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Show Notes From Boys in Service n Battery C, 348 F. A. Am. Exptl. Forces, France. Sept. 9th, 1918. Editor Garland, Globo: Just received two copies of the famous home paper The Globo and I want to thank you and the committee for same. The paper Is very dear to me. I would like to tell you of my trip and the fun I am having, but I will wait, 'till I get back. The trip across the pond was great saw plenty of fish and large ones, too. You know I would like to get back to Garland, but Beelng your list of names wvho have received qucs-tionimrics, qucs-tionimrics, think I shall wait. Gee it puts the pep in a fellow when ho can look at a home paper and see that the people aro behind us It Just puts new life in all of us. Well, wo will soon be in action and I will tell, you more, "maybe." I am coming back to Garland when I do come back; I will call and see you. Say plenty of grapes and wine here, but If a fellow gets a drink of it ho remembers It it Is so sour that Its looks would scare the Kaiser. This place I am now In k Is about 700 years old arid the pifrNt$L people are .manyyears behind four up-to-date times. The people peo-ple aro plowing with cows and do all their work by hand. The war has not Improved things one bit But nevertheless they are good people and will do anything i to make tis fellows feel happy. I see tho fellows are anxious to get n crack at tho Huns and can hardly wait. I hope the fellows coming will "hit" liko wo are going to. Tho weather here Is great, a few fleas now and then, but a fellow can get UHed to anything, any-thing, It seems. The last few weeks the weather has been a little cooler "very hot" in places for the Huns. I am busy and am glad I am here would liavo been hero sooner If I had known. Thanks a thousasd times for the paper, I remain, Yours truly, ' JACK. G. SHAY. U. S. S. Ky Oct 18, 1918. j Mr. W. A. Wixam, 1 Editor Garland Globe: I suppose you Consider it neglectful neg-lectful of me In not sending my thanks to you before this, for sending your paper to mo, but it has not been my fault as . . I have Just started to receivo it a few weeks ago, as my address was overlooked at tho Training station and I guess the papers that I should have received aro laying around tho station some- place. So to square myself am f writing now to send my sincere ! thanks to you and tho peoplo of Garland for your thoughtful ' consiredatlon of mo in sending I mo tho Globe. v 1 It certainly Beems good to get 1 tho old name paper and reading I tho news therein. 1 On my furlough I was In Gar- I land for a few hours and I fully 1 Intended paying you a visit, but on arriving there I had to sep so 1 many in such a short period of I time that it was Impossible for I " aio to see everyone.so I'll try the I next time I go to Garland to '1 spend more time there. 1 I suppose you have received 1 many letters from tho boys in 1 Garland who have so patriotl- I cally answered the call of the -colors and no doubt the folks at I homo are proud of their town B boys in tho service and now I 1 .guess they are anxiously walt- Jng for thel rreturn to hear theli- 'I .tales of wonderful adventures. I I liko tho Navy and have seen much of tho world and have gained much experience since, enlisting. The dlsclplhi is good for mo and I am sum I will bo a beter man from tho experiences I have gained from Navy life. Well Mr. Wlxom I will have to knock ohnow as It Is tlmo far mo to retire to my dream bag. HonhiK tho "Fhit''" won't reach Garland and again thanking you for sending tho Globe, I am Your's Tritely, IIERSCIIEL SIIAW. Headquarters '17 F. A., Camp Kearney, Cal. Oct. 24, 1918. Editor Garland Globo: I received tho Globo today and was pleased to get same; I enjoy reading every bit of it and wisli to thank tho peoplo back homo for having it sent to me. I hopo I will receive it regularly. Yours truly, J. H. SORENSON. |