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Show BRIEF REVIEW OF A IEMENTS RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT HAPPENING8 IN ITEMIZED ITEM-IZED FORM Home and Foreign News Gather) From All Quarters of the World, and Prepared for Duty Men INTERMOUNTAIN. Fr'd W. llerger, 00 years old, candidate can-didate on tho Democratic ticket for Hiile representative, was shot nt llerger, ller-ger, Idnlio, by Frank Dolnn, IiIh tenant, ten-ant, nnd is In u precarious condition. Tho shooting grew out of n qunrrel over tho turning of weeds on tho Her-gor Her-gor farm. .1. W. nnd W. A. Alexander, brothers, broth-ers, who hnd left Duchesne, Utah, for tho railroad with a shipment of cuttle, wero found dead In n tent nfter somo nf the stock hnd wandered Into u nearby town. Doth hod died from Influenza. In-fluenza. A call to coffee drinkers In Oregon has been sent out from food ndmlnls-tlon ndmlnls-tlon hendqunrtors, nt Portland, asking Hint they curtail the size nnd number nf cups of (heir favorite beverage. Rationing Ra-tioning will not ho resorted to, It was said, hut voluntary abstention was nsked. Holding Hint non-declarant aliens cannot be legally drafted Into the American nrmy, Federal Judge Hour-qiilu Hour-qiilu nt Iltitte, Mont., Issued a writ of habeas corpus applied for by John Na-porn, Na-porn, a Russian citizen, and ordered Ills release. Nnporu had been classed n delinquent by tho Mlnot, N. D., draft hoard nnd Inducted Into military service serv-ice miller the rulo providing for such a procedure. t (Had to put up with the discomforts it u qtmruntluo to ho neilr their hoys n-hn lie III with influenza nnd pneumonia pneu-monia In tho huso hospttnl at Camp Lewis, Wash., nearly 100 women lire qunrtered In tho V. W. C. A. hostess house und the Salvation Army rooms. DOMESTIC. Found guilty of snylng "President Wilson ought to bo bunged," John White, O'J years old, former Justice of tho pence nt VIckcry, 0., was sentenced to twenty-one months In tho Mounds-vllle Mounds-vllle penitentiary. Eighteen new ships of 03,000 total deadweight tons wore added to tho American fleet during the week end-'ng end-'ng October 23. Tho supremo court hns declined to Interfere with an order by tho governor gover-nor general of tho Philippines for the i deportation of it. McCulIoch Dick, cdl-tor cdl-tor of tho .Manila Freo Press, as tin nndeslrnhlo nllen becauso of the pub lication of articles reflecting on the Dutlonul guard of the Island. A fund of more thnu 5500,000 will be set aside by the supremo domain of the Knights of Pythias for tho enro and rehabilitation of disabled und Incapacitated In-capacitated soldiers and snllora, according ac-cording to the action of tho war com-mission com-mission nf tho order. A steuM shovel was used In ono of New York's cemeteries Sunday to dig n trench In which to Inter temporarily temporar-ily the bodies of victims of Spanish Influenza. In-fluenza. This extraordinary procedure proced-ure wus mndo necessary by n shortage of grave diggers, coupled with the largo number of deaths. Three hundred mid forty-three per-tons, per-tons, most of them outbound Alaskans ntiil residents of tho Yukon territory, lost their lives when the Canadian Pacific Steamship company's passen ger steamer Princess Soplilu wns lint-tered lint-tered by storms, dropped to tho bottom bot-tom of Lynn canal, nn arm of tho Inside In-side Parage not far south of Skng-way, Skng-way, Alaska. Nebraska antl-suffrnglsts lost their fight t securo submission of thu state's woman cuff rage law to u referendum ref-erendum vote for npprovnl or rejection rejec-tion by tho voters nt tho election November No-vember 5. J, Norman Cook, charged with having hav-ing stubbed to dentil William llrnd-wny, llrnd-wny, 50 years old, ndinirer of his daughter, Norma llllss Cook, surrendered surren-dered to tho police- of Harvey, III. The New York metal market, which exchanges war savings stamps for metal of nil kinds, has received a bronzo statue of Ilismnrck. It will be melted down for use lu tho manufacture manufac-ture of cannon. Now express rates Involving nvcr-ngo nvcr-ngo Increases of about 10 per cent, applied ap-plied mainly on short hauls, will bo Initiated shortly by tho American Hallway Kxpress company with tho approval ap-proval of Director General McAdoo, to rnlso $1' 1,000,000 added revenue. Complctu elimination of tuberculosis by the Introduction of nitrogen into tho pleural cavities Is expected from an operation performed nt tho Metropolitan Metro-politan hospital, New York, by Dr. J, A. Do Olivelra Dotelho, a noted surgeon sur-geon of Ilrnzll. Tho mean nllowniico of dog meat In famished Holland Is two ouueos per Week for eacli nerson, It wns decinred by a passenger arriving nt an Atlantic .port on n Holland-American liner. To work nt somo essential Industry or labor for tho city nt the work farm will bo tho only alternative henceforth of tho able-bodied Idle men of Duiuth, Minn., who nro not In military service. Threo nrmy camps did not report n single new enso of Influenza ou Saturday Satur-day nnd only two, Kearny, Cul., and Lewis, Wash., reported moro than 100 I cases, Kiln Flngg Young, chairman of tha national woman's Liberty loan com-mlttcc, com-mlttcc, died nt Washington, October 20, of pneumonia, following nn attack of Influenza. Mrs. Young was prcsl-dent prcsl-dent