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Show Utah Industrial Indus-trial Review 0 Pacific Coast Manufacturer and Industrial Nows Bureau Oct. 28. Salt Lake "Tho 'great dream of those yho have long advocated the improvement of the desert section of the Lincoln Lin-coln Highway in the State of Utah, Is at last coming true. A real road In every sense of the word across the lower arm of tho Great Salt Lake Desert Is rapidly rapid-ly taking form" When production in the mining min-ing industries has been reduced by labor scarcicty, by growing Inefficiency of tho men who do work and when the Industry is paying enormous war taxes and is so necessary to the life of the nation, Is not a proper timo to Impose the multiple-system of taxation. S m i t It fl e 1 d Sugar factory crippled for help. Had to cm-ploy cm-ploy female hpp In order to run 'at tho opening. American Fork American Consolidated Mining Co. Incorporated Incor-porated to work Earl Eagle and Bog properties in this district. Eureka Shipments of oro from Tintle mines for week of October 18, totaled 144 carioada, valued at $275,000. iubllcjitllltics believe they aro ' as much entitled to' a 25 per cent increase in rates as the railroads are under government operation. Park City Shipments of oro for week of October 18, totaled 2,410 tons, estimated at $125,-000. $125,-000. Sprlngvlllo Sprlngvllle canning can-ning factory Hearing close of Its most successful season, with a total business of nearly $200,000 for the season. Utah pcacli crop brings growers grow-ers $500,000 Work on state road from Sevier Sev-ier bridge dam to boundary between be-tween Millard and Juab counties starts. Sprlngvllle Sprlngvllle-Ma-pleton Sugar Co. operating satisfactorily. sat-isfactorily. Though handicapped by labor scarclety, 1918 copper output will be record-breaker. Smithfleld Utah sugar beet production this year, must bo even greater in 1919. Tooelo Mnnganeso deposits of West Tlntic & Dugway, largo. Wool production and sheep husbandry have become a national na-tional Issue and the need of move clothing nnd ment supplies is an Imperatlvo war necessity. Portervlllo -- Fine fruit and -grain grown hero without irrigation irriga-tion Salt Lake Tlntic mill ships car of bullion valued at from $40,-000 $40,-000 to $00,000. Salt Lake Government calling call-ing for laborers and mechanics in Navy yard at Bremerton, Ut. Also asks for 1,500 men for eastern east-ern muuitionplants. Salt Lake- Utah Copper Co's. total subscription to tho Fourth Liberty Loan totals $1,000,000. Employees in ndditlon invest $300,000. Brlgham Record crop of apples ap-ples reported. Its up to tho taxpayers to give county and state matters a little consideration before election if taxes aro to bo kept down. Many thousands of dollars is spent that could bo saved if tho taxpayers tax-payers will Investigate and see tfiat useless expenditures are cut out. Ogden to receivo solid train-load train-load of Fordson tractors. State public utilities commJs- slon grants freight Increase to fl Utah Railway Co. New American oil wells total H 0.1G7 In September with flow fl aggregating 143,399 barrels. Salt Lake Bamberger Elec- H trie Railroad Co. asks rate In- fl creaso Utah plans to speed up truck transportation. Stato highway committee appointed to co-oper-ato with and form part of tho Council of National Defense. Ogden Amalgamated Sugar 'Co. begins slicing beets at fac-tory fac-tory here. Provo Peach growers ship 850 cars at high prices. Salt Lake Proposed increase In freight rates will strike blow nt canning Industry of Utah. Gunnison Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. buys Gunnison's beets. Ogden plant smashes canning records for greatest number of days in operation nnd size of output. Beaver County News: Tlie venerable political cry, "We are going to raise tho other fellow's taxes and reduce yours," seems to bo ono of tho principal argu-meats argu-meats offered in Bupport of tho constitutional amendment on taxing mines, which is to be voted upon in November. The proposition Is dangerous as a precedent ns well as dangerous In itself. There Is no tempor-ary tempor-ary emergency that can Justify 1 writing into tho con-stitutlon con-stitutlon a tax principle that fl makes all kinds of injustice and 1 Invites fraud and corruption by permitting taxing authorities to taxproperty high or low without limitations. Also, it is not wlso to put into tho constitution a provision which is not clearly understood and which would Inevitably lead to litigation, tho result of whichmight bo some- thing very different from what it was intended to accomplish. Tho amendment ought to be de,-. featcd by a heavy YOto. , |