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Show UTAH STATE NEWS Salt Lako men, women and children numbering 30,000 cultivated 8000 wnr gardens, aggregating 1400 acres, this season, and produced yields valued nt $760,000. A grand Jury, to meet on November 18, for tho spoclnl purpose of Investigating Investi-gating the uffulrs or tho defunct Merchants Mer-chants bank, nt Snlt Lake, was ordered or-dered last week. As part of u untlon-wldo movement n drive has been Inaugurated In Utah for contributions of photograph records rec-ords to bo sent to home cantonments and to the concentration camps ubrond. Though salaries of principals nnd teuchers of the Salt, Lako schools have been paid to October J8, they must make up tho tlmo absent from tholr classrooms on account of tho epidemic of Influenza. Tho bodies as well as tho hearts of 200 boys at the University of Utah wore wanned last week by the receipt of that number of hoinc-nindo sweaters sweat-ers from thu Ited Cross supply depot nt Fort Douglas. The Historical musomii, which tins been In course of construction in the' Temple grounds at Salt Lake for some time, Is complete us far as the building goes, but will not be ready for the public for u month or more. In tho fourth Liberty loan Snlt I-al;n subscribed $11,115,150, tho subscribers subscrib-ers numbering 50,140. The quota of subscribers wus 31,200 and the amount was $t0,212,700. This Is more than $000,000 nbovo tho allotment. Former United States Senator Thomas Kearus, who died October AS, 1018, left no will. Statement to tills effect Is Included In tho application made by tho widow, Mrs. 'onnlo',.T. Kcarns, for letters of administration. Tests mado by Marcus K. Jones, Salt I.nko botanist and chemist, who has been studying tho rubber plant of Utah under thu direction of thu University Uni-versity of Cnllfornhi, show that tho plant yields as much us 10 per cent of Its weight In rubber. William Prlco Appleby, pioneer, pony express rider und enrly day law yer, died at Snlt Lako, October 2T, nt tho ago of 80 yenrs. Mr. Appleby, who whs a nutlvo of Now Jersey, came to, Utnh at tho ngo of 11 yeurs, nnd has resided hero since. Thomas K. McKay, of Himtsvllle, is recovering from injuries received nt Llhorty, In Ogden valley, when his nutomobllo collided with u hog. Tho force of the collision cnused the cur to turn turtle, nnd Mr. McKny wus pinned benenth tho car. Kxtreme effort Is being mndo by J. Kdward Taylor, head of tho production produc-tion department of tho Utah food adj ministration to provlflo cars for the shlpmunt of cattlo and sheep from tho district near Thompsons, the stockmen stock-men of, which hnvo mado an urgent appeal. Utah food administration offlclnls aro sending out Instructions regarding food and Influenza. Unwrapped bread, unwashed fruit skins, bakery products exposed to tho nlr, food handled with unclean hands nnd unsanitary milk mny nil bo exeu'lent curriers of tho disease. .Surgeon General Itupert IHuo has notified Dr. T. II. Ileutty, stnto health commissioner, thnt ho has applied to u dozen Inrgo cities In a vain attempt secure nurses to send to Utah. Nono Is available and another call has been Kent out by tho lted Crow for volunteer volun-teer nur.es. Ono thousand four hundred nnd thirteen thir-teen men of tho September 12 registration, regis-tration, between the ages of 10 nnd 110. Inclusive, nnd a total of 127 registrants regis-trants prior to that date, ure available for tho call Intimated by General Crowder, to bo made within tho next few duys. Preliminary announcement of calls on draft registrants of tho state which possibly may mean ns initny ns 3000 men being Inductod luto tho army in November nnd December-osslbly, indeed, in-deed, enriy In Novomber from this statu, whs received ut draft headquarters headquar-ters lost week. With eggs selling In Salt I-nko at from 00 to 05 cents a dozen, now Is thu time to get into the poultry business, busi-ness, according to Prof. II. W. Sanborn, San-born, extension poultry husbandinun at thu Utah Agricultural college Ho Is urging the housoholdur to stock up with a few hens. Ituther than fuce a court-martial because be-cause ho could not get buck on time, Frank llennott, soldier aviator, who was released recently from tho Fort Douglas hospital lifter recovering from Spanish Influenza und wus on Ids way to Sun Antonio, Tex., attempted sulcldo nt Ogdeu, but will recover. An brdlnanru enacted by the Salt I.aUo City commission requires that nil veal .and port; shipped Into tho city by farmers must coiuo with organs ut-ttiched ut-ttiched to jKirmlt of Inspection there nnd must he accompanied by n eertltl-cutu eertltl-cutu from tho raiser In each Instance to tho effect that the animal was healthy. Drafted men with remedial physical defects will bu sont to camps for treatment treat-ment hereafter Instead of obtaining It ut home, ns has been thu practice. This ruling wns received from Washington Wash-ington nt stato draft heudquarters u few days ngo. Alleged to have committed a second forgery while ut liberty on his own rocognlzanco in connection with a' slmllur slm-llur charge, W, A. Taylor was rearrested re-arrested ut Salt Lake. It Is said Taylor Tay-lor gavu u check for $50 In payment 1'or a Liberty bond, receiving $io in change. |