of the National Education nssu-elation nssu-elation lu 1010 and 1011. She was su-pcrlntcndeiit su-pcrlntcndeiit or Chicago schools, n po-sltlon po-sltlon which she held for several A id ( nl i mi in price for packers' drove hogs of $17.50 a hundred pounds wns announced by the food administration after ii conference between the live stock subcommittee of the agricultural ' advisory hoard. A national campaign of education regarding tho conservation of coal, to ho followed by a system of pledge curds Is to he Instituted under govern-mental govern-mental supervision, according to speak-ors speak-ors ut a conference nt Chicago nf manufacturers from Illinois und Wis- WASHINGTON. While Germany's latest note to President Wilson was delivered to tin; state department ou October 28 through the Kw1b legation, cable dls-patches dls-patches from Europe brought Informs- tlon that the Aiistro-lluiigarhiu gov-eminent gov-eminent bad caused another comtutinli cutlon to he dispatched to the pros'.. dent asking that Immediate negotla-lions negotla-lions for pence nnd an armistice lie entered into without awaiting the re-suits re-suits of tlio exchanges witli (lormaiiy. Removal from Washington ns u melius of relieving the housing situ- BBl utlon In that city of such government departments ns could ns well transact BVJ their business elsewhere, Is deemed In- BBfl advisable In the opinion of President The United States shipping hoard Is BBb making plans for comfortable roturu lo thu United Slates of nit American HHfl soldiers abroad. These plans, how- HBb ever, It wus stilted by u member of tlio board, luivu no connection with nego- HBj tlathins for an armistice. HH Former .Senator Eugene Halo of HBb Ellsworth, Me., died October 27 ut his residence In Washington. Senator HBa Hale, who wus 82 years old, und who BVJ served thirty years In tho senate, had HBb been in declining health for miiny HH Upward revision nf wages lu nil shipyards of thu country to provide Bb uniform national rates for practically BVfl all tho shipyard trades, effective lm- HH mediately, Is announced by tlio slilii- HHfl building labor adjustment board. Tho wnr revenue hill will not be re-ported re-ported to the senate until after thu No-vember No-vember elections, Senator Simmons, chairman of the Semite tlmineo com-inlttee, com-inlttee, which Is revising tho house draft of tlie measure, announced Frl- FOREIGN. Diplomatic advices from Amsterdam say that tl.o peasants lu Lithuania have revolted and thousands of (hem if have Joined other deserters who uro hiding In forests und swamps, tier- . H man troops are declared to have be'iir i?biiiiiV defeated lu several fights with tho rH peiirunts, causing the governor to ask for reinforcement. ll Thu bodies of Hector Orustznky of the Kazan Cathedral of Petrognid and his two flulfjj'llctitciiauts, have been found floating In tho Neva river, no cording to a dispatch from tho litis- J shin capital. The men who had been B held ns hostages, wero executed by HHHJ thu Itolshevlkl, It Is asserted. HHHJ IlrltMi troops hnvo captured (lie lm- HHHJ portunt town of Kerkuk, lu Turkish HHJ Kurdestan, lying 153 miles north of HHHJ llagdad, according to tho wur office H announcement on operations in Meso- HHHJ HHHJ More than 0000 Austrian? wcro Ink- HHHJ en prisoner In the operations on' thu HHHJ Italian front Monday, according to thu HHJ war office announcement. HHHJ German officers nro now telling- HHJ their soldiers that all (iermiiu prison- HHHJ ors taken by (lie United .Slates troops HHHJ have their heads cut off whou taken ' HHJ to tlio rear. Tho obvious purpose nf HHHJ this Is (o prevent (ho men from glv- HHHJ tug themselves up voluntarily to tho HHHJ Americans, ns hundreds of (hem hnvo HHHJ HHHJ A winter of starvation Is n safe pre- H diction for Itussln. Indications uro H that it will ho ono of tlio worst winters HHHJ tho ltusslaii peoplo have experienced HHHJ In their HHHJ Five survivors from tho steamship HHHJ Dumurii, which was wrecked In Pa- HHHJ clllc waters about October 10, hnvo HHJ been picked up by an American vessel, HHHJ said a message received by tlio navy HHHJ department from tlio naval station at HHHJ HHHJ Gorman submarine activity readied HHHJ such a low state last week ns to he- HHHJ come almost negligible as n wnr mens- HHHJ ure, notwithstanding that many more HHHJ U-boats ure lurking In tho Atlantic HHHJ and tlio Mediterranean. HHHJ Threo American mining men are be- HHHJ lug held for $50,000 ransom by HHHJ F.plflnuo Dolguln, u Villa lender, near ' HHHJ Villa Ahumadn, Chihuahua. HHHJ The resignation of General Luden- HHHJ dorff, thu brains of the German mill- HHHJ tury system, is popularly Interpreted HHHJ ns heralding Germany's acceptance of HHHJ the allies' armistice terms. HHHJ Vlcnun Is threatened with u food H crisis in tlio most acute form. Tito HHHJ Vosslscho Zeltung hears that deputu- H tlons of Austrlnns have gono to Her-' HHJ iin and Dresden to beg urgently for HHHJ immediate usslstanco to avert the HHHJ worst consequences. HHb Tho Austrian military command hns ' H informed tho allied governments that HHHJ flyers who throw propaganda leaflets H will bo shot If they nro captured. In H turn tho governments of Franco mid HHHJ Italy have Informed the Austrian com- H inand thnt two Austrian flyers 'liivvu, HHHJ been shot for the sumo reason " ' HHHJ |