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Show GERMAN SOLDIERS ARE GIVENNO, RESTi ALLIED FORCE8 CONTINUE WITH 8UCCE88 THEIR DRIVE8 ON IMPORTANT SECTOR8 American 16-Inch Naval Guns Are Hammering the Huns Railway Centers Cen-ters Back of Olse-8erre, Being Operated by American Boys. London. Germany's hard - pressed rehllcrs aro being given no rest ns the Ilrltlsh, French nnd American forces contlnuo with success their drives on Important sectors from north of Valenciennes to east of tho Muuse. Meanwhile the Italians arc pushing uhead in the region of Monte Gruppn. The Americans, Ilrltlsh, French, Italians Ital-ians and llelglaus havo all been victorious vic-torious on the western front, nnd ns there nro plenty of reserves to bo thrown In whenever it becomes necessary, neces-sary, General Foch will undoubtedly hold the whip hand to thu end, which may come at any time. Ono of the Important events of the past week on thu western front was the placing of American 10-Inch naval guns In position und their participation In the operations. These guns nro hammering tho German railway centers cen-ters hack of tho Olsc-Serru front. They are operated by offlcors nnd men of the United States navy, tinder command com-mand of Itcnr Admiral Plunkctt. On the eastern front the success of the allies Is of tho utmost Importance. The French have crossed thu Danube Into Itumanln nnd captured muny prisoners pris-oners nnd much wur material. The ScrblniiB continue in pursuit of tho enemy on tho Pnracin-Knrallevo front, and somo hundreds of prisoners havo been taken during tho week. Tho Austrian nrc getting out of Serbia as fast as they can, for the troops huve lost their morale nnd no longer make any pretense of lighting manfully In the Held. Conditions In Austrln are even worso than In Germany, nnd disintegration of the empire is in progress. Hungary Is now nn Independent country, nnd the emperor bus announced that he It reconciled to tho resurrection of tho kingdom of Poland. Tho Ilrltlsh have resumed their offensive of-fensive agnlnst tho Turks in Mesopotamia Mesopo-tamia und success is following their efforts. Albania Is being evacuated by tho enemy and the allies have been uniformly successful on tho Archangel fronL Tho capture of German submarine sub-marine buses nn the Ilelglnu coast, together to-gether with tho activity of tho allied fleets, has practically annihilated tho U-boat monuce, und tho northern Ku-ropean Ku-ropean neutrals uru preparing to bring homo food to tho starving people. |