,000 tons of over 30 per cent grade. Tho stnto council of dofenso of Idaho lias put tho "crimps" in scores of dll promoters by tho order Issued to tho effect that all stock must bo approved ap-proved by the capital Issues committee before It can bo sold. That means that u largo percent of tho wonld-bo oil companies now drilling In various parts of this und nelghborlng-Mutes will ccaso to operuto If they depend on stock sales receipts to prosecuto tho work. Any mining stock market thnt can come through tho parlous tlmos wo hnvo faced In the past four years with nny seniblunco of llfo left, may safely bo jwld to bo based upon something tangible and entirely comforting t thoso of us who loyally bellevo that northwestern mines offer belter opportunity oppor-tunity for Investment' than those of any other slmllur urea oh thu North American coutliiont, remarks Northwest North-west Mining Truth. I'eaco will bring mining prosperity. Information has been received that tho Mexican Combustibles company has brought In a well at Tamboyoche, stnto of Vera Cruz, which produces 5000 cubic meters, or more than 30,000 barrels of oil dally. This well Is 703 meters, or about 2283 feet, In depth. After thirty yenrs of continuous mineral min-eral production which reached tho maximum last year with an output valued val-ued at over, $51,000,000, tho Coeufl d'Aleno district today has nn assured future extending far beyond tho most optimistic predictions of thirty years ugot |