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Show I LOCAL HAPPENINGS I "Keep the Homo Firos Burning" Election next Tuesday. Horace Smith of Camp Beauregard, Beaur-egard, Louisiana, is homo on a 20-day furlough. Ho was recently re-cently released from the haso hospital and is looking a trifle pale, but tho rest at homo will put him in 'lighting" condition again. o Tho Misses Charlotte and Adallno Kunz of Bern, who aro graduate nurses, will .'cave next Monday for Camp Travis, Texas, , .for a months' Instruction In , army nursing, preparatory to sailing for France. Montpelier Examiner, o Bialno Winters, who has been attending tho Carbon County High school at Price, is spending the "Flue" vacation at home. All school and public gatherings are closed at Price, but tho epidemic seems to bo subsiding in that locality, o Tho 0. L. Winters family 'received 're-ceived word from tho Central Infantry Officers' training school at Camp McArthur, Texas, that Elwood G. Winters had been ill with a light attack of Spanish Influenza, but expected to bo released from tho field hospital at any timo now as ho was very much improved, o Mrs. J. A. Wixoin and children chil-dren motored to Brlgham City yesterday. Owing to tho llnger- ing illness of Master Kenntch, sho took him to Dr. It. A. Pearso to undergo a physical examination. examina-tion. Dr. Pearso stated that tho lad had been afflicted with infantile in-fantile paralysis and that ono of Ills legs was parallzcd and that 'tho other was partially so. The developments aro certainly a i severe blow to tho fond parents I who havo had no end of sickness ' and sorrow during tho past year. . o Attorney W. E. Davis of Brig-ham Brig-ham City, gavo this offlco tv pleasant call Thursday of this week. Ho Informed us that a lino 10-pound son blessed his homo last Sunday. He, Wynn L. Eddy and other Democratic Demo-cratic candidates, wcro out on a littlo "campaign" tour. Mr. Davis Is tho Democratic candidate candi-date for county nttornoy and Is a bright young man who is well suited and thoroughly qualified for that position. In fact wo feel quite confident that ho will ' bo tho next county attorney. Mr. Eddy is tho county food administrator adminis-trator and was calling on tho business houses in tho interest of his work. Ho also visited tho 'Globe sanctum. |